Black beetle: orderly sent by nature

Black beetle: orderly sent by nature
Black beetle: orderly sent by nature

When a black beetle appears before the eyes of a person, the latter does not actually experience any emotions, except for disgust. Many are even afraid of the considered insects. But in fact, they cannot do any harm to a person, since most of the black-colored beetles are a kind of orderlies. They make sure that the area that people cannot clean (forests, meadows, even country roads and highways that connect large cities) remains clean.

Everything that was said above does not mean at all that the black beetle takes a small mop in its paws and washes the floor. Among the other representatives of the species of this color, the most common are the corpse-eater and the gravedigger. Both of these insects make a huge contribution to the improvement of meadows and forests, despite their dissonant names and nasty appearance. Each of them should be considered in more detail.

beetle black
beetle black

The first black beetle is called a corpse-eater. Based on the name, you can understand what, in fact, he eats. Such a representative cannot be found in the city, since here he will rarely be able to find food for him. Most often it is noticed in meadows, arable land, in the suburbs. It does not grow more than four centimeters, has a black color. His antennae are reddish in color. Consequently, they are easy to confuse with purely "decorative" natural representatives. Red-black beetles usually do not take a direct part in the processes occurring in nature and human life. But that doesn't mean they're completely useless. Even the smallest insect is important. Corpse eaters eat animals that have died or died of natural causes.

black beetle
black beetle

The next black beetle is called the gravedigger. Representatives of this species are somewhat larger than corpse eaters. However, they are not at odds with each other. Moreover, they can feel quite comfortable living in the united colonies. In these cases, their work will proceed at an accelerated pace. But when both species enter the mating season, they separate, because now they can not hurry. Gravediggers are hardworking orderlies who crawl under the corpses of birds and animals to dig holes under them. Beetles feed on carrion. And they find the corpses by the smell of rot and decay, which they can smell at great distances.

red black beetles
red black beetles

It should be noted that both beetles in question eat not onlydecaying animal carcasses. They can also act as a predator. But they do not have the opportunity to hunt nimble insects or small animals. That is why, when there are no corpses nearby, their diet consists of slow caterpillars, snails and slugs.

Thus, if you encounter a black beetle, think for a moment before trampling it. This insect cleans any area from the corpses of other animals with its own hard labor. Thus, it makes your walk in nature more pleasant and comfortable. These bugs get rid of the unpleasant smell of decay and rot.
