Wind force: measurement and use

Wind force: measurement and use
Wind force: measurement and use

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Wind as a natural phenomenon is known to everyone since early childhood. He pleases with a fresh breath on a hot day, drives ships across the sea, and can bend trees and break roofs on houses. The main characteristics that determine the wind are its speed and direction.

wind force
wind force

What is wind?

From a scientific point of view, wind is the movement of air masses in a horizontal plane. Such movement occurs because there is a difference in atmospheric pressure and heat between two points. Air moves from areas of high pressure to areas of lower pressure. The result is wind.

Wind characteristics

In order to characterize the wind, two main parameters are used: direction and speed (force). The direction is determined by the side of the horizon from which it blows. It can be indicated in rhumbs, in accordance with the 16-rhumb scale. According to her, the wind can be north, southeast, north-northwest, and so on. Wind direction can also be measured in degrees relative to the meridian line. This scale defines north as 0 or 360 degrees, east as 90 degrees, west as 270 degrees, and south as 180 degrees. In turn, the wind speed is measured inmeters per second or knots. A knot is approximately 0.5 kilometers per hour. Wind strength is also measured in points, in accordance with the Beaufort scale.

wind strength is measured
wind strength is measured

The Beaufort scale, according to which wind strength is determined

This scale was introduced in 1805. And in 1963, the World Meteorological Association adopted a gradation that is valid to this day. Within its framework, 0 points corresponds to a calm, in which the smoke will rise vertically upwards, and the leaves on the trees remain motionless. A wind force of 4 points corresponds to a moderate wind, in which small waves form on the surface of the water, thin branches and leaves on trees can sway. 9 points correspond to a gale, in which even large trees can bend, roof tiles can be torn off, high waves can rise on the sea. And the maximum wind force in accordance with this scale, namely 12 points, falls on a hurricane. This is a natural phenomenon, in which the wind causes serious damage, even capital buildings can collapse.

wind pressure force
wind pressure force

Using the power of the wind

Wind power is widely used in energy as one of the renewable natural sources. Since time immemorial, mankind has used this resource. Suffice it to recall windmills or sailing ships. Windmills, with the help of which the force of the wind pressure is converted for further use, are widely used in those places that are characterized byconstant strong winds. Of the various applications of such a phenomenon as wind power, it is also worth mentioning the wind tunnel.

Wind is a natural phenomenon that can bring pleasure or destruction, as well as be beneficial to humanity. And its specific action depends on how large the force (or speed) of the wind will be.
