We hear about the need to protect nature from early childhood. Most of the time we just hear. Adults (not counting school teachers) rarely explain to kids why this should be done. Moreover, adult behavior most often demonstrates the opposite.

Remember how many times you kindled fires outside the city? How many branches were broken? How many flowers were picked while relaxing in the forest?
We say to the kid: “Take care of nature!”, but we throw garbage into the rivers, litter the atmosphere, poison the soil with an excess amount of fertilizers. And at the same time, we hope that environmental disasters will not befall us.
Have you ever wondered why you need to protect nature? A common answer like: “To save the environment!”, although absolutely accurate, but sounds unconscious (most often). Let's try to dream up and remember the real facts.
Imagine that you are the owner of a site and at the same time a small workshop for the production of chemicals. To increase your profits, you dump chemical waste on your site. You also send scraps and sewage here. What do you think will happen to your land in a year? And ten years later? What plants will surviveher? Will they be edible?
But we do exactly that with our planet. We forget that we need to protect nature not periodically, during actions, but every day, every second.

An example is still not forgotten, when a few decades ago in China all sparrows were destroyed: they ate rice crops. But instead of increasing the harvest, they first received a huge number of pests, then - the drying up of forests and, as a result, the shallowing of rivers. There are many such examples in the history of Russia and planet Earth.
Remember the sad fate of the Aral Sea, the ongoing forest fires. Think how many people have been poisoned by vegetables with an excess of chemicals, how many people are suffocating in an atmosphere of industrial waste?
Why should nature be protected? The short answer is to live. To have he althy children, raise he althy grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
But how to take care of nature?
Protect nature From early childhood, you need to teach kids to take care of all living things: do not pick wild flowers, do not break branches, do not throw garbage on the asph alt, do not burn fires anywhere. Help the child imagine what will happen to the planet if each of its inhabitants breaks one tree? There will be seven billion fewer trees in the world. We'll just suffocate.
- Teach your baby not to litter water bodies, not to dump them in them and not to leave plastic bags, bottles, and other garbage on the ground. Remember: it remains in the ground for hundreds of years!
- Teach students to love nature. You can just go hiking and enjoy the natural beauty. Or you can plant a whole park with your own hands or make a flower garden.
- Make the student think about the future. Encourage him to look for alternative fuels, harmless production methods.
- Punish business owners who dump industrial waste into rivers or soil. Fight those who pollute the atmosphere. Chase the poachers.
- Give up drugs, smoking. Remember: you, too, are a part of nature that needs to be protected.