"Denezhkin Kamen" - a nature reserve in the Sverdlovsk region

"Denezhkin Kamen" - a nature reserve in the Sverdlovsk region
"Denezhkin Kamen" - a nature reserve in the Sverdlovsk region

"Denezhkin Kamen" is a reserve, which at least once in a lifetime has been heard not only by average Russians, but, most likely, by guests of our country, both from near and far abroad. What is the reason for such popularity? What is so special about this place? And why, in spite of everything, the Denezhkin Kamen reserve annually attracts more and more travelers from all over the globe?

Let's try to figure it out. In general, it should be noted that there are enough reasons for such a seemingly bold statement at first glance. These are the features of the location, and the uniqueness of the local flora and fauna, and almost virgin nature, and unusually clean air.

Agree, all of the above cannot but attract tourists to the Denezhkin Kamen reserve. The sights of this place really deserve to be seen at leastonce in a lifetime. This article is precisely aimed at acquainting readers with this amazing object on the map of Russia.

Need to create


The State Reserve "Denezhkin Kamen" is not only a valuable nature protection object of federal importance, but also a well-known research institution.

It was created to preserve and study the course of natural processes, the existing genetic fund, various natural phenomena, as well as unique ecosystems.

Besides this, Denezhkin Kamen is a nature reserve, which is also valuable because it is unique among the rest in a number of ways. According to experts, its location plays an important role in this. How can you get into the "Denezhkin Stone"? The reserve is located in the Sverdlovsk region, namely on the eastern slope of the main Ural ridge, right at the intersection of various types of ecosystems.

In this place, quite large areas of the primary taiga have survived to this day, which are a real reserve for many especially valuable, rare species of flora and fauna.

History of the creation of the reserve


The question about the creation of the reserve was first raised by the Ural scientific community back in 1945

A year later, by a decree of the Council of Ministers, this nature reserve was organized. Its area at that time was 135 thousand hectares. It included the territory of the Sverdlovsk region and a section of the current Perm region. It is impossible notIt should be noted that during the “reorganization” in 1951, the protected area was reduced to 36.1 thousand hectares. But by the end of the 50s, the restoration of the reserve began, and its territory was again increased, and immediately up to 146.7 thousand hectares.

During the perestroika, "Denezhkin Kamen", a reserve of great scientific importance, was reorganized into the State Fishery, but by the end of the 70s. it became unprofitable. That is why the Sverdlovsk and Perm regional executive committees in 1981, by their special resolution, determined the expediency of organizing the nature reserve again and prepared the relevant documents for a petition for its restoration. Only on December 29, 1989, the Sverdlovsk Regional Council officially decided the issue of its organization.

Unique and healing local climate


"Denezhkin Kamen" is a reserve with pronounced seasons. The warmest time of the year is observed in July, when the average temperature reaches 13.6 degrees Celsius. The coldest time is in February, when the average temperature drops to -19.8 degrees Celsius.

It is also interesting to note that the eastern slopes receive much less annual precipitation than the western slopes. In general, it was noted that 2/3 of precipitation occurs during the warm season.

During the cold season, dense snow cover is stable and lasts up to 7 months. By the way, at the foot of the mountains, snowdrifts can be quite impressive - up to 130 cm.

Dark coniferous mixed fir-cedar-spruce taiga is an amazing object of Russia


"Denezhkin Kamen" is a nature reserve whose fauna and flora deserve special attention. Most of the dark coniferous mixed fir-spruce-cedar taiga is in excellent condition. Luckily for us, to this day, she has never experienced significant, usually detrimental, human influence.

Thus, in the upper tier of the dark coniferous mixed taiga, such trees as fir, cedar and spruce are presented in completely different proportions, while the general appearance of the forest almost does not change, there is no particular predominance of any of the species. All occur in more or less equal proportions.

In this unique natural object of Russia there is an admixture of ordinary birch. In the undergrowth now and then there are mountain ash and aspen, which, by the way, are very actively eaten by local elks.

But the herbaceous layer of dark coniferous mixed taiga is represented only by ferns and various kinds of tall grass.

Rich fauna of this natural park


"Denezhkin Kamen" is a reserve, the animals of which, although quite diverse, are at the same time limited, of course, to typical taiga species.

From mammals, 37 species, 6 orders live here. In addition, 140 species of birds are found on the territory of the reserve (11 of them even nest), i.e. 67% of the entire composition of this region. 10 species of birds are in the Red Book.

Moles and 7 species of shrews are known among insectivores.

Of the bats, which, by the way, have not been studied enough in the reserve, 4 species are in the Red BookMiddle Ural. Now there are attempts to create a special group of scientists that will deal only with this species of animals.

The most common rodents are common squirrel, Asian chipmunk, voles, beavers, lemmings. Rarely, but you can still meet flying squirrels here.

The hare, bear and lynx live everywhere and in large numbers in the reserve.

The mustelid family is especially richly represented here, among which the most popular are wolverine, weasel, sable, weasel, European and American mink, kidus, ermine and marten.

Several river otters live on the largest rivers of this reserve. Every year, the number of wolves increases here, although until 1959 they were not recorded in the reserve. You can rarely meet a fox, although earlier it was a common, fairly common predator here.

Ungulates of the reserve are mainly represented by elk. Until 1959, wild reindeer roamed the reserve, unfortunately, now there is no reliable information about it.

What is the mountain of the same name?


In general, it should be noted that "Denezhkin Kamen" is a nature reserve, where there are a lot of amazing objects.

For example, it is impossible not to mention the stand-alone mountain range, which has four peaks at once. Its main peak is located on the eastern edge of the plateau, has a height of 1492 m.

From this plateau, long spurs radiate in all directions. The mountain of the same name with the natural park is considered one of the highest in the Urals. You can'tnot to mention that such important industrial rivers as Sharp, Supreya and Shegultan originate on its slopes.

The role and significance of this natural object in Russia


Today, "Denezhkin Kamen" is a reserve, a photo of which can be found in almost every guidebook dedicated to our country. And initially it was organized with the aim of preserving and studying in detail large massifs of the primary mountain taiga, located in the center of the Northern Urals.

In addition, it plays an important role in recreational activities. The cordons of the reserve are used as base points for 1-2 day trips to adjacent territories, for example, to the Main Ural Range or Shemur.

In addition, not so long ago, a key ornithological area was specially identified within the boundaries of the natural park, which has undeniable international importance as the most important nesting site for many taiga birds.

Useful and important information for modern tourists


It is worth paying attention to the fact that the Regulations on the reserve approved two tourist educational routes, walking and water, the territory of the Denezhkin Kamen reserve outside the approved routes is closed to tourists.

The legislation provides for administrative liability (fine) for unauthorized visits to the state nature reserve, there is a pen alty for causing damage to the nature of the reserve, and the preventive measures are quite severe and may well reach criminalresponsibility.

Moreover, the ban on free access applies to the entire territory plus the former settlement of Solva and the water area of the river. Sosva flowing within the boundaries of the reserve. That is, not only on the mountain, as it is mistakenly considered in the circles of inquisitive travelers.

If, in spite of everything, you still want to get to this territory, you will have to register with special authorities, pay a fee and become a member of a group moving around the reserve led by an experienced instructor.

Can I get lost here?


Many tourists complain that almost all existing cartographic products contain incorrect information regarding the boundaries of the reserve, some even contain advertisements for tourist routes right on the territory of Denezhkin Kamen, so it is difficult to navigate the maps. All this more than once led to conflicts between the administration and the protection of the reserve and tourists.
