Russia is famous for its rivers: the beautiful Ob, the mighty Amur, the full-flowing Lena, the Volga, the Kama, the Dvina - you can't list them all. And every river is beautiful in its own way. Dangerous in its own way, beautiful in its own way, as well as areas stretching along noisy water overflows, or calmly and evenly moving waters. The Klyazma River carries its waters past the capital of Russia, capturing the Ivanovo, Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions. The left tributary of the river, the Lukh, is rich and generous, which will be discussed today.
Lukh River
The left tributary of the Klyazma flows through the territories of several regions: Vladimir, Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod. The total length of the Lukh River is over 240 kilometers.

At the same time, the river is fed in the most common ways: due to melting snow and rainwater. Due to its depth, Lukh freezes in late autumn: at the end of November, or at the beginning of winter, until mid-December. But the ice drift begins immediately after the March heat, in early April. During the year, the water level can change up to 4.5 meters - the spring tide floods the coast, the summer drought significantly dries up the waters striving into the distance.
The river has its own tributaries. Mostthe largest are Purezhka, Vozopol, Pichuga, Istok, Lyulikh. Dobrica, Landeh, Sezuh, Penyukh. In addition, Luh is one of the most popular and famous kayak routes.
To the roots
The Lukh River originates near the village of Gaidarovo, 20 kilometers from the big city of Vichuga. The river is quite often called Amber, due to the yellowish color of the water. The channel of the Lukha is winding, and a large area along which it stretches is covered with pine forests. In the lower reaches, you can see many beautiful forest lakes, oxbow lakes, and there are also wetlands.

In the upper reaches, the river spills up to 15 meters wide, and the largest spill is 70 meters. In general, the banks along the river are distinguished by their beauty and picturesqueness: quiet backwaters framed by sand spits, branches of perennial trees leaning towards the water. However, sometimes the river surface becomes a little cloudy from the swamp drains that enter it, which are very numerous around after the spring flood. Rafting on the Lukh River is a great success among local residents. The route passes through many interesting places, for example, through the village of Frolishche, where the monastery of the Holy Dormition Florishcheva Hermitage is located.
One of the main attractions
The Holy Dormition Florishchev Hermitage is one of the main attractions located on the Lukh River. The monastery is also called the Florishcheva Red Mountain. The monastery begins its history from the middle of the 17th century. Schemamonk Methodius became the founder. Icons were kept in the desert walls,painted by the royal icon painter Simon Ushakov. The library is also striking in its fullness: here you can find valuable manuscripts, acts, letters and early printed books that have been well preserved to this day. In the 90s of the 19th century, the monastery was practically destroyed, and a military unit arose in its place. And after almost a century, the desert returned to its legal status. Exactly ten years ago, the first Divine Liturgy was held here as a bishop.
Walk around interesting places
The river Lukh is known not only for the monastery. The sights of this place are also an ancient fortress, town halls and a church, lily of the valley plantations bred for medical purposes, the house of the boyar Artamon Matveev and much more. This area is also famous for the onion festival held annually. Farmers from all over Russia come here, but so far Lukh residents are confidently holding the brand of the leader.
Temple complexes, monuments and the remains of defensive ramparts, museums and churches - all this can be seen when traveling along the river waves. Among many avid travelers, the Lukh River (Nizhny Novgorod region) is an opportunity to arrange a massive rafting, which can last for several days or several weeks (depending on the frequency of camps and overnight stays).

With tailwind
The ideal months for boat trips will be summer, when travelers will fully discover all the beauty of this legendary place. Rafting on the Lukh River can be started from several points. The first one is located at the exitTalitsy village, about 30 meters after the bridge over the river. The second one is from Frolishch. From the railway station, you need to take a course to the left through the field, on one side of which there are warehouse buildings, and on the other - the stadium. Further along the sandy road among the cottages to the river bank. If the plans are to go through the entire lower course to the very mouth, then it is better to move out of Gorokhovets or Perovo. "Antistapel" - a camp where tourist ships are packed and dismantled, located on the city beach of Gorokhovets. There are also several well-established water crossings, sailing along which you can get acquainted with many historical areas of the Lukh River.

In the footsteps of the local lore landing
Rafting on the Lukh River will bring a lot of new and interesting things for every tourist. The report of local historians tells about exotic wandering sand dunes that arose due to ancient glaciers, about the legendary Revyakinsky boulder - a gray granite giant 5 meters long and 3 wide, grown into the ground. Although the old-timers say: when the stone lay on the surface, a trio of horses easily turned around on it.
But the most important thing is the treasures that were hidden here by the Tatar destroyers. To this day, ancient Tatar weapons are found around the stone. And when they tried to pull the boulder with the help of tractors and iron cables, each time the cables burst without moving the stone even a millimeter.
Here is the Dmitrieva mountain, which was erected by the hands of the militias who dragged the earth with helmets, and much more.
The river Luh is famous for one more thing. Fishing here is a real pleasure. There are many different fish in the river, which can be caught all year round, regardless of weather conditions. In quiet backwaters, fish can be seen right at the surface of the water, and not just one specimen, but whole flocks.

Pike, perch, roach, tench, crucian carp, ide - this is an incomplete list of those species that fill the waters of the river. According to local fishermen, here you can catch quite large individuals (up to 10 kilograms or more). Local old-timers advise to go fishing in complete calm and only when the water is clear: there is too much natural food for fish in blooming water, so it will not be led to artificial bait. Silver carp, whose weight varies from 6 to 10 kilograms, become frequent prey.
Interesting facts
The Luh River is considered the wildest rafting: for many kilometers around, except for the wooded banks, there are no signs of civilized life. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for the rafting: have a supply of food and things necessary for camping.
But about nature it is necessary to say separately. What opens up to the eyes of travelers is more like staged scenes for favorite old fairy tales about the thick of Baba Yaga: trees uprooted with roots, under which entire lairs are formed, strange sounds coming from the swamps that surround the river in abundance (by the way, "luh" is translated like "swamp").

But unexpectedly, not only a tree fallen across the channel can block the road, but even a real train: due to soil vibrations, the nearby railway suffers a lot, so a diesel locomotive derailment is the most common thing here. And along the banks you can often find wooden sculptures in the form of people - there is no need to be afraid, these are not wild tribes and their idols - this is how the local population has fun.
A little more about the river
On the way, you can meet rather unusual fellow travelers: large lizards often climb into tents in parking lots. Either from a small acquaintance with a person, or from their own laziness, unexpected aliens are in no hurry to run away, even if they are discovered. With lizards, you can easily take a picture, taking them in your arms. Luh River is a place of unexplained mysteries.

Flowers grow on the banks of the white sand. Where else can you see something like this? And you can also find glades, the earth on which is covered with fallen and continuing to grow trees - it looks more like a log carpet. Many beavers live in the water, but you can guess about their existence only by the tracks left on the trees - the animals themselves hide from people quite well.
One thing can be firmly said: the Luh River is a fabulous place where you can not only relax from the bustle of the city, but also learn a lot of interesting and even truly fantastic.