Beautiful and original names for boys

Beautiful and original names for boys
Beautiful and original names for boys

Many parents are puzzled by the choice of a beautiful and unusual name for a boy. After all, everyone wants their child to be the smartest and happiest, while standing out among others. This can be done by giving the child an unusual name. In addition, many are sure that the name has some kind of magical feature that can affect the life of the baby in the future.

Choose a name

Rare names for boys
Rare names for boys

All mothers, as soon as they find out on an ultrasound scan that they will have a son, begin to sort out names for boys. Making a choice is often difficult. As a rule, the criteria are the rarity, beauty and masculinity that this name should have.

In order to choose a name that everyone in the family will like, first of all, you need to talk with your spouse, together go to the final decision. Men are often more conservative than women, so they do not always agree that their heir should have a beautiful, but rare and unusual name. Therefore, often instead of Milan or Rudolfchoose Alexei or Alexander.

What should be the name

Muslim names for boys
Muslim names for boys

But more often than not, a woman manages to convince her husband if she really likes the name. When you managed to enlist the support of your spouse, you can start choosing a rare name for the boy. It is important to pay attention to ensuring that it is consonant with the surname and patronymic. Agree, Felix Petrov or Ludwig Ivanov are completely dissonant combinations.

In addition, this name should have a beautiful and pleasant diminutive analog for your hearing, which you will definitely use until the baby grows up, and maybe in the future at home.

Also, do not forget that your son will also have children in the future, whose patronymic will depend on his name. So the patronymic of your future grandchildren and granddaughters should be harmonious and organically combined with the surname. There is always a danger of running into a strange patronymic, calling a child a rare name, usually it is foreign and has not yet adapted to the Russian language. Therefore, protect yourself from a granddaughter with a fatherland Markusovna, Manuelievna or the like. Your original fantasy girl will definitely not be happy.

Nicknames and nicknames

Beautiful names for boys
Beautiful names for boys

Do not forget about such a factor as nicknames from peers and classmates. Children are often angry, giving offensive nicknames in kindergarten or school, which are often made on behalf of their victim. Of course, if the children set out to somehow nickname theirclassmate, they will definitely do it, find something to complain about, what to focus on. But you should not give them an extra reason with an overly pretentious and unusual name, which by itself will beg for the original nickname. Try to anticipate this moment as well, guessing what peers might call your son.

For example, there is a beautiful and rather rare name Matvey, but it often gives rise to the offensive nickname Motya in childhood, which your child will definitely not be happy with.

When choosing rare names for boys, pay attention to the surname that he will wear. Children are often embarrassed if their name cannot unequivocally determine the gender in a short form, for example, Valya, Sasha or Zhenya. And it is especially frustrating for them if, in addition, there is also a non-declining surname. For example, Nechepurenko or Suprunenko. This can lead to unpleasant offensive and funny situations in life, to which boys react especially sharply in adolescence. As a result, some even change their surnames or take their wife's surname.

Optimal choice

The name of the boy and fate
The name of the boy and fate

In this article, to help you, we have selected a small list of beautiful names for boys that meet all of the above criteria. You can easily form a harmonious diminutive name, it will not be so easy for your peers to come up with an offensive nickname. The only thing is that you will have to determine the compatibility with your last name of each name yourself.

The list of rare names for boys that sound solid and beautiful in anysituations, you can include: Arseny, Bogdan, Arthur, Benedict, Valery, Vlas, German, David, Gleb, Demyan, Gordey, Elisha, Elizar, Zakhar, Ignat, Julius, Innokenty, Karl, Korney, Lubomir, Lev, Nestor, Mark, Oscar, Oleg, Nathan, Orest, Prokhor, Pavel, Plato, Robert, Savva, Radomir, Renat, Savely, Taras, Timur, Foma, Philip, Edgard, Khariton, Erast, Jacob, Jaromir.

Most of them do not look too pretentious, but very original, on the playground or in line at the clinic you are guaranteed to be in an enviable minority. True, one should not forget that the fashion for rare names is changing so rapidly that even if your son bears the only name among his peers in the whole city, it is possible that in a few years there will be a large number of babies with the same name. It may well lose its uniqueness and peculiarity.

Muslim names

Rare and beautiful names
Rare and beautiful names

There are many beautiful Muslim boy names in the world. In Russia, Islam is the second most common religion (after Orthodoxy), so don't be surprised if your son's classmate is a child with a Muslim name.

It is worth noting that often the Muslim names of boys can surprise and amaze many with their beauty and originality. For example, the name Aamir means prosperous, Aarif is well-informed, Abdulkarim is a generous slave, Airat is beloved, dear, Alpan is a brave man, Anzor is the most caring, Arsen is fearless, courageous, Bahir is brilliant, blinding, Vahid is exceptional, the only one,Gashkay - happy, Damir - mind, conscience, Kamil - perfect, Karim - noble, generous, Orkhan - commander, Sanjar - prince, Hirad - he althy.

Tatar names

Tatar boy names are also often found in Russia. In this language, there are a huge number of completely different names in origin. Many belong to Turkic roots, a large number are derived from common nouns and adjectives. In the modern world, most of the Tatar names are borrowed from the language of various Muslim peoples.

Modern names for boys that can be found in Tatarstan are Alfir, which means excellent, Bars is strong, Gamil is a hardworking person, Davlet is we alth, happiness, Insaf is justice, Ildar is a ruler, Mergen is a skilled hunter, Rauf - merciful, Sagid - happiness, Haris - plowman.

The influence of the name on fate

Modern names for boys
Modern names for boys

Many see a direct connection between the meaning of the name and the fate of the boy. Therefore, such parents pay increased attention to the choice of a name. It is believed that it can affect not only the fate, but also the character of your child.

Often a child is named after some relative (father or grandfather), so that he becomes the successor of their deeds and undertakings. Especially in the old days, such a ritual had great semantic significance and energy load. Allegedly, the baby received a kind of informational message along with the name, determining what he would be like in the future.

It is worth noting that this tradition has its advantagesand cons. Of course, it is good that the child is energetically protected from the troubles of the outside world through his relatives, so he will grow up courageous and internally free, from childhood he will form a model of a strong family, which he will try to bring to life when he arranges his own family.

But at the same time, giving the name of the closest successful relative, all personality traits brought with this name will fall on the character of the child, breaking or strengthening it. In addition, the influence of the name of a relative imposes predetermined high demands that will be placed on the child from the first years of his life.


Tatar boy names
Tatar boy names

Often in families, the name of the baby is determined randomly, according to the principle "like it or not".

In this case, not only how correct this random choice turned out to be, but also which of the parents or other relatives insisted on this option is of great importance for development. It is this person who will eventually play a key role in the upbringing and formation of the character of the baby.

Orthodox tradition

According to Christian tradition, a child is named after the saint on whose memory day he was born or baptized. All this is also aimed at ensuring that the child has a better life, and this saint becomes his personal protector and guardian from all life's adversities.

The boy's name and fate may largely depend on which saint will protect him. After all, according to the Orthodox, it is preciselythe heavenly patron takes care of the fate of the baby, the development of his talents and abilities.

If you decide to strictly follow this Orthodox tradition, then be sure to buy your child an icon with the image of his saint and celebrate with him not only his birthday, but also the day of his angel.

Interestingly, in this case, the name can be chosen in advance, focusing on the date of birth of the baby. The saint's memorial day should be closest on the calendar to your baby's birthday. But if among these names there is not a single suitable one, you can focus on the day of baptism. In this case, you need to guess that the day of memory of the saint whose name suits you coincides with the day of your son's baptism.

Advice from a psychologist

Psychologists say: the main thing, no matter how rare and beautiful names for boys, they should not be a burden to them. After all, an unsuccessful and thoughtless choice of parents can lead to a large number of offensive nicknames and ridicule from peers in adolescence.

You shouldn't name your son with a too old, albeit beautiful, name. For example, in honor of some ancient Greek philosopher. In this case, the name itself can turn into an offensive nickname, which in an instant will not be a joy for the child. And, without loving his name, he will not be able to grow up as a full-fledged and self-confident person. It will be difficult for him to adapt to the team and make new acquaintances.
