What is a virgin, and is it possible to judge girlish purity and integrity by the presence of a hymen?

What is a virgin, and is it possible to judge girlish purity and integrity by the presence of a hymen?
What is a virgin, and is it possible to judge girlish purity and integrity by the presence of a hymen?

Often to the question: "What is a virgin?" - you can get an answer based more on female physiology than on internal content. But the word "virginity" has one of the meanings of "innocence". And even in a physiological sense, the answer to the question: "What is a virgin?" should be based on its integrity and innocence. However, there are many nuances when purity, innocence and virginity are not identical concepts.

what is a virgin
what is a virgin

What is a virgin?

Considering the physiology of a woman, it should be noted that she has the so-called hymen in her body - a fold of mucous membrane that covers the entrance to the vagina. For a long time it was believed that only female human beings could have a hymen. However, today scientists are convinced that chimpanzees, whales, manatees,horses and elephants. So far, no one has been able to explain the functionality of the hymen. Therefore, it is generally accepted that virginity exists precisely in order to be able to verify the purity of the female mammal and the girl. Based on the foregoing, it is clear that a virgin is not always a young individual. After all, sometimes it happens in life that a woman, having lived to a ripe old age, for one reason or another did not have sexual contacts with a man throughout her life, retaining her “innocence”. They are called only "old maids".

virgin girl
virgin girl

Virginity and innocence - are they synonymous?

Many believe that the preservation of the hymen indicates the virginity of the girl. Is it really? A virgin girl can “prove” her integrity to her partner during sexual contact by presenting him with blood-stained underwear. The partner himself at the moment of penetration into the vagina can also feel some obstacle. But this still cannot serve as a complete proof of the purity and fidelity of the girl. Today, there are clinics where, for a certain bribe, they “restore virginity”, that is, they suture the entrance to the vagina. Some girls, knowing a sin behind themselves, but wanting to fool a partner, use acidic water douching before contact, which creates a feeling of a light barrier in a man at the moment of penetration. In order for drops of blood to remain on the bed linen, it is enough for her to discreetly pick up an old sore, prick or cut herself during sex. And some of the sluttygirls and even before marriage actively practice anal or oral sex. But at the time of the “wedding night”, their hymen is completely intact. But is it possible to call such a girl pure and untouched?

young virgins
young virgins

There is no hymen, so the girl has already had sexual contact?

This question worries many young people. It turns out that the presence or absence of a hymen is not an indicator of purity and innocence. There are such physiological abnormalities as the congenital absence of a hymen (this is the second name for the hymen). It does not affect any of the functions of the body: neither sexual nor reproductive. And some young virgins have such an elastic hymen that it does not break during contact, which can mislead a partner. It is not so rare that the hymen is found completely intact only at the very moment of childbirth. Sometimes there are childhood injuries that can disrupt the entrance to the vagina. And at the first sexual contact, the hymen does not break … A man can accuse his chosen one of infidelity, of debauchery - and he will be wrong. So what is a virgin? Is this a girl who, by hook or by crook, has preserved (or restored) her hymen, or is she just a pure, modest and faithful girl, regardless of whether she has a hymen or not? Let every man draw his own conclusions.
