Family values are the foundation of any society

Family values are the foundation of any society
Family values are the foundation of any society

Have you ever wondered why some families are strong and friendly, while others fall apart after a very short time?

family values
family values

Why do children become alcoholics in some families, and scientists and artists in others? Why do children become criminals in a rich and outwardly prosperous family, and prominent figures in various fields come out of a family with low incomes?

It's not at all about the we alth of people, not about their social status. The point is the ability or inability to build a family, understanding the very process of building a family building.

On what, on what basis should a family be built? Of course, there must be love and respect, mutual understanding and trust in it. It is these concepts that are called the general term "family values". They should be formed initially in the family where the child grows up.

family values are
family values are

Dictionaries interpret the concept of "traditional family values" as a set of ideas about the family, which is cultivated in a particular society. among different peoples andstrata of society they may differ.

Other dictionaries give a shorter definition. Family values are the way of life, relationships and behavior of family members.

These ideas affect the style of family relationships, family goals, ways and methods of raising children, and the life of family members.

Unfortunately, the concept of "family" today is gradually changing its meaning. Increasingly, you can meet civil, illegal marriages, polygamy, same-sex unions. Can they be considered families? Opinions differ.

It is worth noting that traditional family values largely depend on the culture of the society in which the family is built. For example, most of Western society recognizes exclusively the nuclear family. All other types of cohabitation are considered immoral.

family values are
family values are

Religious figures preach their own, different from generally recognized, family values, and representatives of, for example, sexual minorities - their own. A vivid example: France's forthcoming law on allowing same-sex couples to have children.

It turns out that common family values do not exist? This is not true. In any culture, any nation has always considered the connection with previous generations, family ties, love, trust, the birth and upbringing of children to be very important.

If a kid knows from childhood what family values are, if his parents treat each other and their children with love and respect, then you can be sure that in the future the child will also be able to build a strongfamily.

traditional family values
traditional family values

However, it is worth remembering that only stories and moralizing will not be able to raise a good family man. It is not enough for a child to hear about how to live, what needs to be appreciated. He should see this in the example of his parents. Lies, duplicity, disrespect for parents give rise to distrust not only in people, but also in family values in general.

It should be added that in our state there are laws that proclaim family values and determine the role of the family in the development of society. However, the law does not define the concept. On the other hand, those who disseminate among children information that denies family values, propagating disrespect for parents or relatives, are subject to punishment.
