US population in the modern period

US population in the modern period
US population in the modern period

If we consider the ethnic composition of the world's population, the Americans are one of the largest nations. The population of the United States, which is a fairly multinational country, allows the American people to take third place in the world. But what is the national composition of the US population?

Initially, the population of the United States were Indians, who began to be mercilessly exterminated by the European colonialists who invaded in the 16th century. For a long time, the number of inhabitants in the United States grew only due to immigration, the volumes of which were huge. The bulk of the arrivals - the British, Irish and Scots - used English, which determined its choice as the state language. Although in general, people from more than 70 countries migrated to the United States.

US population
US population

After the end of World War II, the population of the United States increased greatly due to the large influx of people from Latin America. Most of the immigrants are Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. At this point, immigration from European countries decreased, but the number of immigrants arriving from Asian countries increased.

It should be noted that the number of Mexicans crossing the US borderis about 1 million people a year. And not all of them do it legally, but the desire to earn decent money pushes them to desperate measures.

In general, the US population is 83% made up of immigrants and settled immigrants from Europe. The indigenous population - the Indians - make up only 0.6% of the total. First brought to the United States as slaves, representatives of the Negroid race currently make up over 12% of the total population in the United States. The rest, just under 5%, are from Asia and Oceania.

national composition of the us population
national composition of the us population

Diverse ethnic composition contributes to the life of the country, making it difficult to understand the common understanding of the American people. However, in the United States itself, there is a created stereotype - the “average American”. Such a portrait paints the lifestyle of the average American. It should be noted that the concept of "average American" includes quite a few small constituent elements that characterize this image comprehensively. In particular, such moments as the time allotted for sleep, food, etc. are listed.

The intersection of ethnic groups has a diverse impact on culture and religion. The US population is mostly Christian. In general, about 260 churches are registered in the country. Among them, especially large ones (about 86) have a large number of followers (over 50 thousand). Christianity is mainly represented by Protestantism and Catholicism. The share of Orthodox Christianity is significantly lower.

ethnic composition of the world population
ethnic composition of the world population

Last censusshowed the US population at the level of 280 million people. However, this figure does not accurately reflect reality, since a large part of the population (according to rough estimates - about 6 million people) remains unaccounted for, as they are constantly moving around the United States in order to find better jobs.

It should be noted that the US population is characterized by mobility. Statistics show that every year about 20% of the population change their place of residence, with a third of them moving to another state or area.
