Horses began to be mentioned in chronicles about three thousand years ago. Ancient rulers, in letters or oral messages transmitted through messengers, certainly congratulated each other on the acquisition of a good horse or on the appearance of a thoroughbred offspring in the stable, foals. A four-year-old thoroughbred horse was considered a particularly valuable gift. Dust particles were blown off him, and how proud the owner of his trotter, riding on it, cannot be conveyed. In a word, horses in ancient times were an integral part of the life of both noblemen and ordinary people. Then the colors of horses were already distinguished, black and dappled gray horses were especially valued for riding.

At all times, horses were divided into thoroughbred and ordinary. Simple horses worked, they plowed the land and carried goods, and thoroughbreds participated in horse races, jousting tournaments and wars. Some horses have become famous thanks to their famous owners. We will not list everyone, but we will remember the horse named Bucephalus, because it was the horse of Alexander the Great. A faithful warhorse lived a long life, and now the memory of himlives, there is even a city named after him. Let us also remember Rocinante, who was a devoted friend of Don Quixote of La Mancha, served him faithfully. Several monuments have also been erected to Rocinante.

It's impossible to count how many horse colors there are. Nevertheless, there are four main colors of horses: black, red, bay and gray. Each of them gives rise to secondary ones: these are brown and nightingale, piebald and buckskin, karakov and chubaraya. In addition to the suit, horses differ in breed - there are about two hundred of them. We will not list all breeds of horses, but we will talk about some.

The first horse on the list is, of course, the Arabian. A real Arabian horse has several distinguishing features: a slightly concave bridge of the nose, large wet eyes, like all oriental beauties. The main sign of purebredness is the following: all horses of the Arabian breed in the gait hold their tail very high. This breed is extremely resilient, horses live up to 30 years and bring offspring even in old age.

The next famous breed is Akhal-Teke. Its history goes back three thousand years. Akhal-Teke horses are incredibly hardy and frisky. Their jumps are light and long. The appearance is characteristic: slanted eyes, long ears and, in contrast to the concave bridge of the nose of Arabian horses, a hump on the nose. The colors of horses of this breed are very different, but bay prevails. Among the Akhal-Teke horses there is even an Olympic champion, the stallion Absent.

In 1946, a special breed of heavy horse was bred at the Vladimir stud farm. The Vladimir-Suzdal land required small but numerous plots for plowing and strong, hardy horses for horse-drawn transportation. Selected local horses served as the maternal material, and the paternal gene pool was created from Scottish Clydesdales, which are the best suited in terms of their data for breeding the Vladimir heavy truck.

The next world-famous breed is the famous Oryol trotter, a light draft horse. He walks at a brisk trot, picturesquely arching his neck, indispensable on holiday trips. Can walk both native and attached. On the move, it is light, swift and can trot for more than a dozen kilometers. Bred by the most complex combinations of crossing the Arabian, Danish, Dutch and Mecklenburg breeds. The colors of Oryol horses are usually gray or dapple gray. In addition to a team, the Oryol trotter can serve as an excellent riding horse. He has a lively temperament, but is obedient to the reins.