High-quality flushing "Vince" injector. What is the need for flushing?

High-quality flushing "Vince" injector. What is the need for flushing?
High-quality flushing "Vince" injector. What is the need for flushing?

Quite often, car owners are faced with the need to clean the injector. This is especially noticeable during periods of snowmelt and summer. When environmental conditions force machine systems to work under increased loads, the injector clogs faster.

Flushing Vince injector
Flushing Vince injector

To make the cleaning process fast and efficient, motorists use special tools. One of the most popular methods in this area is flushing the injector with Vince. It can be performed at the service station, but if desired, all actions can be carried out independently. To do this, you must use the instructions for using the tool. The advice of professional auto repairmen and ordinary users will also help to understand the principle of flushing.

Why cleaning is needed

Gasoline, which is used today as a fuel for a car, contains additional additives and impurities in various ratios. They improve engine performance, increase the octane number.

Over time, all these impurities settle on engine parts. This is especially true for throughput.fuel paths. The injector also suffers. Deposits accumulate both outside and inside it.

Often, to remove a film of settled particles of fuel impurities, a tool such as "Vince" is used. Flushing the injector gives good results. The capacity of the fuel channels is increased up to 25%. The engine runs at the same time fully and efficiently. Flushing prolongs its life if done correctly.

Signs of clogging

In some cases, the driver of a car can independently determine that it is necessary to flush the injector with Vince. To do this, pay attention to the operation of the engine system. First of all, a decrease in its power is felt. This increases fuel consumption. Starting the car becomes more difficult. This is especially noticeable in winter.

vince injector flush
vince injector flush

On top of everything else, the engine becomes erratic. This can be noticed at idle or during mode changes. To fully accelerate, you have to spend more time. This increases the toxic characteristics of exhaust gases. "Dips" can also be felt when the engine is warm. It may even cause detonation. If the listed features of work are determined while driving a car, it may be necessary to flush the injector.

Reviews about washing "Vince"

For many years, washing the Vince injector has been very popular among motorists. Reviews of experts and ordinary users allow us to conclude abouthigh efficiency of the product. It has the best value for money. There are many world brand products on the market for flushing chemicals. The competitor of the Belgian product for Vince injectors is Japanese similar products. It has the same qualities, but its cost is much higher.

Vince Injector Cleaner
Vince Injector Cleaner

Experts say that the Belgian product contains a large number of solvents of various levels. Their balanced composition allows washing to quickly begin to dissolve layers of almost any thickness.

Product Features

What does flushing the injector do? "Vince" (Wynns) is a product that has a certain set of characteristics. They must be taken into account before cleaning the engine systems. Details in the course of work do not need to be dismantled. "Vince" successfully fights with traces of injector carbon deposits, as well as pistons, valves, piston rings. The combustion chamber is also fairly well cleaned.

After the procedure, the characteristics of the functioning of the nozzle spray torches are restored. At the same time, the petrol intake period is optimized. This can be done by flushing the exhaust valves. In the future, their sticking is prevented. Detonation is eliminated and the quality of starting the engine is improved. All these properties contribute to lower fuel consumption. Therefore, the presented product has been holding a leading position in the automotive chemicals market for many years. This is a brand product with a worldwide reputation.

Instructions forwork

To carry out all the actions on your own, you need to master the technique of using "Vince". Flushing the injector, the instructions for which are quite simple, are performed in stages.

Flushing the Vince injector instructions for use
Flushing the Vince injector instructions for use

First you need to get to the processing area where the engine is having problems. The dismantling of the motor is also carried out in a certain sequence. First you need to start it and get the fuse. He is responsible for the operation of the pump. At the same time, the pressure in the system drops.

After that, the terminals are disconnected from the injectors. The injection, reversible hoses responsible for the fuel supply are also turned off. The nozzle plate and o-rings are very carefully dismantled. After the actions taken, you can easily get to the injector. Next, the washing is carried out directly.

Main stage of work

Flushing the Vince injector, the instruction manual for which has been used by motorists for a long time, is quite simple. To get started, you need to prepare a device that allows you to conveniently drive the product through the nozzles. A plastic bottle is fine for this. It is connected to the carburetor fluid reservoir and injector inlet.

Vince injector cleaner
Vince injector cleaner

Next, you will need to apply 2 wires from the battery. They are connected to the injector terminals. Then the flushing takes place. Under pressure, the agent is passed through the nozzle. Required during this step alternately open and close the valve.

The procedure is carried out until the required spray of gasoline is obtained. If this does not happen, you will have to replace the nozzle. So that part is out of order. After the first wash, the procedure is repeated again.

Shutting down

After the Vince injector flush has passed through the system 2 times, the layers of contamination should completely disappear. If this does not happen, the agent should be left inside the nozzles for some more time. This will completely get rid of deposits harmful to the engine and completely clean the injector.

Work is stopped when the valve seat becomes visible, as well as 6 cleaned holes at the nozzle. Assembly is carried out in the reverse order. To do this, when disassembling, it is necessary to remember all the stages of work. If some action cannot be remembered, you must use the instructions for disassembling the car engine. So it will be much easier to perform all the manipulations in reverse order.

Starting the engine

After the injector flushing by Vince is completed, the engine must be started for the first time. This requires waiting 30 minutes after the assembly of all parts is completed. If all the steps were performed correctly, the engine will start the first time. His work will be very different. The engine will run much quieter. This reduces the amount of exhaust gases.

Vince flushing injector instruction
Vince flushing injector instruction

Flushing at this stage is consideredcompleted. The owner of the car, when carrying out all the actions on his own, significantly saves his money and time. The engine will run stably. This will not even be affected by its operating modes and gear shift frequency. As a result, fuel consumption is significantly reduced. Therefore, periodic flushing of the injector is simply necessary. Having certain skills in servicing car systems, as well as desire and free time, all actions will be quite easy to perform on your own.

Should I go to a car service?

Using Vince injector cleaner, good results can be achieved. But many motorists have a question about the advisability of carrying out all the actions on their own. In some cases, indeed, visiting the service station cannot be avoided. But most often, good results can be achieved when doing car maintenance on your own.

If the owner of the car has the ability to flush the injector on his own, it would be better to use special diagnostic tools. The autoscanner will allow you to control the systems of the machine and communicate information to the user via a smartphone. This is very convenient and allows you to save a huge amount of family budget.

However, in the presence of severe contamination or in very advanced cases, washing is carried out only by specialists. In this case, special equipment or different cleaning principles may be required.

Processing the injector at the service station

Flushing the "Vince" injector is not always advisable at homeconditions. Sometimes you just can't do without the help of specialists. It will cost much more, but it happens that only complete diagnostics and comprehensive maintenance will restore the efficiency of the car's systems. STO also provides a guarantee for the work performed. This is also important for car owners.

Flushing the injector Vince reviews
Flushing the injector Vince reviews

Sometimes not only the injector, but the entire fuel supply system requires thorough flushing. If the solenoid valves are heavily slagged, you should contact a specialist. Perhaps the cleaning of these parts will be done using ultrasound. A special system allows you to check the operation of the injectors outside the car.

Measuring equipment, which owns HUNDRED, allows you to evaluate the intensity of spraying. Therefore, if the injector has not been flushed for a very long time, and the carbon layer is very large, it is better to use a special technique. Let this procedure cost more, but only it can restore the car's capacity.
