Since various movements, subcultures or any other unusual societies began to appear all over the world, Gothic names began to gain popularity. This does not mean at all that a person is given any terrible name at birth. He chooses it on his own, when he is convinced that the Gothic culture is native to him, spiritually close.

There is a widespread belief that it is possible to join the considered informal movement only after a bloody and terrible ceremony. In fact, this is not the case, as Goths are a benevolent people, but only with a slightly gloomy outlook.

However, a small ceremony is still present, and it consists in the fact that beginners need to choose Gothic names for themselves. As a rule, most of them do not pay much attention to this process, as a result of which they receive disapproval from more experienced informals. Thus, the whole ceremony constitutes the choice of aka - this is how the representatives of the subculture call the name.
In fact, there is nothing difficult in choosing. From newinformal people only need that they pick up a certain word that would correspond to their individuality. Often, ak is composed using adjectives from foreign languages. Goths sometimes refer to themselves by the names of characters from films or fiction. You can find the most common ways to select and compose aka in the table below.
Compilation rules | Examples |
Religious principle. As a rule, the names of demons, angels, heroes of myths or legends, as well as pagan characters are used. | Anubis - God of Death in Egypt; Sidh is a creature from another world in Irish mythology. |
Astrological principle. The names of constellations or individual stars are used (most often, cosmic bodies were named after mythical characters). | Mars - God of War; Pegasus is a mythical creature that symbolizes freedom. |
Foreign principle. When compiling, words are used that have a translation suitable for Gothic culture. | Crow - raven (this bird is often compared with death); Thorn is the other side of beauty. |
Artistic principle. The name of a suitable character from books or films is selected. | Akasha - the famous vampire from the movie "Queen of the Damned"; Azazello is a mirror demon from The Master and Margarita. |

Gothic female names are, of course, morediverse, because every girl would like to call herself so that her aka has no analogues. Most often, informals use the names of demons, bloodthirsty Goddesses, vampires, or both terrible and beautiful monsters like the Gorgon Medusa when choosing.
Gothic names, in fact, are not much different from those used by mankind in everyday life. Each individual wants to be unique, unlike the others. The name is the first thing that can help with this. Therefore, by joining the Gothic community and choosing some exotic ak, you definitely strive to be remembered by all non-formals. I must add that few people decide to give up fame among like-minded people.
Summarizing, we can say that all Gothic names must be unique, because it is impossible to find two identical people, especially in subcultures. And everyone will definitely discover some quality in themselves that will set them apart from the rest.