What is dung? The photos that you will see in this article will help answer this question. This word is used to refer to dried manure from which briquettes are molded. They burn hot and are used as fuel. Accordingly, camel dung, the photo of which is somewhat unsightly, is made from the dung of the animal that produces it. It is clear that in the Middle lane they take the "product" of cows, pigs, horses. But in the south, camels give it out the most.

Steppe life
Often dung was the only fuel for the steppe peoples. It's not hard to imagine why. There are no plants suitable for this, but there are many livestock that produce a large amount of manure. It was collected in the winter, and in the spring they scattered it on a specially arranged area for drying. Sometimes, if there was one, straw was mixed in. When the manure was slightly dry, it was cut into layers of such a size that they could fitin the oven, and continued to dry, turning from one side to the other. The dried bricks were laid out in the form of a pyramid with a void inside and left to dry further. Finished raw materials were removed to the barn. Nowadays, this type of fuel is gradually being phased out. It was replaced by coal and gas.

Human benefits
Camel dung is considered the most valuable fertilizer. It is used to feed any soil and plants. Possessing a rich chemical composition, it helps to increase soil fertility, and hence crop volumes. But no matter how useful it is, can a person eat it? Most likely, you will categorically reject this assumption. But not everyone will agree with this. Nowadays, there is such a category of people who chew camel dung and enjoy it. It's about a drug called nasvay.
In Central Asian countries, a mixture of shag, ash, oil, slaked lime, camel dung or chicken droppings is common. Previously, the plant used in the manufacture of nas, a type of wild hemp. Now it is believed that it was replaced by tobacco. But who will check whether marijuana is contained in the nasvay or not? Tobacco or hemp contain harmful substances that cause irreparable damage to he alth. There are a lot of recipes. Sometimes this word refers to a mixture of tobacco dust, lime, glue and oil, rolled into balls.

Harmful not only for children
The main danger is that teenagers use nasvay at school, and parentsit is very difficult to notice it. After all, it is not smoked, but chewed. It does not have a strong smell, like cigarettes, even though it contains camel dung. Therefore, it is impossible to detect that your child is using drugs by sniffing his hands or smelling smoke when he comes home from the street. In addition, teenagers can chew nasvay right in front of their parents or at school, and in any public place. No one will pay attention, thinking that he has chewing gum in his mouth. But if you take a closer look at your child, you can see a sparkle in the eyes, reddening of the cheeks and other signs that indicate that his chewing is not so harmless.

Where does it come from
Who is spreading poison among our teenagers? These are people from Central Asia. Harmless-looking sellers of fruits and nuts from under the floor are selling nasvay. In their countries, they are not so critical of the fact that their own children use it. But in our country, parents are sounding the alarm. The acquisition of nasvay is available, so more and more teenagers are at the mercy of addiction. But it comes very quickly. Children, having felt a surge of strength, fun and courage, do not want to give up these sensations. Having used a mixture of tobacco, camel dung and other filth, you become self-confident and fearless. How can you refuse this miracle remedy? Moreover, there are no external signs that it is very harmful.
Very harmful
But this is a misconception. Already the fact that during chewing a person sweats, his face turns red, saysabout vegetative disorders. The person may experience nausea and dizziness. Sometimes there is a loss of consciousness. Of course, this is not the fault of camel dung, which, in fact, is the most harmless component and is added to speed up the absorption of intoxicating substances into the oral mucosa.

You can't fool nature
Experienced users of this drug advise not to chew it, but to put it under the lower and upper lip, under the tongue or even into the nasal cavity. It is necessary to act carefully, because this infernal mixture has the ability to corrode the lips, which are covered with ulcers and blisters. By the way, parents of novice “nasvaemans” can also pay attention to this sign. You need to spit saliva. If the potion enters the stomach, it provokes vomiting and diarrhea. Even the body itself rejects what is harmful to it. But man seeks to outsmart himself and learns how to hurt himself properly.
That's definitely him
A person who has been using nasvay for a long time can be recognized by external signs. The skin becomes pale, dries out over time and acquires a yellow color. The eyes are swollen. The enamel of the teeth is destroyed. Breath becomes fetid. If the use of the drug is not stopped, then the consequences for the body will become irreversible. Oncology of the oral cavity occurs in 80% of cases. A person expects a stomach ulcer, stroke, memory loss, heart disease. Already this is enough to never come close to nasvayu. If the list of diseases does not scare you, imagine that nasvay containsanimal droppings - camel dung. What it is, no need to explain. And this is what you need to put in your mouth. But animal feces contain many intestinal infections and parasites, not to mention that putting it in your mouth is unpleasant.

So as not to breed
Nature makes sure that unsuccessful individuals, unable to benefit the planet or give he althy offspring, do not continue to exist. Otherwise, how can one explain the fact that when using nasvay, the human reproductive system also suffers. In men, erectile function is disturbed, with time impotence occurs. The quality of sperm changes, making it unsuitable for conception. In women, libido decreases, the ovaries cease to function, and hormonal failure occurs. Even if pregnancy occurs, it becomes problematic to bear it.
Themselves hurt
Nasvay has become widespread in Russian cities, where there are many guest workers. The police and narcologists are sounding the alarm. But the fact is that this potion is not prohibited for use in Russia. There is no corresponding normative act, no decision has been made at the highest level. It gets ridiculous. Policemen trying to apprehend lovers of this drug may themselves be held accountable. The countries of Central Asia are already trying to deal with this problem. Turkmenistan has adopted a law prohibiting the use of nasvay in public places. Violators face a fine, as well as those who sell this potion.
Nasvay is highly addictive, which eventually leads touse of harder drugs. But you can deal with it. Parents need to monitor the condition of their children. Too much free time often leads to drug use. It is best that the child has some interesting activity. It is very good to write it down in sports sections. Sport is he alth first. It is necessary that there is no room in the head for bad thoughts. Then your child will become sane enough not to put kaku - camel dung - in his mouth. What is a drug with its addition and what harm does it do to the body, we told in this article.