Video clips with animals captured in ordinary cellophane packages are terrifying - crippled, tortured to death by plastic captivity due to human carelessness. And how much of this garbage is just lying around the planet, causing damage to all living things, both mechanically and chemically. Recently, the idea that a biodegradable bag is a way out of the impasse of an ecological catastrophe has been widely promoted.
Sustainability of life
Plastic bags are the most common, inconspicuous, but such a necessary household item. People buy them practically in packages - every purchase, a thing in the closet, a sandwich for work or school - everything is wrapped in plastic, so that it can then be thrown into the nearest trash can or just under your feet. It is good when household waste is disposed of in accordance with all the rules, and does not litter the entire surrounding space. But even at specialized landfills, plastic and polyethylene are a huge problem. These materials take so long to decompose that during the process they manage to poison the world around them with decay products.
Environmentalists and chemists proposed to solve the problem by creating a biodegradable bag. The packaging of any product must be disposed of in allrules, and if not allowed for reuse, then it should dissolve in the outside world without harming it. Therefore, the production of biodegradable bags, presumably, is the future of ecology.

Features of the novelty
The manufacturer of biodegradable bags, and there are already a lot of them around the world, must indicate on the packaging what components this product is made of. Well, when the bag is paper - without lamination and an abundance of synthetic dyes, it will simply dissolve in nature, returning almost to its original state. But if the composition of the packaging material contains chemical compounds, then this is hardly an environmentally friendly package. Although, in order to make a biodegradable bag, special components must be added to the composition to help the material break down into simple components.
You might think that such packages cannot be bought for the future, that after lying at home in a "package with packages", they will turn into dust, suitable only for disposal. But it's not. According to most manufacturers of biodegradable bags, they retain their commercial properties for 3 years. Well, once in "favorable" conditions under the sun's rays in the open air, under the influence of wind, rain, cold, such used packaging turns into natural components after a few months.

True or fake?
Modern production of biodegradable plastic bags is the future of conservationnatural resources and ecology. But this applies only to natural bags made on the basis of substances from potato and corn starch, cane, and dairy components. There is an opinion that such packages are very fragile - nothing can be transferred to them. But this is not the case, the packages correspond to the load capacity declared by the manufacturer, which is indicated on the packaging with the packages or on each package separately.
But only natural bags or packaging can be called biodegradable. If the discarded container crumbles into microplastics over time, then it can be called biodegradable with a stretcher. According to many scientists, the decay waste of such packaging is also harmful to all living things. This is especially true of underwater inhabitants who eat floating small granules, mistaking them for plankton or some crustaceans. So it is very difficult to talk about the absolute safety of such material. It is this duality of the term "biodegradable bag" that speaks of consumer fraud.

Issue price
For many people now, the issues of saving are much more important than the problems of ecology. After all, it seems that ecology is something ephemeral, which "does not concern me", but saving the family budget, especially on household trifles, is an important matter. But it's quite the opposite.
Ecological security of the world in which all living beings live is the basis of the future. But household trifles that can keep the planet more or less clean cost a little more than thosewhich pollute the world around us for 100, 300, 500, or even thousands of years to come. After all, an ordinary plastic bag, which serves as a convenient and practical packaging for any purchase in a store, will turn into simple chemical compounds for more than a hundred years, which are not capable of harming nature, managing to poison the earth, water, and living creatures nearby. And the packaging, which is made from natural ingredients, costs a little more - 5-10% more than the usual price of small household items. So a real natural biodegradable package is not only able to save the budget. It can also save the planet from ecological disaster.

The production of biodegradable materials for household use, including packaging bags, will reduce the damage that humanity causes to nature.