Geomagnetic activity is a disturbance that can last from several hours to a couple of days on the surface of the Sun. In the light of recent studies of these events, it is becoming increasingly clear that cosmic factors cannot be neglected in assessing the he alth status of patients and maintaining it. However, the foundations of these principles were laid back at the beginning of the twentieth century by Professor Chizhevsky, who devoted his life to the study and development of the areas of science he founded - geomedicine and biology. Almost a century has passed since then, but the research is not over yet. They are only accumulating, because the question of the influence of solar activity on the Earth's biosphere was of no interest to a wide range of ordinary people and professionals.

In order to resist the onslaught of the geomagnetic environment, it is necessary to accurately understand what changes occur in the human body under its influence. It is well known that a magnetic field has an indirect effect on a biological system.influence, but the speed and development of vital processes in each individual change. There is a key change in enzymes during energy metabolism, and their values in various body systems will be heterogeneous even under otherwise equal conditions. Moreover, the magnitudes of any kind of reactions are not only proportional to the intensity of the influence exerted by the geomagnetic situation, but in some observations opposite trends are noted. When irradiated with waves of low intensity, the subjects' natural processes of life were disturbed or their values rose to the boundary risk zones.

Differences between consequences
Influence of a strong source of energy gave the opposite effect with a mild therapeutic effect in a number of diseases. This interesting observation proved the validity of the theory that the frequency of waves is of key importance for living organisms. Thus, the geomagnetic environment of low tension destabilizes the reactions of the central nervous system, which is responsible for the coagulation function of the hematopoietic organs. As a result of such destructive activity, functional shifts begin in the brain, liver, kidneys and heart. It is no coincidence that one of the most sensitive groups of people are patients who suffer from vascular diseases.
Therefore, when the disturbed geomagnetic situation was observed, the following deviations were noted in persons at risk: changes in blood pressure,negative dynamics of the electrocardiogram, coronary circulation disorders. According to statistics, it can be seen that after a solar flare, the number of heart attacks almost doubles. At the same time, some deviations are also observed in people who do not complain about their he alth: reactions to external stimuli in the form of a sound or light signal slow down, lethargy, depression and inhibition in decision-making are noted, aggressiveness and conflict with the surrounding society increase. Therefore, the preservation of the psychophysical state of a person is the main goal that heliomedicine should follow. After all, her decisions can prevent many disasters that occur through the fault of the human factor.

Situation data
The tables below show the state of the nearest star to Earth for the following days.
Wed July 30 |
Small disturbances |
Thu July 31st |
Good situation |
Such impacts are of particular importance in the summer heat, when the situation is aggravated by high ambient temperatures.
Wed July 30 |
Small disturbances |
Thu July 31st |
Good situation |
If you belong to one of the risk groups indicated in this material, or live in a metropolis, then you mustconstantly monitor the existing background of the Sun.