Movies often include live actors and animals in the lead roles. One name is especially familiar to moviegoers - Bart. The bear starred in a number of films, becoming a full-fledged star in Hollywood.
Like people
For a long time he was the most famous of the bear actors. A native of Maryland, it belonged to the Kodiak subspecies. His future profession was a foregone conclusion in childhood. His mother was filmed in the film “Day of the Animals”, so Bart continued the family dynasty. The bear began his career with the 1981 film Walking with the Wind. Trainers were attached to him. Bart liked the lesson so much that he began to receive invitations from directors.

Career challenges
On the other hand, Hollywood did not know any other good animal actor who could act in films in the required image. Studios would have to hire consultants, allocate funds for training and training, be ready to re-shoot scenes until they have a finished take. Why do we need additional difficulties if there is Bart? The bear willingly succumbed to training and was sympathetic to the hardships of the filming process. However, he still remained a wild animal, albeit brought up in a human environment. Some of his on-screen partnersthey were afraid to start a close relationship with him, and in some cases they had to resort to the help of understudies. Among those who managed to work with him were Alex Baldwin, Steven Seagal, Anthony Hopkins.
The first box-office film, after which Bart gained recognition, was the family-adventure story “Bear”, nominated for “Oscar”. She talked about a little bear cub who faced an adult wounded bear, as well as hunters, from whom they had to run away. Despite the participation of other "guest" artists, Bart remained the main star. The bear showed himself perfectly in the subsequent picture - the drama “White Fang”.

Few people know that Bart is the face of the 70th Anniversary America's Highest Film Awards. He went on stage with a wooden envelope in his paws, where were the names of the winners. The spectacle looked spectacular.
Tight filming schedule, communication with people, shooting adrenaline allowed Bart to live an interesting life. In his prime, he weighed over 800 kg and was about three meters tall.
On the set of the western “Legends of Autumn” Bart met Brad Pitt. According to the actor, he was amazed at how ferocious Bart was in the frame and well-mannered in everyday life. In 2000, Pitt was going to make a documentary about him, but the bear died.

Bart the Bear. Filmography of an atypical actor
During his career, the bear has played in 14 films. The most famous of themare “On the Edge”, “In Mortal Danger”, “Lost in the Wasteland”.