It would seem that more than 70 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War, and the echoes of this terrible event are no longer felt so clearly. But still, to this day, there are still places where the war seems to have stopped, froze. Warehouses of abandoned equipment from the time of the Great Patriotic War can be found in many regions of Russia.

Equipment in the suburbs
Whole columns of abandoned vehicles, tanks, cannons and other unique military equipment and armored vehicles of the Great Patriotic War are found in various parts of our country. Such a warehouse of abandoned equipment was discovered in the depths of the forest by residents of the Moscow region, picking mushrooms in the fall. Forgotten, abandoned equipment in the suburbs, from a long standing in some places overgrown with moss, covered with foliage, as if not participating in hostilities, not contributing to the Victory, left in this place forever. Open doors, abandoned equipment, random placement of some combat vehicles indicate that they were left hastily, without even saying goodbye, without bothering to thank their iron friend for their faithful service. Abandoned equipment is in a different state: inmostly broken, and some even in combat readiness. The rows of abandoned cars are endless. Being here is like being in a graveyard. Only this is a cemetery of cars, planes, tanks. And this case is far from the only one when abandoned equipment is found in the forests of the Moscow region.

Sunken vehicles
A lot of military equipment sank during the war in the rivers, swamps and lakes of Russia. This once indispensable, and subsequently sunken, abandoned equipment, which at one time served mankind a great service, now sleeps forever at the bottom of a lake or swamp, rusts, overgrown with mud. At present, cases have become more frequent when sunken military equipment is found and its recovery from the bottom of the reservoir is organized.

Photos of abandoned vehicles left by the military near Moscow can be seen in the article.
Military archeology
Military archeology is a search activity on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War. Search activities are carried out by special teams. Buried in the ground, sunken at the bottom of rivers, swamps and lakes, search engines find padded or sunken equipment: aircraft, tanks and other types of military vehicles - as well as personal belongings of soldiers and officers. The obtained trophies help to restore the complete picture of a particular battle. But search engines do excavations rather for commercial purposes. Collectors are ready to pay huge sums of money for the rarities they get - ammunition, personal weapons or militaryawards. And abandoned military equipment raised by search engines often finds a second life thanks to the work of restorers and, after repair, continues to live in the country's museums.

Legendary T-34
The symbol of the Great Patriotic War, the legendary T-34 tank or, as it is also called, the "thirty-four", is installed as a monument in many cities of Russia. As a combat and labor relic of the Great Patriotic War, this armored vehicle became a real nightmare for the German troops. Undoubtedly, this tank had a great influence on the outcome of the war, made a significant contribution to the Victory and brought glory to the great Soviet army. Therefore, special regret arises when you see this legend, the former power, strength, pride of our troops abandoned, unjustly forgotten somewhere in a dense forest, under the open sky, or left to rot and rust at the bottom of a river or swamp. Some copies of the T-34 were more fortunate, they are in museums as exhibits, but many remained standing in the same place where they were disabled by the enemy as a result of hostilities.

Obsolete technology
Not only in wartime, but throughout the history of mankind, there is a constant race of all existing states for the invention of the latest technical means. Consequently, even if military equipment has gone through all hostilities without breakdowns and significant "wounds", it cannot serve forever. Modernization is taking place in the field of mechanical engineering, old military equipment is becoming obsolete. Herreplaced by newer models with more advanced features. Therefore, outdated military equipment that has served its purpose "dies" and goes to rest, forming huge cemeteries of metal bodies, washed by rain, like tears.

Locations of abandoned vehicles
The abandoned equipment of Russia is not only the military equipment of the Great Patriotic War left on the battlefield or warehouses of obsolete, outdated mechanisms, which were replaced by other, more modern machines. A lot of abandoned construction equipment is located in the northern regions of our country. Due to climatic conditions, as well as the difficult terrain of these places and the almost complete absence of roads, various tractors, tractors, and cars are left here to their fate. In the Chelyabinsk region, in the local Serebryansky quarry, which was previously and is currently engaged (albeit in very small volumes) in the extraction of facing flagstone, you can find abandoned equipment. Basically, these are different types of excavators, which over time have grown into the ground with their buckets and caterpillars.
A huge amount of abandoned military and civilian equipment, if desired, can be found by exploring the expanses of our country. And if these places are not guarded or not guarded enough, the cars become easy prey for those who collect scrap metal.