Roman Fomin is a Russian theater and film actor. His filmography includes more than ten films, such as Spouses 2, Univer. New hostel”, “Friendship of Peoples”, etc. Unfortunately, Roman cannot yet boast of a large number of bright roles in the cinema, but he managed to achieve considerable heights on the theater stage. If you want to know more about this talented actor, then this article is for you.
Roman Vladimirovich Fomin was born in the Astrakhan maternity hospital on May 15, 1986. The family of our hero is far from the world of art. Roman has a brother and a sister. The future actor began to be interested in theater at an early age. In his free time from school, Fomin attended acting classes for children, participated in amateur performances.

Immediately after school, the future actor went to conquer Moscow. His goal was to study at the Shchukin school. The desire to become an actor was so strong that Roman entered there from the firstattempts. He was enrolled in the course of two legendary actors and teachers - Yuri Methodievich and Olga Nikolaevna Solomin.

In 2007, Roman Fomin graduated from the Shchukin School and went to work at the Mayakovsky Theater. It is difficult to list all the performances in which our hero played over the years of cooperation with this creative team. But we will still name the most famous ones: “The Brothers Karamazov”, “Inspector”, “Cupids in the Snow”, “Eccentrics”, “Caucasian Chalk Circle”, “Golden Key”, “In a Busy Place”, etc.

Despite the fact that Roman Fomin's filmography does not yet have such a long list, he still managed to establish himself as a talented film actor. For the first time, the audience saw our hero on the screen in 2008, in the film "Galina" (dir. Vitaly Pavlov). Then Fomin embodied the image of a waiter in the film "My Favorite Witch", played a district police officer in the film "I'm going out to look for you." A small role went to Roman Fomin in the serial film "Soldiers".
In 2010, the film "Marusya" was released (dir. Kazbek Meretukov, Petr Krotenko, Konstantin Smirnov, Dmitry Petrov), where our today's hero also played. In addition to Roman Fomin, the film starred the notorious Marina Yakovleva, Sergei Pioro, Polina Dolinskaya, Larisa Luzhina, Ekaterina Semenova, Vladimir Menshov, Olga Degtyareva, Olga Zhitnik, etc.
Less than a year after the release of the film "Marusya", the actor was again invited to shoot. This time it will be the work of director Ivan Shchegolev"Master". The film tells about retired officer Konstantin Zharov, who fights crime in his native land.
But the 2011 series The Eighties (dir. Fyodor Stukov, Yulia Levkina, Philip Korshunov, Roman Fokin), filmed in 2011, brought particular popularity to actor Roman Fomin. The clumsy but charismatic Borya Levitsky became his hero. After this picture was seen by millions of TV viewers, our hero gained immense popularity.

The topic of personal life is certainly of interest to many fans of the artist. It is known that Roman Fomin has been living with actress Nina Shchegoleva for many years, known for such films as "The Voronins", "I Don't Believe You Anymore", "Turn of the Key", "Spouses", etc. With his chosen one, our hero met at the Mayakovsky Theater. Nina and Roman became interested in each other after working together on the play "The Golden Key". Eight months after they met, the lovers got married. Their wedding took place in Roman's homeland - in Astrakhan. As Roman himself admits, few people were present at the wedding celebration - only the closest people were.
Now a couple in love is raising a joint daughter, Nadezhda, who, apparently, in the future, just like her parents, will become a great actress. Such conclusions are not accidental. Already at the age of four, little Nadyusha made her debut on the stage of the theater, where her mother and father work. By the way, as the actor himself says, after his first performance, his daughter came out all in tears. When little Nadiaasked why she was crying, the girl replied: “Too small a role!”.
If you look at the photo of Roman Fomin with his wife and daughter, you can see that harmony, love and mutual respect reign in their family.
And finally
Roman Fomin is a man with a capital letter. At the age of 32, he managed to achieve unprecedented heights. If Roman continues to work as hard as he does now, then in the future he will probably become an actor of a large scale, who will be known not only in Russia, but also abroad.