Types of turtles: description with photo

Types of turtles: description with photo
Types of turtles: description with photo

Types of turtles are diverse and numerous, there are more than three hundred of them on Earth, they are grouped into 14 families and three suborders. Reptiles can be divided into land and water. The latter can be freshwater and marine.

These are the oldest animals on Earth that lived before the appearance of people. Usually in the wild they live in the tropics and temperate climates. Many people love to keep turtles at home.

Who can you most often meet at home

Among the most popular types of domestic turtles are the following:

  • Central Asian tortoise.
  • Red-eared turtle.
  • European swamp.
  • Far Eastern Trionics (Chinese).
  • Musk.

Turtles kept at home should not freeze, they are thermophilic. The temperature they need to provide must not be below 25 degrees Celsius.

Earth reptiles

All kinds of popular types of land turtles have significant differences in appearance, but strict classification according tolooks a little.

Scientists know three main suborders of turtles:

  • hidden neck - the most adapted to life;
  • side-neck;
  • shieldless.

The first two species owe their name to the way the head is retracted: in the hidden neck - vertical, in the side neck - horizontal. Turtles appeared during the Middle Triassic.

Side-necked turtles inhabit only the Southern Hemisphere. Hidden neck turtles live everywhere - in deserts, forest-steppes (maybe in water). They eat animal and plant foods. Universal reptiles.

Central Asian

Central Asian tortoise
Central Asian tortoise

Clumsy slow, frequent inhabitant of city apartments. This species is listed in the Red Book, it is forbidden to sell them, but who stops: in pet stores they are all the time … Under natural conditions, this species lives in Central Asia.

Despite the fact that outwardly they can be confused with other species, land turtles of the Central Asian "breed" have their own characteristics. Light-colored shell with dark shields, four-fingered limbs. The temperature in the terrarium should be around 30 degrees. These reptiles love open space, so they will live longer.


Outwardly, she looks like a Central Asian "sister". This species includes about 20 more subspecies, they can be found in different climatic conditions in different regions of the world. They are fans of a lot of the direct rays of the sun. Their shell sizes and colors are different. Its maximum diameter is 35centimeters. The back of the animal contains horny tissues in the form of a tubercle. The front paws are five-fingered, the hind legs have spurs. In an apartment with such a turtle, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 25-30 degrees.


egyptian tortoise
egyptian tortoise

Head in the sand… Not only ostriches and not only the head do this. Do you know what type of turtle is common in Egypt? It is the little Egyptian turtle that, at the slightest danger, immediately burrows into a hot, saving sandy hole. The reptile "wears" a shell that does not exceed 12 cm in diameter. The shield has a yellow color with a dark frame. It is also characterized by the absence of spurs on the hind legs. Most often, in addition to Egypt, they are found in Israel.


turtle species name Balkan
turtle species name Balkan

Visually, it cannot be distinguished from the Mediterranean breed, the difference is only in the diameter of the shell, it is smaller and does not exceed 20 cm. Light, with dark patches, it darkens with age, this distinguishes the Balkan from other types of turtles. The photo shows another of its features: a spike at the end of the tail.

types of domestic turtles Balkan
types of domestic turtles Balkan

Balkan reptiles live mainly in southern Europe, in coastal areas, while those that live in the west are smaller in size than those living in the eastern part. They can be kept in captivity at temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius.

Freshwater turtles. Musk

If you are going to have an aquarium turtle, remember that they need"house" with a volume of 200 liters or more.

This baby does not exceed 10 cm in length and is rightfully considered one of the smallest domestic turtles. The musky reptile has an unusual color: its body is dark in color, and on the neck there are bright light stripes leading to the head. It looks very unusual and contrasting.

For home keeping, this is perhaps the most unpretentious breed of the rest. She does not need special conditions, but she eats almost everything in a row - crustaceans, fish, grass, and cabbage - she is omnivorous.

As for the aquarium - she needs to provide solitude. Do not add fish to her and do not put algae there, she will simply eat them! Spare no water for the aquarium and provide an island of land in it, which is necessary for all turtles.


bog turtle
bog turtle

Visually, this type of turtle is characterized by a low and smooth shell, dark, with a greenish tint and light spots all over.

This individual is listed in the Red Book.

The turtle is characterized by thumbs with sharp claws and a considerable tail, which is about 70% of the entire body in length. The reptile itself is no more than 35 cm, and its mass is approximately 500 grams.

They can often be found in apartments and houses, they do not differ in any specific features. The breed has about 13 subspecies. They are freely sold in pet stores, do not require special care. Marsh turtles eat both fish and plant foods. They need an aquarium with a volume of 100 liters, whilean island of land can reach 50% of the volume of the entire aquarium.

Under natural conditions, lakes and ponds are considered the best habitat for marsh turtles, these reptiles are especially active during the day.


Red-eared turtle
Red-eared turtle

This is the most popular tortoise species and is often found in captivity. Includes about 15 subspecies, which are also called "decorated". The patches of red or yellow around the ears give it its name.

Reptiles grow 18-30 centimeters in length. The color of the shells of young individuals has a light shade, on the body there are characteristic green stripes. Males have more powerful claws and tail, which makes them different from females.

Feel great at temperatures up to 32 degrees. These are rather lazy and slow turtles, for their maintenance it is necessary to buy a large terrarium or aquarium, the volume of which is at least 200 liters.

Silty or bigheaded

This turtle has an unusual head shape. The size of the animal in length is 18 centimeters. Its carapace is small compared to its paws and head. The animal bites painfully, its teeth penetrate deeply into the tissues. Therefore, before getting such a pet at home, consider whether it is worth putting yourself in danger.

Chinese Trionics

Asian trionyx
Asian trionyx

Unusual, exceptional tortoise with soft, leathery green shell without scutes. Does not grow more than 20 cm.

There is another amazing feature of them - a trunk instead ofhabitual nose, and three fingers on the paws. Thrionix's jaw has dangerous sharp edges, thanks to which the animal grabs prey in the water.

In China and Japan, these turtles are eaten with pleasure, their meat is valued and equated with delicacies. Trionyx itself feeds on fish and crustaceans.

If you decide to keep one at home, remember that this is an active, quick-responding turtle, it can be aggressive and bite. It is very difficult to tame her. To keep it, buy a spacious 250-liter aquarium with a thick layer of soil on the bottom and fill it with water.

Caspian tortoise

Caspian tortoise
Caspian tortoise

This type of turtle is medium in size (about 30 cm) and has a flat and oval appearance of a greenish shell with yellow stripes, which are also found on the head, tail and legs.

Found in both fresh and s alt water, the main habitat condition is the sandy bottom and vegetation on the shore. These turtles can climb high into the mountains, their life expectancy is about 30 years. To keep at home, follow the temperature regime established for all turtles (30 degrees).

There are seven types of sea turtles

sea turtles
sea turtles

These individuals live mainly in tropical and subtropical seas. Females come ashore for several hours and lay their eggs.

Different marine reptiles low flat bone shells with horny plates at the top, instead of legs - flippers. Examples are green andolive turtle, loggerhead, hawksbill.

Once every few minutes turtles come up to take a breath of air. Their organs of vision and smell are well developed, with their help reptiles look for food, they can detect both enemies and a mating partner. They have no teeth, they bite and grind food with powerful horny beaks.

Unique sea turtle

Among the huge number of categories and species of turtles, the name "leather sea" stands apart. Some distinguish it in a separate suborder. Its shell consists of separate horny shields and is covered with leather. It is not attached to the spine and ribs; the leatherback turtle cannot retract its head into the shell.
