In the article we will talk about anarcho-individualism. What kind of current is it, when did it arise, what features does it have. We will also look at its brightest representatives and talk about the main ideas of this movement.
What is it about?
First, let's deal with a new concept. Anarchism is a broad socio-political movement that promotes the ideas of anarchy. This means complete anarchy and lack of control. Anarcho-individualism is a branch of anarchism that pursues the goal of establishing complete anarchy, that is, anarchy, in which there will be no place for any hierarchy or coercion. The basic principle of this direction is that a person can freely dispose of himself as he wants.

Anarcho-individualism is a traditional offshoot of anarchy, in which we are talking about a person and his will as a priority factor over any external circumstances, that is, before traditions, society, ideology, etc. This trend is not separate and a single discipline, but it is part of an individualistic philosophy. It is worth adding that sometimes its basicprinciples contradict each other.
We already know what anarchism is, but how exactly did its individualistic branch develop? The formation of the main ideas was influenced by the works of William Godwin, G. Spencer, P. Proudhon, L. Spooner. Gradually, the course spread to Europe and the USA. Spooner later developed the ideas in America, where he paid particular attention to the economic side. His thoughts served to move the current beyond the simple denial of the state and made it possible to think about the complete freedom of the individual.
It is also worth noting Henry Thoreau and his work "Transcendentalism". The man was a writer, thinker, naturalist, abolitionist and public figure from America. Thoreau studied at Harvard University. Immediately after his graduation, he became very interested in the ideas of transcendentalism. For some time the man lived remotely on the banks of Walden Pond in a hut he built with his own hands. He also obtained everything necessary for life, without using the benefits of civilization. He wrote in detail about his experiment of loneliness in the book Walden, or Life in the Forest. After returning to active life, the writer refused to pay American taxes as a protest against the policy in Mexico. Because of this, he was imprisoned for some time. The man zealously defended the rights of blacks in society. An essay en titled "On the duty of civil disobedience" had a significant impact on the work of M. Gandhi, L. Tolstoy and M. King. He created a circle in Boston that de alt with issues of blacks. Was friends with A. Olcott and R. Emerson. One of the first insupported the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin in his country. Wrote several books, immortalized in a monument near Walden. Henry Thoreau, by personal example, showed how to live life so that it is not “dictated.”

Another founder of this trend is Max Stirner, a German philosopher who laid the foundation for such trends as postmodernism, nihilism, existentialism. The main work is the book "The Only One and His Property".
Max Stirner studied at the University of Berlin, at the Faculty of Philosophy. He was ill a lot, so in total he spent about 8 years in the walls of the educational institution. After that, he took up teaching, became interested in Hegel. He successfully married, so he was able to leave the work of a teacher and devote himself entirely to philosophy. His opponent in terms of views was L. Feuerbach, with whom they studied at the same university. He published works, attracted the attention of other philosophers. He did not take part in the revolution of 1848. Soon he became poor, sometimes he was in prison because of debts.

Stirner's ideas in anarcho-individualism
A man has formed the concept of an absolute "I", which understands its uniqueness and reality. Personality for him is the center of the universe. Proceeding from this, the philosopher completely denies any concept of duty, duties, etc. He believes that human deeds should be neither good nor evil, neither divine nor diabolical. All these concepts are very subjective and have a separate meaning for each person. WhatAs far as love is concerned, Stirner is adamant here too. This feeling is beautiful only when it brings joy, but if it obliges you to something, it causes detachment. The researcher completely denies such concepts as state and society. He proves that these artificially created systems are only a skillful mechanism for controlling the masses in the interests of individuals.
The main features of Stirner's teachings, which are the main ideas of anarcho-individualism, are the denial of morality and complete anarchy. He divides the last concept into two types. The first is when a person desires anarchy in order to achieve his own freedom. The second type implies a hostile attitude towards the social order. The ideas of anarcho-individualism are built around the first type of anarchy.

Current situation
As for the modern followers of this trend, it should be noted that they see society as conflict-free. It is focused on the person and his needs. People should look after their own interests, but be able to negotiate for mutual benefit without the participation of any state bodies.
- The goal of the follower of this trend is to make the desired world a reality, and not turn it into a utopia.
- No one should depend on society.
- Any theoretical information about how people should work together should have a practical basis.
Common features
There are enough separate currents of individualistic anarchismmany, but they differ very slightly. Let's take a closer look at the main points:
- All attention is paid to the personality and its supremacy over any social and external circumstances, morality, principles, ideology, ideas, etc. A person should not depend on the desires of another person.
- Rejection of the idea of revolution or its partial acceptance. Instead of revolution, the followers of this trend resort to evolutionary methods of spreading anarchy. These are experiments, enlightenment, education. Such an understanding comes from the fact that an individual should not wait for global changes or a change in social change, he must be able to create his own system.
- Relationships with other people can be both necessary and temporary. It all depends on the needs of the individual in a particular period of time. Personal experience and independence are emphasized. Selfishness is welcome.
You have to understand that anarcho-individualism and permissiveness are not the same thing. Real anarchy is based on the fact that each person understands the importance of their own interests, and therefore does not create negative permissiveness with their actions.

The main differences relate to economic relations. Some followers believe that property and the market are superfluous elements that should not exist in an anarchist society. Others, on the contrary, emphasize the importance of the market and property as an opportunity to realize their own interests.
At the beginning of the last century, Europe acteda large print organ that published the Anarchy magazine under the leadership of Albert Libertada. In Russia at that time, Leo Cherny and Alexei Borovoy became vivid examples of the anarchist movement.
The symbolism of the followers of this trend is not very diverse, but it is worth talking about it. What does anarcho-individualism look like? The flag is a rectangle divided by a diagonal. The upper part of it is completely yellow, and the lower part is black. There is no information about why such a flag was chosen.

Famous individualist anarchists
As for popular personalities, it should be noted Emile Armand - French writer and philosopher. He also became famous as a promoter of nudism - again, the influence of anarchist individualism is noticeable. In his youth he was inspired by Christian humanism, but later became a follower of Christian anarchism. Came under the influence of B. Tucker, W. Whitaman R. Emerson. Because of this, a little later he became a staunch communist anarchist. A new round happened after getting acquainted with the works of Stirner and Nietzsche, after which Armand began to sing the ideas of anarchism. I considered this concept from my own point of view, but very sensibly in the book Our Demands as Individualist Anarchists, written in 1945.
W alter Block is a modern follower of the current, who is also an economist of the Austrian school. Actively advocates for voluntary slave contracts, believing that this is the business of each person.
The previously mentioned Alesei Borovoyis a Russian philosopher, economist, lawyer and journalist. While studying to be a lawyer, he attended vernissages and learned to play the piano. After that he worked as an assistant professor at Moscow University. Traveled around Europe. Came to France as a Marxist and left as an anarchist.

Benjamin Tucker
This person should be considered separately, as she strongly influenced the ideas of anarchism. Benjamin Tucker is considered the largest ideologue of the discussed direction of anarchy in the United States. One of the first was to protect the rights of women and the feelings of believers. He was guided mainly by the ideas of Proudhon. He was the editor and publisher of Liberty magazine. His most popular book is Instead of a Book. At first, he professed the ideas of natural law, according to which a person could voluntarily dispose of the fruits of his labor. Having become acquainted with the works of Striner, he took the position of egoism, which argued that only strength is important in society, therefore it is very important to learn how to negotiate. He spoke out about replacing the state with private institutions that would be a kind of guarantor of security and stability even in conditions of anarchy. Later these ideas were picked up by anarcho-capitalists.
Summing up the article, let's say that this direction of anarchy is very interesting from a theoretical point of view. Of course, at the moment there are very few followers of the current, they are scattered around the world, so no development is taking place. Despite this, the works of prominent representatives of such ideas are worthy of attention, since they have a rational grain. Every person reallylives in a slightly fictional world, where he is guided by absolutely subjective concepts and acts on the basis of decisions based on personal experience. The extreme is the denial of the state, although its goals are painted very logically. Indeed, in fact, the entire system of state administration is a clever mechanism, which, of course, not only governs, but also provides multiple guarantees, protects and develops its people.
So we figured out what anarchism is. Its separate course, considered by us, is one of the most interesting.