Many of us have heard a word whose meaning we do not fully understand. We are talking about the expression "mymra". This word seems to be familiar to us, but it is worth talking about its semantics in more detail.
Etymology of this expression
If we turn to Russian dialects, we can find out the following: among the people, mymra is an unsociable, self-contained person, more often they say this about a woman who is gloomy, taciturn and boring.
In general, there are several dialectal meanings of this expression: this is the name of sloppy women who refuse to walk in public in clean and not torn clothes. Such behavior was immediately punished by the people with disregard for the slut and ridicule of her.

Also, this word was used to refer to people who were silent and refused to communicate.
The meaning of the word "mymra" in folk etymology is also associated with a state of illness, malaise, thinness and exhaustion.
Philologists argue about the true origin of this word, but in general their position corresponds to the fact that in the old days it meant a person who strove to live at home all his life, avoiding human society.
Modern interpretation of the word
If we talk about modernity, then this expression is includedin use in the last fifty years. A striking example of the use of the expression was the film "Office Romance". In it, mymra is a woman who does not take care of herself, dresses tastelessly, builds a professional career to the detriment of her personal life. Remember: "Our mymra came …"? So in the film, colleagues called the main character - director Lyudmila Prokofievna.
In the modern interpretation, mymra is such a “blue stocking”, a career woman who has lost her femininity and charm, turning into a kind of man.

Now you know what this word means. It sounds rude and disrespectful. But in reality, it turns out that mymra is an unfortunate woman who, although she has achieved a lot in her profession, has lost herself as a mother and wife.