Valentina Sperantova was born in February 1904 in Zaraysk near Moscow. Her father was a politician, her mother took care of the children and led the way of life. The family of Valentina Sperantova was large, besides her there were eight children. In 1914, the head of the family died. All worries about the house and life fell on the shoulders of young Valentina.
In my school years I became interested in acting. It was customary in the family to receive guests and arrange impromptu performances. Young Valentina helped adults choose roles, costumes, words, she quickly memorized many lines, and later recited them. When the girl became a little older, she was allowed to take an active part in the productions herself. She enjoyed playing boy roles.
In Valentina's hometown there was a real children's performance. For the first time, the girl was brought there by her aunt, and then her mother began to take her daughter to classes.
At school, Valentina even suggested to the teachers to organize their own drama club. It was there that the actors noticed the girllocal theatre. The play of the young actress impressed them so much that it was decided to invite the girl to an adult troupe. A role was prepared for her - Cinderella.
Moving to Moscow
The post-revolutionary activities of the school play went beyond the walls of the gymnasium. Young artists could count on eminent masters to notice them and even invite them to the capital. This is what happened to Valentina. One Moscow artist invited the girl to try her hand in the capital. He promised that he would assist and be able to get her a job. Valentina believed, moved to Moscow, but her hopes were in vain. Nobody helped. Out of desperation, Valentina wanted to return home, but it did not work out. She contracted typhus, so she had to go to the hospital.

After being discharged from someone's prompting, I decided to enter an art institute. She liked to draw since childhood. In less than six months, the student got bored with drawing and painting, and she wrote a letter of expulsion. Fuel to the fire was added by the fact that Valentina read an advertisement in a newspaper about the recruitment of young talents in a theater studio. From the first attempt, she entered the Lunacharsky Theater College.
Creative biography of Valentina Sperantova
After graduating from a technical school, Valentina was assigned to work in the Pedagogical Theater. All the roles that she played there were mostly male. She played Joe Garner in "Tom Sawyer", Seryoga in "Airplane", Shi Tao in "Yellow Dog", a German pioneer in"Keep it up", Yegorka in "Black Yar", Mishka in "Thresholds", etc.
With the onset of the Great Patriotic War, I had to leave my service in the theater. Valentina made a voluntary decision to participate in the front-line brigades. Until the end of the war, she was an actress at the front-line theater.

In the post-war period, she continued to work on the radio, was engaged in dubbing roles in children's performances. For example, Timur in "Timur and his team", Irtysh in "Bumbarash", Dimka in "R. V. S.", Malchish-Kibalchish, Burzhuin and other heroes of the performance of the same name.
In the same period, the program for young listeners "Club of Famous Captains" was launched on the air, Valentina also played a boyish role there.
Her voice was one of the most recognizable of that period, Sperantova became a truly popular favorite, she was even given a nickname - "the main boy of the Soviet Union", from all over the country, young listeners sent her letters of gratitude. Is this not a confession?
In the early 50s, Valentina began to be actively invited to dub animated films. The heroes of "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "Golden Antelope", "Uncle Styopa" spoke in her voice.
Valentina first appeared in films in 1953. Her debut work was the painting "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character".

Later Anatoly Efros invited the actress to star inhis film In Search of Joy. Valentina played the mother of the protagonist Claudia Savina. Thanks to this role, the actress woke up famous. It was a real triumph. Proposals began to come from eminent directors: "Two comrades served," "Two tickets for a daytime session." The actress tried to use her powers everywhere. The peak of activity in the cinema came in the early 70s. Valentina played her last film role in Kindness.
Valentina Sperantova's personal life
The actress got married twice. Her first chosen one was Nikolai Guselnikov. He worked as a construction worker at a hydroelectric power station. Thanks to this union, daughter Oksana was born. 10 years after the marriage, the spouse was sent to work in Kazakhstan. The actress did not agree to follow her husband and quit her job. Nikolai on a business trip fell in love with another woman.

Valentina did not know anything about her husband's new novel, for some time she was still waiting for his return. But in the end she filed for divorce. The second chosen one of the actress was Mikhail Nikonov, the former director of the Meyerhold Theater. In the second marriage, a daughter, Natalya, was born. Mikhail passed away in the late 60s. Valentina Sperantova herself died in 1978 from a heart attack.