What is government? Its types and functions

What is government? Its types and functions
What is government? Its types and functions

We hear the word "government" many times a day, but we never think about its meaning. In the view of the average layman, the leadership of the country consists of people who decide something for everyone there. The majority of the population will not even be able to name more than 2-3 ministries, and even the name of a minister is, in general, knowledge on the verge of fantasy. Let's try to figure out what the government is, when it appeared, why it is needed at all, and what this governing body is in our country.

Government Definition

The state must have a number of necessary features, without which it cannot be considered as such. One of them is the existence of a centralized governing body in the country. Governments in one form or another appeared before our era, and one of the first arguments about what a government and state structure is, belong to ancient philosophers.

If we take into account all its types in the definition of the concept of government, we can come to the following statement. The government is one of the main governing bodies of the state, which regulates the work of all public institutions, is responsible for maintaining law and order withincountry, the well-being of citizens and protection from external threats, while using all available financial, administrative and military resources of society. In essence, the state government is nothing more than the executive branch.

What is government
What is government

What are governments

In different states, the executive branch is formed differently:

  1. On a party basis. If there is a party system in the country and one of the parties dominates, then the government there will be one-party. If several party organizations are in power, then such a government is multi-party.
  2. Non-partisan governments. They exist in countries with no party system at all. These can be absolute monarchies and dictatorial regimes (for example, fascist). Under a dictatorship, a formal party system may exist, but this is nothing more than a sign that does not solve anything. All power is concentrated in the hands of one person and a particularly close group of people.
  3. Majority and minority governments. They operate in countries where their members are appointed or elected. If the prime minister and members of the cabinet of ministers are supported by more parties in parliament, then this is a majority government, if a smaller number of parties are minorities.
  4. Transitional governments. They are most often appointed in crisis situations and can be formed according to a variety of principles.

State government
State government

Waysgovernment education

There are two main ways to form a cabinet:

  1. Parliamentary. Under this method, the prime minister is elected by parliament. Often he must submit for the approval of parliamentarians and the composition of the future cabinet. Parliament can pass a vote of no confidence in the government, after which the question of the resignation of the cabinet of ministers arises.
  2. Unparliamentary. Most often, with this method of formation, the decision on the composition of the cabinet is made by the president. The head of state also nominates a prime minister. At the same time, the president can make changes to the government on his own, without the approval of the prime minister. But in order to appoint the prime minister himself, the leader of the country often has to enlist the support of members of parliament.

Parliamentary formation is typical for parliamentary republics and monarchies, where the main person in the state is the prime minister. Presidential republics (Russian Federation) prefer non-parliamentary method of appointing the cabinet of ministers.

Government members

At any form of government there is a cabinet of ministers. No monarch in the past could rule completely alone. In fact, the so-called circle of associates has changed over time into ministries. The government as such is a purely executive body. The president (in a presidential form of government) or (in some cases) a dictator is also part of the government of a country. But they work more like generators of ideas and a higher authority. For following ordersand maintaining order in the country is still the responsibility of the cabinet of ministers, therefore, when answering the question of what the government is, we will have in mind exactly it.

Government changes
Government changes

The prime minister or chancellor is usually at the head of the cabinet, below him are the ministers directly responsible for their areas of work. Ministers may have deputies, and the prime minister usually has a deputy. Often, under the government or the president, there is a narrow circle of first persons of the state who make fundamental decisions. Virtually anyone can become a minister. Sometimes it takes excellence in the industry, sometimes some connections, and often both.

What is the government of the Russian Federation

The government in Russia, by law, has full executive power, together with the president and the Federation Council. However, the government itself is appointed by the head of state, he can also dissolve the cabinet of ministers. In carrying out its activities, the leadership of the Russian Federation is obliged to strictly adhere to the Constitution. Otherwise, the Cabinet of Ministers has full executive power in the country and every order of the government must be strictly followed.

The government of the Russian Federation includes: 20 ministries headed by federal ministers; 20 different federal services; 39 services that are subdivisions of federal ministries. The President, by his decrees, can create services and departments or abolish them. The main figure is the chairmangovernment. He can replace the president as needed. The prime minister has deputies, they are appointed by the head of state (now there are 7 of them), and they are responsible for key areas of the country's development. Next come ministers and their deputies.

Government Decree
Government Decree

At the government there is the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation. It includes key figures, including the prime minister, deputies, the chairman of the Central Bank, the minister of defense, and others. Boards have been formed at the ministries to resolve various issues. The Commission on Operational Affairs can also make decisions binding on the federal authorities.

As you can see, the structure of the executive power of the Russian Federation is quite complex. At the same time, a huge auxiliary apparatus is not directly included in the government. In addition, we should not forget about regional governments, each of which has its own ministries.
