Reusable pads: photos and reviews

Reusable pads: photos and reviews
Reusable pads: photos and reviews

In recent years, reusable pads have become increasingly popular among the fair sex. There are two types of these hygiene products that can be used during menstruation and lactation. Reusable pads have many advantages over their disposable counterparts. The main one is reusability. After all, this allows you to save a lot. Moreover, in terms of comfort and functionality, they are in no way inferior, and in many ways superior to disposable pads, which are so popular in our time. First of all, consider the products used during critical days.

Layers for critical days

Women used reusable pads during their period hundreds of years ago. They were old sheets, diapers made of natural fabric. But such hygiene products had many drawbacks, and it was not comfortable enough to use them. But in those days, women could not find what they couldreplace.

reusable pads
reusable pads

Over time, disposable pads were invented. They are quite comfortable and can absorb a lot of moisture. Women are quite comfortable in them, they effectively help on critical days. But such products are not without drawbacks, the main of which is that they often cause allergies.

Despite the availability of disposable pads, many of the fair sex prefer their reusable counterparts, which are presented in a large assortment on the hygiene market and are still in considerable demand. They are not only convenient, but also allow you to save a lot of money. After all, they can be used for several years, and with proper care, they will not lose their positive qualities.

Many women, especially young women, find that reusable hygiene products are not as comfortable as disposable ones. And even more girls are not even aware of the existence of such. Meanwhile, reusable pads for critical days have many advantages.

Composition and types

These reusable feminine hygiene products are often referred to as organic panty liners. And this is no accident. After all, organic cotton, bamboo and silk are used for their manufacture. Although some models also include polyester, which makes them more resistant to moisture.

reusable pads for critical days
reusable pads for critical days

Reusable pads are equipped with buttons for adjusting the width, "wings". These products are of two types -one- and two-component. The latter have a waterproof cover and absorbent liners.


It's easy to make your own reusable pad. If you urgently need such a remedy, then simply cut a piece of cotton fabric of the right size, fold it several times, and put cotton wool in the middle. That's all, the gasket is ready. As you can see, it is not difficult at all and quite fast. Most often, women resort to making such things on their own, wanting to save money or fearing allergies. These two factors are the most common reasons for not using disposable hygiene products.


Making your own reusable pads can save you a lot of money. You can easily calculate how much a woman spends monthly on this hygiene item. Now imagine how much money is spent on pads in a year.

Meanwhile, as mentioned above, making them will not be difficult and will not take much time. After all, every woman can easily find cotton wool, old baby diapers or unnecessary sheets at home. Gauze is also excellent for these purposes.

reusable pads for critical
reusable pads for critical

After using this homemade reusable pad, discard the cotton and wash and iron the fabric. Store it in a plastic bag.

Allergic reaction

One of the main disadvantages of standard pads is the occurrence of allergies when they are used. This problem is seen in many women. Althoughit manifests itself differently for everyone.

Most often, allergies begin on the 4-5th day of menstruation. Usually it is itching, a small rash, redness and burning of the external genitalia. As a rule, the symptoms are not pronounced and go away on their own a few days after the end of the menstrual cycle. But in some cases, the manifestations of allergies are quite serious. It starts on the first day of menstruation. Pads cannot be used in this case.

The main cause of an allergic reaction is the synthetic material from which the pads are made, and the lack of oxygen access to the skin and external genital organs of a woman. And this negatively affects their he alth and well-being.

Thanks to the use of self-made reusable pads, allergies can be avoided. After all, it is made from natural materials that allow the skin to breathe.

Hygiene of reusable pads

As practice and long-term observations show, the hygiene of reusable pads is no worse than that of their disposable counterparts. You can often hear the opinion that when using them, an unpleasant odor may appear. But it is not so. After all, if the gasket is made of natural, not synthetic materials, and the skin under it has the ability to “breathe” normally, then you will not be threatened with an unpleasant smell. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the blood released during menstruation is a natural process for the female body, so there is no need to be ashamed of it.

reusable pads reviews
reusable pads reviews

Manygynecologists advise using reusable pads made from natural materials. After all, disposables made from synthetics are increasingly becoming the cause of skin irritation that occurs in many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

How to wash

After a woman has used reusable pads on critical days to protect her underwear from menstrual blood, they need to be washed thoroughly.

Washing reusable pads is fairly easy. After all, blood is perfectly soluble in cold water. It is recommended to soak used pads for 24 hours in cold water (note: the soak must be done before the blood dries), and then wash them in the washing machine separately from other things. The temperature is set to 60 degrees. It is not recommended to raise it higher, as the blood will be washed off worse. It is best to use a dryer to dry them. But if they are made of silk, then it is better to simply attach them with clothespins to the rope.

Recommendations for use

Recommendations for the use of reusable pads are quite simple. After all, in this matter they are practically no different from disposable ones.

Recommendations are as follows:

  1. Mandatory wash before use.
  2. Change hygiene products at least 3 times a day.
  3. When used to protect laundry on non-critical days, pads can be washed with other items and without pre-soaking.
  4. If they were used during the menstruation cycle, they are erased frompre-soaking at a temperature of 60 degrees and separately from other things.
  5. Only reusable cotton pads can be dried in the dryer.

As you can see, the recommendations are quite simple. Any woman who follows them can be sure that her reusable pads will be in excellent condition. They will last for a long time.

These personal care products have proven themselves. Reviews of many women about them are only positive. They note their convenience, the absence of allergic reactions when worn, and ease of care. Thanks to them, you can also save a lot.

We looked at reusable pads used during menstruation. We learned about all their advantages and subtleties of caring for them. Now you can move on to the means used during lactation.

Lactation pads

Almost every woman is aware of the existence of breast pads used during lactation. Many people think that there are only disposable products, but this is an erroneous opinion. Reusable pads for nursing mothers have been known and actively used for a long time. They have many advantages and are in many ways superior to their disposable counterparts. In addition, thanks to their use, there is an opportunity to save significantly. An example is the Avent reusable pads.

AVENT lactation pads

The products of this company are of high quality and reasonable cost. Reusable pads "Avent" inside are completely made of cotton. Outside producthave a lace finish that prevents them from slipping over underwear.

They are soft and pleasant to the touch, easy to machine wash and dry quickly. The absorbent layer perfectly retains moisture.

All these advantages make Avent reusable pads popular and in demand among all nursing women. In some respects, they are significantly superior to similar products from other brands. Their quality is on top, and the cost is reasonable and affordable for every woman.

reusable breast pads
reusable breast pads

Disposable and reusable

Disposable pads have their advantages: they completely follow the shape of the breast and are almost invisible under a bra, do not require maintenance, and are great for walking and traveling.

Reusable nursing pads also have numerous benefits. Due to the fact that they are made only from natural fabric, they protect the chest well from hypothermia, prevent cracks on the nipples, and do not cause an allergic reaction. In addition, they can be used repeatedly, which makes their use financially advantageous. This fact is highly valued by many women, especially in times of economic crisis.

Need for pads

Reusable nursing pads should be used almost immediately after the baby is born. After all, milk in the breast of a woman appears the very next day after childbirth. At the same time, the nipples on her breasts swell, and their sensitivity increases significantly. Because of this touchbra can be irritating.

reusable bra pads
reusable bra pads

In addition, if there is a lot of milk, then in the intervals between feedings it can leak. This not only makes a woman uncomfortable, but can also ruin her underwear. To avoid this, as well as prevent infection, pads are used. Reusable breast products have proven themselves.

The right choice

In order for reusable bra pads to be comfortable and fully cope with all their functions, you should carefully consider their choice. The product should not be thick. When choosing, it is advisable to give preference to well-known brands. After all, they value their reputation and do everything to ensure that customers are satisfied with their product.

What to look out for

Check the packaging well. Breast pads should not be in a box, but in an individual envelope in the amount of 1-2 pieces. This is a very important point, because hygiene is important not only for mom, but also for her baby.

Also important is the quality of the absorbent, which is designed to absorb the secreted milk and retain it. You need to pay attention to the top layer, which directly touches the nipples. It should be soft and tender. If you choose the right pads, a woman will protect her breasts from various bacteria.

Avent reusable pads
Avent reusable pads

The quality of the Velcro, which are on the back of the pads and attached directly tobra. If they do not securely hold the hygiene product, then the woman will feel discomfort, as the pad will “fidget”.

Many well-known experts advise women to use reusable pads during lactation. Their benefits are obvious. They are comfortable, do their job well, can not cause allergies and can save a lot of money. Although the final choice, of course, remains directly with the women. After all, disposable pads have many advantages, and many prefer them, not wanting to bother with washing.


Reusable pads for critical days and similar inserts for bras during lactation have firmly entered the everyday life of many women. They have numerous advantages: simplicity and ease of use, the absence of an allergic reaction, the ability not to spend extra money, etc. In a word, reusable pads reviews are mostly positive. Women who do not want to use them, as a rule, give only one argument: they require careful care, for which there is not always enough time or no desire to do laundry.
