How good is chicory for breastfeeding?

How good is chicory for breastfeeding?
How good is chicory for breastfeeding?

Many of us from childhood are familiar with such a wonderful drink as chicory, which is the only substitute for natural coffee for those to whom it is contraindicated. Most consumers have also heard about its extremely wide range of useful properties. First of all, let's find out in more detail what exactly it is useful for?

Today, this medicinal plant, which is ubiquitous, is gaining more and more popularity every day and is increasingly recommended by traditional medicine doctors as a dietary supplement. However, is chicory good for breastfeeding?

chicory while breastfeeding
chicory while breastfeeding

This plant rich in vitamins and microelements is used in the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus, tachycardia, atherosclerosis, anemia, cardiovascular and many other diseases. In addition to powerful medicinal properties, this plant has a calming effect, which is very beneficial for the nervous system.

In addition, chicory improves the intestinal microflora, has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, astringent, antihelminthic and antipyretic effects.

List the useful properties of this extremelyuseful drink is endless, but we are interested in the question of how useful chicory is for breastfeeding.

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Opinions of pediatricians on this issue often differ. Some advise young mothers who are trying to establish a normal diet for breastfeeding to include chicory in the menu, while others do not recommend doing this. Why do doctors differ so diametrically on such a simple issue?

It happens that when choosing the same foods when breastfeeding, mothers find that their children react completely differently to them. This is because the bodies of all children are different and each of them has their own individual reactions to a particular product.

Despite the fact that chicory in moderate doses is useful for children, adults, pregnant women and nursing mothers, use chicory while breastfeeding, especially in the first months of a baby's life, with caution.

If you cannot imagine your life without coffee, but are afraid of harming your baby, consult your pediatrician about whether you, as a nursing mother, can drink a chicory drink as a substitute for it. Most likely, you will receive a recommendation to start with small doses of this drink in order to follow the reaction of the child's body to it. If you do not notice any side effects such as colic, constipation or allergies in your baby, then you may well enjoy this drink without fear for the he alth of the child.

foods while breastfeeding
foods while breastfeeding

Manyyoung mothers who use chicory while breastfeeding note the fact that it helps to increase the amount of breast milk. But do not drink this drink too often, like coffee. Despite its extremely beneficial properties, you need to drink it in moderation.

On the shelves of stores today you can find many types of this drink from different manufacturers. When choosing chicory, look for quality, 100% concentrated formulations that are free of cheap ingredients and additives that can cause allergies in you or your baby.
