A woman is usually the source of beauty and purity. To maintain this attitude throughout life, the female representatives have a hard time. There are no ugly women, only lazy women.
Slimness indicators
Every modern woman should strive to achieve ideal figure parameters. Some on their way will not reach 90-60-90, but still their body will not crawl to disgrace. Of course, there is an opinion that fashion designers chose this combination of numbers for convenience (less material costs, less time to manufacture the product, initially there were mannequins with parameters 90-60-90 to fit the dress).

Therefore, in the history of fashion, it so happened by chance that the whole world began to focus on these three ill-fated numbers. Of course, you should not get hung up on them, but it is necessary to count centimeters. So you can easily blur!
How to measure your hips
Basic indicators of harmony are the size of the hip, waist and chest. Let's pay attention to the measurement of the thigh. This can be done in three ways:
- Using a measuring tape with a centimeter scale is one of the easiestmeasurement methods. Stand in front of a mirror with your feet together. Visually determine the most protruding point on the thigh. Having identified the location of the point, measure the size around the circumference of the hips with a tape.
- Using an inch scale measuring tape is a more difficult method. It allows you to determine the size according to foreign clothing sizes.
- Using a satin ribbon is the most economical way. It is used in the event that there is no measuring tape. The measurement is carried out by the first method, then the length is set using a ruler.
Thus, it is these three ways that you can determine what size your hips are.
Beauty is in proportion
This is advice for those women who obsess over "perfect" measurements or those who don't care about any measurements at all. Since the secret of beauty is proportionality, the size of the hip should be no more than the width of the shoulders.

Useful advice - do not get hung up on numbers, but watch your diet, lead an active lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, look fit. In this case, no numbers are needed. According to sociologists, the time is approaching when natural beauty and natural body parameters will be in trend. As you know, fashion is a cyclical phenomenon, and certain trends return from time to time.