Bzyb is a river that is located on the territory of Abkhazia. It is located in the Western Caucasus, at an altitude of 2300 meters. It flows through many waterways that it meets on the dividing ridge, and others located on the south side. In the place where the mouth of the reservoir is located, there is a gorge called Gegskoe. Not far from this point of confluence, the river enters the plain. After that, it flows into the Black Sea. Near the mouth is also the village of Bzyb. The river is a rather important object for the inhabitants. It is used to water the land.
Bzyb River (Abkhazia): brief description
The length of the reservoir is 110 kilometers. Vessels cannot navigate on it. Even though the river basin does not have a large area (1510 sq. km), the reservoir is full-flowing. This is due to the fact that in the western Transcaucasia there is a rather high level of precipitation. The river flows through the gorge. Because of this, there are large fluctuations in the water level - from 10 to 15 m.
If we talk about the animal world, then the Bzyb is a river in which there are a lot of salmon and trout. Yupshara belongs to its basin. Near it is Lake Ritsa. There is a motor road nearby.
Viewing the river scientificallypoint of view, it can be seen that it is complex and diverse in comparison with other reservoirs located on the territory of Abkhazia. It is very popular with tourists. On the right bank of the Bzyb there is the Blue Lake, which is of karst origin.

Blue Lake
The lake, located on the right bank of the described river, also deserves attention. It is mostly quiet, but the mountain stream sometimes disturbs its peace. Surface area - 180 sq. m. Scientists have not yet investigated how deep this lake is. There is a myth that the bottom is at a distance of 76 m, and it is covered with lapis lazuli.

The color of the water in the lake is blue. Even in bad weather, it does not change and does not darken. The reservoir does not freeze. There are no fish here, not even plankton. The reservoir is fed by groundwater.
What attracts tourists?
The Bzyb mountain river, thanks to its many attractions, attracts a huge number of tourists. For example, a grotto is located not far from it. Items that are more than four thousand years old were found in it. A little further downstream, a cave was discovered. You can visit it only in good sunny weather. This is due to the fact that during heavy rains the cave is completely flooded (there is a lake in it).
Also attract attention cedars, which can be seen while on the banks of the river. They first appeared here in 1938 - they were brought from a neighboring country. History buffs will be interested in the Bzyb fortress, built inXX century. It was built in order to protect the lands from the attack of foreign peoples. There is a tower on the hill, from which in ancient times they announced the approach of the enemy army. Natural attractions include the Blue Lake, described above, as well as Lake Ritsa. The last reservoir is in the upper reaches of the river.

Suspension bridge over the river Bzyb
It is necessary to tell about what attracts tourists to this region so much. The most interesting for them will not even be a cave. Rather, they are attracted to the emotions that can be obtained by interacting with one of the most interesting devices on the pond.
As is already clear from the description above, the Bzyb is a river that flows along the mountain peaks. Its beginning is in the western Caucasus, then it flows through the city of Pitsunda, descends to the flat terrain and flows into the Black Sea. The length of the river is 110 kilometers, several bridges have been built over it. Both are hanging. They are made of metal and lumber. To all non-professional tourists, these structures seem weak, but the first impression is deceptive. The bridges are strong, so no one will be in the waters of this river. By the way, not far from one of the suspended structures there is a beautiful and well-known waterfall.

In the upper reaches of the Yupshara River, which belongs to the Bzybi basin, there is a mountain lake Ritsa. Its length is 2.5 km. The average depth is 63 m. It is located among dense forests. Mountains surround it on all sides. Reservoir nutrition -predominantly snowy, sometimes this method of water replenishment replaces rainfall. Level fluctuations are insignificant - no more than 3 m.
In winter, the lake usually freezes over, as the climate here is quite cold. Ice thickness often does not exceed 5 cm. Snow cover can reach 11 m, but only in really severe winters, and in ordinary winters this figure is no more than 3 m.
Depending on the weather, the color of the water surface also changes. This is due to the fact that a fairly large number of rivers flow into the lake, bringing various substances and organisms. We are talking about phytoplankton. In warm seasons, the water is green-yellow, and in cold seasons it is blue-blue.
The lake was formed quite recently - just over two centuries ago. Here you can catch trout and whitefish.
Trout fishing
Fishing on the Bzyb River is gradually gaining momentum. There are more and more people who prefer to fish for trout. This is due to the fact that people like the process of "silently hunting" for it. The whole difficulty lies often only in finding the place where this fish is located. Even in the smallest body of water, she can hide in unusual places. Trout are very picky about finding their "home".
Water should be no more than +20 °C. It is best to come fishing after the opening of the river. If a person decides to travel here in early spring, then you need to look for fish in pits or rifts. Trying to catch trout later is not worth it: the water level will begin to rise strongly, and the chances of successful fishing will decrease.

Catchingcan be carried out both with the help of spinning or fly fishing, as well as with a conventional float fishing rod. Fish are equally caught on all three devices, so you need to choose only what you really like and what is convenient to work with. As bait, you can use worms, dead fish, cheese, flies, corn or maggot if fishing will be carried out with a regular bait. All these baits work great and show a 100% result. The Bzyb is a river where the catch at certain times of the year will amaze even an experienced professional with its volumes.