The biography of Yuri Lyubimov will be of interest to all fans of theatrical art. This man entered the history of Russian culture as the leader and reformer of one of the most popular theaters in the country - the Taganka Theater. However, his personal life is no less exciting than his public one. This interesting person will be discussed in our article.

Hard childhood
The biography of Yuri Lyubimov says that he was born on September 17, 2017 - just a couple of months before the revolution. The boy came from a we althy family, so the change of power did not affect his fate in the best way. The father of our hero, Peter Zakharovich, was a merchant. He graduated from a real school, worked for some time in his native Yaroslavl, and in 1922 moved to Moscow. There he lived in grand style, loved beautiful things, loved fast driving, attended social events, was known as an avid theatergoer - in a word, he attracted attention in every possible way. Now he would be called a successful entrepreneur. He keptown shop in Okhotny Ryad, where he sold various pickles. However, with the end of the NEP, the Lyubimovs began a completely different life - the head of the family was arrested. The authorities wanted to take away money from him, which in fact was not there. The mother of Yuri Petrovich, Anna Alexandrovna, also got it. She was imprisoned after her husband and kept behind bars for several months. At this time, three minor children, Yuri, David and Natalya, were left unattended in Moscow. They survived on their own, waiting for the release of their arrested parents.
The creative biography of Yuri Lyubimov includes about 30 films and more than 100 staged performances. Art became his passion from an early age. Our hero's mother was half gypsy. She instilled in her son a love of song and dance. Pyotr Zakharovich was fond of literature. He had an excellent library. The Lyubimov family did not miss a single theatrical premiere. In such an environment, the future actor and director grew up as a truly creative person. He enjoyed grandiose productions at the Moscow Art Theater. His first theatrical impressions are connected with the performances "The Blue Bird", "Woe from Wit", "Forest", "Inspector General". It was in the theater that he got the idea to become an actor. However, life has made its own adjustments. Since Yuri Petrovich was not from a proletarian family, he was not allowed into the senior classes. In 1922, he had to go to study at an electromechanical technical school. In parallel, he attended a choreographic studio, where they taught according to the system of Isadora Duncan.
The times were turbulent, and the young student had to constantly protectyourself from encroachment. Once he was severely beaten - his head was cut open and two of his teeth were knocked out. This made our hero next time leave the house with a Finn and a pistol. The hooligans didn't touch him anymore.

Career development
There are many unexpected twists and turns in the biography of Yuri Lyubimov. One of them was admission in 1934 to the theater studio at the Moscow Art Theater. A year later, the newly minted actor already participated in his first production. He got a cameo role in the play "Prayer for Life". A year later, the studio was closed as part of the fight against formalism. However, our hero transferred to the Vakhtangov Theater School. Later he began to work in the same theater. In 1941, he was drafted into the army, where he served until the Victory in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the NKVD - Beria's favorite brainchild. There were no concessions for the artists - they periodically raised the morale of the Soviet troops on the front line.
Demobilization allowed Yury Petrovich Lyubimov to return to his beloved work. The biography of the future director indicates that in the period from 1946-1964 he played more than thirty roles in the theater. Among them are Mozart from Little Tragedies, Treplev from The Seagull, Oleg Koshevoy from The Young Guard and many others. The actor made his film debut in 1941. He starred in the film "Color Novels". On account of Yuri Petrovich 21 films. The artist was involved in "Restless Economy", "Kuban Cossacks", "Robinson Crusoe", "Three Meetings" and many other films. He was considered a talented, virtuoso and original actor. Nobody and nosuspected that this was only one facet of his undeniable talent.
Director and director
A brief biography of Yury Petrovich Lyubimov cannot characterize his entire personal and social life. After all, he really found himself in directing and directing one of the most advanced theaters in the country - the famous Taganka. The path to the top was long. First, in 1953, our hero became a teacher at the Shchukin Theater School. Then, in 1959, he staged his own play "How Much Does a Man Need" on the stage of the Vakhtangov Theater. This experience inspired him to attend directing courses taught by Mikhail Kedrov. A student of Stanislavsky spoke at his seminars about the latest trends in the field of theatrical art. It is not surprising that after attending these lectures, in 1964, Yuri Petrovich created his first grandiose theatrical production. It was called "The Good Man from Sezuan" and was carried out by graduates of "Pike" - a school at the Vakhtangov Theater. By that time, a successful actor and experienced teacher was appointed head of the Moscow Drama Theater on Taganskaya Street, which he managed to transform into a recalcitrant Taganka. Beloved's contemporaries claim that he was a gifted PR man. The director knew how to make each production a real event in the cultural life of the capital. For example, before the release of The Good Man from Cezuan, a rumor was spread that after the premiere the production would certainly be banned. As a result, people poured into the performance in droves, and its success was tremendous. The best students of Yuri Petrovich formed the coretroupe of the new theater. Vladimir Vysotsky, Valery Zolotukhin, Veniamin Smekhov and many others began to shine on his stage. For many years, Taganka has established itself as a breath of freedom in the dark realm of hopeless censorship.

First marriage
Yuri Lyubimov, whose biography, whose personal life is discussed in this article, was an extraordinary person. They called him a man of will. He did not like to be led by circumstances, did not grovel before the powers that be, and nevertheless remained a successful person under Soviet power. For his strong and independent character, women loved him very much.
For the first time, Yuri Petrovich married in the mid-1940s. He married the ballerina Olga Kovaleva. She was an extraordinarily beautiful woman. Together, the lovers performed in the NKVD ensemble. Their relationship did not come as a surprise to anyone, because the mutual attraction was visible to the naked eye. In 1949, Olga Evgenievna gave Lyubimov a son. The boy was named Nikita. However, the couple quickly lost interest in each other. Olga was constantly at home with her child, while her successful husband disappeared all the time on tour and filming. As a result, she went to the conductor Yuri Silantiev. The woman left for Abkhazia and soon remarried. Such information is offered to us by the official biography. The children of Yuri Lyubimov did not disgrace their father's name and also became creative people. For example, the eldest son Nikita became a writer and even wrote plays for the Taganka Theater. He is a very religious person, regularlyvisits an Orthodox church. He has a wife and three children.
Heart passions always boiled around our hero. This is directly indicated by his biography. The personal life of Yuri the Beloved was the subject of heated discussion among his contemporaries. It is known that there were many attractive actresses in the troupe of the Vakhtangov Theater. But the Pashkov sisters - Galina and Larisa - were considered exceptional beauties. The future director was literally torn between two charming ladies. According to rumors, for some time the trio even lived under the same roof.
The next passion of Yuri Petrovich - Elena Kornilova - claims that her affair with the Teacher lasted 13 years. The woman had to share it with her common-law wife, Lyudmila Tselikovskaya. She recalls that it was impossible to resist the charm of Lyubimov. The director of "Taganka" was an amazingly creative person. Under his influence, the actors disappeared day and night in the theater. Elena also notes that the great director liked strong-willed women. Ladies with a tough and fighting character invariably won his attention. That is why he lived with the unsurpassed Tselikovskaya for so long.

Theatrical Muse
Lyudmila Vasilievna was considered an extraordinary woman. She was completely different from her on-screen image of a pretty, but dim-witted girl. Among her undoubted advantages were high education, good taste and incredible popularity with the public. The biography of director Yuri Lyubimov could have turned out completely differently if not for the meeting with this amazingactress. She helped him meet the “right” people, recommended literature suitable for reading, and selected repertoire for the theater. If Yuri Petrovich was distinguished by organizational talent, then Tselikovskaya was responsible for the intellectual component. In addition, she was his guardian angel - she saved him from the machinations of ill-wishers and the ubiquitous censorship.
The biography of Yury Petrovich Lyubimov testifies that he met Lyudmila Vasilievna while still a student at Pike. The newly minted artist attended the fourth year, and his future muse - the first. After that, they had a chance to serve together in the Vakhtangov Theater. In 1945, the picture "Restless Economy" was released, where both artists were involved. Bright, charismatic, incredibly beautiful, amazingly talented, they were very suitable for each other. As a result, in the early 1960s, the lovers began to live together.
Undoubtedly, the Taganka Theater owes much of its success to Tselikovskaya. However, she never considered Yuri Petrovich a genius. Perhaps this is the reason that over time our hero became interested in the woman who idolized him.

Fatal Catalin
Yuri Lyubimov's biography is well known to many. The personal life of this successful man often influenced his professional one. This became clear when another woman appeared in his fate. Our hero met Katalina Kunz back in 1976. At this time, his theater went on tour to Hungary. Yuri Petrovich was already 59 years old, and his new chosen onebarely 30 passed. The age difference did not bother anyone - a stormy romance broke out between the famous Russian director and the Hungarian translator. In 1978, the couple legalized their relationship. A year later, they had a boy.
The biography of Peter Lyubimov (son of Yuri Lyubimov) clearly demonstrates how difficult it is to be a child of a creative person. The guy received an excellent education - he was given a matriculation certificate at Cambridge. Then he graduated from the university and after that he lived in Italy for a whole year. The son of the famous director had the opportunity to build his own career in the construction business, but life decreed otherwise. For the sake of his father, he left everything and moved to Moscow. Together with his mother, Peter began to work at the Taganka Theater.
Katalina Kunz was accused by many of all sins. Allegedly, she sowed discord in the troupe, established a dictatorship, and completely kicked the creative atmosphere out of the theater. Perhaps the aesthetics of the "theater of the streets" really suffered. However, Lyubimov himself only benefited from the method, integrity and devotion of his wife.
There are many sudden turns in the biography of Yury Petrovich Lyubimov. Children who absorbed his wisdom and creativity can be called not only his own sons, but also his favorite artists. Vysotsky died in 1980. There were many rumors surrounding his death. The Taganka Theater began to be considered almost a hotbed of resistance to the official ideology. The struggle lasted more than one year and ended tragically - Yuri Petrovich was deprived of Soviet citizenship. It happened in 1984. Since 1981, for seven years,our hero traveled the world with his family. He lived and worked in Israel, USA, England, Scandinavia, Italy, Germany. And everywhere his productions were wildly successful. His directing experiences at the La Scala theater deserve special mention. Milan applauded opera productions from the famous Soviet director. But, like any patriot, Lyubimov was drawn home. In 1988, he had the opportunity to return to Moscow. He was greeted like a winner.

Conflict in theater
However, things soon went wrong. Yuri Petrovich is a supporter of strict discipline. He strove for the unquestioning obedience of the actors. His policies did not suit everyone. As a result, the Taganka troupe split in two. One part united under the leadership of Nikolai Gubenko and founded the "Commonwe alth of Taganka Actors", the other chose Lyubimov as its leader and received the name "Taganka Theater". The artists settled in the old theater building on Zemlyanoy Val. The period from 2000-2003 can be described as the "Boldino autumn" of the artist. He staged six grandiose performances and earned brilliant reviews from critics. However, in 2010, Yuri Petrovich nevertheless resigned. He explained his departure as a conflict with the Moscow Department of Culture.
Recent years
Until his death, Lyubimov managed to maintain interest in his person. In 2012, the 94-year-old director presented to the audience a performance based on Dostoevsky's novel "Demons". The 4-hour epic performance opened up new facets of the famous talentdirector. In 2013, the premiere of the opera Prince Igor took place on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre. All tickets were sold out months before the scheduled date. The success was resounding. The audience gave a standing ovation. However, over time, the he alth of the master irreparably deteriorated. His family became an indispensable support during these years for the director. Catalin was always there, guarding the peace of her beloved husband. In 2014, on October 5, Lyubimov died. He died at the age of 97, leaving an indelible memory of himself.

Now you know about the main milestones in the biography of Yuri Lyubimov. Personal life, children, beloved women, creative searches, turns in fate and career - all this is not a secret for you. Many films and books are dedicated to the memory of Yuri Petrovich. He entered the history of Russian culture as a person with an active life position and an invaluable creative heritage.