The biography of Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu is interesting to many people, even those who are very far from politics. Indeed, this man is simply impossible not to admire. At various periods of his life, he occupied posts and positions of completely different significance, but he always competently and with full responsibility approached the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him. Personal qualities of Sergei Kuzhugetovich, such as honesty, perseverance and hard work, made him one of the most significant personalities in the history of modern Russia.
Sergey Kuzhugetovich's small homeland is the small town of Chadan, which is located in the Tuva Autonomous Region. His father, Kuzhuget Sereevich, began his career as a simple editor of a local newspaper, but later, moving up the party ladder, he took an important post in the Council of Ministers of Tuva. Alexandra Yakovlevna, the mother of the future popular rescuer, worked all her life in agriculture. Her first rung on the career ladder waszootechnician position. Subsequently, she took the post of head of a department in the Ministry of Agriculture of Tuva. Alexandra Yakovlevna was also awarded the title of Honored Worker of Agriculture of the region.
Civil biography of Shoigu
Today, Sergei Kuzhugetovich seems to many Russians to be the ideal defense minister, but at the beginning of his career, he was a civilian. Shoigu's parents, whose biography, nationality and life priorities were in many ways different, from childhood showed him by personal example that everything can be achieved with perseverance and hard work. He wanted to use these qualities in the construction industry. For this, young Shoigu enters and in 1977 successfully graduates from the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in civil engineering. There he met his future wife Antipina Irina Alexandrovna, with whom he is happily married and has two daughters: Yulia and Ksenia.
After graduating from the institute, until 1988, Shoigu worked in his speci alty. But already in these years, he cannot remain indifferent to the fate of people who find themselves in a difficult situation, and therefore he repeatedly participates in rescue operations of voluntary detachments.
Since 1989, the party period of his life begins. First, Sergei Kuzhugetovich holds the post of second secretary of the city committee of the CPSU of Abakan, then inspector of the Krasnoyarsk regional committee of the CPSU, after which he receives a promotion and moves to Moscow in 1990.
Bthe capital, he is appointed Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Construction and Architecture.
Military biography of Shoigu
Shoigu's career is simply amazing in its diversity. In 1991, being a civilian, he heads the Russian Rescue Corps. At that time it was a completely new state structure. Its name later changed more than once, but Sergei Kuzhugetovich held the leading position until 2012.
In 2012, Shoigu's biography again acquires a civilian character, as he becomes the governor of the Moscow region. But this period lasted a little more than six months, and already in November of the same year, the country had a new defense minister. Shoigu, whose biography leaves no doubt about the versatility of his character, accepted this challenge of fate.