Monument to Putin in Geneva as a fighter for peace

Monument to Putin in Geneva as a fighter for peace
Monument to Putin in Geneva as a fighter for peace

October 7, 1952, a man was born who could change the world. A difficult 48 years will pass, and the name of this person will be known to all modernity. He will become the president of Russia, and the whole planet will talk about him!

Putin is the path to success

But on October 7, 1952, no one could even think about it. Vladimir Vladimirovich is a simple Soviet boy named after his father. Who would have thought that over time, the name Putin would be heard from every radio, TV and daily flicker on the front pages of news publications. His parents were ordinary Soviet people who in no way related to the political life of the country. Father is a sailor, mother is a factory worker. Childhood years passed unnoticed. After entering the Leningrad State University named after Zhdanov, Vladimir joins the ranks of the CPSU. Witnesses of that time say that it was during his student years that Vladimir Putin began to show leadership abilities and interest in public life. His whole life seemeda real test. Before sitting on the presidential chair, he had a we alth of experience and a huge amount of service to the Motherland! It is for this reason that a monument to Putin was erected in Geneva!

Monument to Putin in Geneva
Monument to Putin in Geneva

Putin in the modern world

This fact caused a strong reaction from the public. Each person reacted to this sensation in their own way. After all, in connection with the latest events in the world, and so only the lazy one does not talk about the current president of Russia. Opinions are very different. It's no secret that in the past few years, the Western media have been doing nothing but criticizing the work of the President of the Russian Federation. All events that are covered by foreign media are exclusively negative. Therefore, it is not surprising that the idea of this person among most people is very different. Someone believes that this is a great politician and a person who brought stability and peace to his state. And someone stubbornly says that Putin brought only discord and corruption to the country. Historians and experts do not believe words, they only believe facts. And if you rely on them, then over the past few years, it was Putin who was recognized as the person of the year and modernity (according to TIME). The brightest headlines and comments were dedicated to him. It is not surprising that art did not stand aside. And the fact that a monument to Putin was erected in Geneva is a vivid example of this!

Putin monument photo
Putin monument photo

Putin in Geneva

On the birthday of the most successful president of Russia, a monument to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was erected in Geneva. A group of activists made a 3-meter sculpture of the President of the Russian Federation in order to install it under the "Broken Chair" monument on the Square of Nations. The activists of this rally comment on their act by saying that this is the desire of many people to express their gratitude to the President of Russia for his peacekeeping activities. Having installed the sculpture exactly under the broken leg of the legendary chair, they decided to show the work that the president does, supporting all those in need. And the height of the sculpture symbolizes the height of his intentions in preventing loss of life where they can be avoided. In general, the monument to Putin in Geneva caused an incredible response among the local population and tourists who visited it. After all, not everyone treats the Russian president well, but everyone knows the history of the Broken Chair monument. And many did not understand the symbolism of why Vladimir Vladimirovich “repaired” this monument.

monument to Putin in Tver
monument to Putin in Tver

Broken Chair in Geneva

The idea to build such a monument came to Daniel Berset back in 1997. The reason for the creation of this monument was the events associated with the use of cluster bombs and anti-personnel mines. The building itself symbolizes the soldiers who were maimed and wounded by such weapons. At that time, the signing of a convention banning the use of such weapons was just planned in Ottawa. Daniel Berset and his assistant Louis Genet erected a monument in the Place des Nations, exactly opposite the European headquarters of the UN. Immediately after the signing of the convention, it was decided to remove the monument. But the document was neversigned. Thus, the sculpture has remained and to this day reminds everyone of the tragedy of using such weapons. For the manufacture of this monument, several tons of natural wood were spent, and it also has a height of 12 meters. The Broken Chair sculpture attracts a huge number of tourists every year. After all, both the idea of creation and the creation itself deserve worthy attention. It is also not surprising that it was Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin who became that “missing leg” in this work of art. Indeed, over the past decade, this man has become famous as the most famous politician who fights for peace!

broken chair sculpture
broken chair sculpture

Putin monuments around the world

Vladimir Putin is not just the president of Russia. This is a man who has earned at least the respect and admiration of people around the world. And it is not without reason that the monument to Putin in Geneva has evoked so many words and emotions in modern times. After all, despite the popular opinions of the public, there is hardly a person who can easily say how many monuments to the President of Russia have been erected all over the planet. And this is a clear sign that humanity on a large scale recognizes Vladimir Vladimirovich as an example to follow and admire. One of the main tendencies of this president's rule is the struggle for peace. Recent events in the world show this politician not only as an educated and cultured person. But also as a successful businessman and a wise political scientist. His contribution to the fight against war was appreciated by millions of people. Every country and every city began to striveerect a monument to Putin. Photos of the brightest sculptures all the time flash on the pages of well-known publications and news forums. Of course, not all people are able to appreciate the contribution of this person to the present. But even those who are dissatisfied with the rule of the current president of Russia, deep down they respect him.

Monument to Putin in Kostopol
Monument to Putin in Kostopol

What is Moscow famous for?

One of the most famous monuments erected in honor of Vladimir Vladimirovich is located in the capital of Russia - Moscow. And although its creator, Zurab Tsereteli, says that the monument is just an image, modernity cannot perceive it otherwise than as a monument to the President of the Russian Federation. This monument was called: "In a he althy body - a he althy mind." The politician is depicted barefoot, in a simple shirt and light trousers. Very similar to the President of the Russian Federation in a kimono. Indeed, for many it is not a secret that in addition to political achievements, Vladimir Vladimirovich pays attention to sports life. So, the president has a black belt in karate. The monument to Putin in Moscow was opened in 2004. Initially, it was planned to be transported to St. Petersburg, but then they decided to leave it in the capital. In these short 10 years, this work of art has attracted a lot of attention. Almost every day it is visited by a huge number of tourists.

monument to putin in moscow
monument to putin in moscow

Myth or reality?

Putin's popularity is growing every day. And many cannot live without daily sensations that relate to the work, personal life or world status of this president. Yes, a few yearsago there was information that a monument to the President of the Russian Federation was erected in Tver. This information instantly spread all over the world. But, according to the residents of Tver themselves, there was actually no monument. Some time later, when talk about this monument began to subside, a sensation broke into the world that this monument to Putin in Tver had been destroyed. Surprisingly, photos of a non-existent, but already broken monument began to appear on the Internet.

Kostopol. What do they think of Putin?

But the monument to Putin in Kostopol is a vivid example of how disrespectful people can be to other people's work and merits. The political situation in Ukraine, which has recently caused considerable discord between the two fraternal peoples, is now reflected in its culture. At the entrance to the city of Kostopol, a monument to the President of the Russian Federation was erected. This monument looked like a tombstone with symbolic inscriptions. It seemed as if the people of Ukraine had buried this man for themselves. The inscription on the plate marked the date of death on May 9. Anyone could put on this monument whatever he sees fit. Who exactly was the initiator of the installation of such a "monument" is unknown. But information has already appeared that the monument was broken.

erected a monument to Putin
erected a monument to Putin

Putin and the World

Speaking of the President of Russia, you can say a lot of things. But the most important thing for a true politician is to hear the voice of the people. The monument to Putin in Kostopol says that most people are dissatisfied with what is happening in theircountry. But as Mahatma Gandhi said: “If you want to change the world, start with yourself!” Therefore, the monument to Putin in Geneva has received great approval from the people of the whole world. And in just a few days, a huge number of tourists visited this monument and sincerely supported this action!
