Russian public figure Vladimir Alexandrovich Ryzhkov, whose biography began in a remote province, over the past two decades has managed to become a prominent figure in the capital's political horizon. Attention to this politician is due to his principled position in relation to the ruling power.
Facts from the biography of an opposition politician
Ryzhkov Vladimir Alexandrovich (nationality - Russian), was born in September 1966 in the small town of Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory. He was brought up in an incomplete family. The mother of the future politician worked in administrative positions in the regional Department of Culture. Graduated from the Faculty of History of the Altai State University.

Passed active service in the armed forces. Conducted teaching activities at the university. He defended his Ph. D. thesis in history. He was active in journalism and social work. Appointed to nomenklatura Komsomol posts.
In August 1991
Vladimir Ryzhkov considers the August putsch of 1991 to be the active beginning of his political activity. The regional authorities in Barnaul came out in support of the rebels. From the very first hours of this event, Ryzhkovsided with President Yeltsin and organized a large protest rally in the city against the GKChP. This happened at a time when the situation was still far from certain and the outcome of the conflict could be any. It was the young politician Vladimir Ryzhkov who led the overthrow of the regional authorities in Barnaul after the defeat of the coup. The growth of anti-communist sentiment in those years was noticeable in many sectors of society. And on this wave, many figures soared up, to this day making up the Russian political elite.

In the same 1991, Vladimir Ryzhkov was appointed vice-governor of the Altai Territory. At that time, he was barely 25 years old, and he was the youngest administrator of this level in the whole country.
In the State Duma
In the first composition of the State Duma in December 1993, among others, was elected deputy Vladimir Ryzhkov. From that moment on, his biography continued in Moscow. He entered the parliament from the Altai Territory on the lists of the electoral bloc "Russia's Choice". All four terms in the State Duma, Vladimir Ryzhkov was a very influential figure. He was elected to the positions of vice-speaker and leader of the parliamentary faction.

Gained wide popularity in the country thanks to his bright performances from the rostrum of the State Duma. Vladimir Ryzhkov was active in legislative activity until 2007, when the abolition of single-member districts did not allow him to be elected as an independent deputy the Barnaul district.
After the State Duma
From the beginning of the 2000s, a number of new trends in political and economic life began to develop in the country. At the same time, opposition to these processes is also forming. Among those who did not accept the new course was Vladimir Ryzhkov. The politician establishes his own independent Republican Party of Russia, within which he tries to participate in official political life.

But it did not last long and in March 2007 it was formally liquidated by the decision of the Supreme Court. Vladimir Ryzhkov did not recognize the legality of this decision and continued to challenge it in European courts. But the paths to legal politics were closed to him.
Out-of-system opposition
Together with a group of like-minded people, Vladimir Ryzhkov establishes a socio-political movement "For Russia without arbitrariness and corruption." Its leaders included such prominent figures as Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Milov and Mikhail Kasyanov. Later, this coalition was transformed into the People's Freedom Party. But all attempts to obtain official status were unsuccessful. Ryzhkov was denied registration of the party. The situation was aggravated by the lack of unity on many issues among the participants and leaders of the socio-political movement.

If it was impossible to participate in the parliamentary elections, Vladimir Ryzhkov called for their ignoring or protestexpression of will on the principle of "Vote against all!" But the basis of the activities of the non-systemic opposition was bringing to public opinion their views on the political course of the country. This was done through the media and the Internet. Street protests were rare. The activities of the non-systemic opposition did not exert any noticeable influence on the political situation in the country. There were no mentions of her in the information space at all. And few people knew about its existence.
Winter 2011-2012
After the announcement of the results of the elections to the State Duma in December 2011, the political situation in the country deteriorated sharply. This was a big surprise not only for the authorities, but also for most of the leaders of the non-systemic opposition. Thousands of people took to spontaneous rallies in the center of the capital, disagreeing with the announced voting results. Of course, Vladimir Ryzhkov was in the forefront of the protesters. He actively spoke at rallies and was a participant in negotiations with government officials.

A side effect of these events was the fact that the authorities were forced to cancel the court decision to liquidate the Republican Party of Russia. Later, she became a member of the united RPR-PARNAS party. This allowed the politician to return to the legal field of activity, to be nominated and participate in the electoral processes at various levels. Perhaps this was the only real achievement of the winter protest campaign.
Personal life politics
Characteristicthe trend of our time is the active participation of family members of politicians in various business and financial structures, which make it possible to earn huge fortunes in a short time. This is achieved by facilitating access to financial flows from the budget and using the administrative influence of the heads of these families for personal gain. And it is customary to answer all public questions about sudden enrichment without blushing: "My wife is a talented entrepreneur." Or, for example: "My children are adults and live their own lives." A rare exception, perhaps, is only Ryzhkov Vladimir Alexandrovich, whose wife studied with him on the same course at the institute. And she was not noticed in any participation in business or other ways of withdrawing money from the budget. The wife of Vladimir Ryzhkov is engaged in family affairs and is raising a daughter. Does not actively participate in politics.