Penza State Museum of Local Lore: history, description, photo

Penza State Museum of Local Lore: history, description, photo
Penza State Museum of Local Lore: history, description, photo

Penza State Museum of Local Lore is located in a two-story building on Krasnaya Street. The former diocesan women's school, built at the beginning of the 20th century, used to host a hostel for students within its walls. In 1924, it was given to the city museum, which later became a local history museum.


First museums in Penza

The forerunner of the modern GBUK "Penza State Museum of Local Lore" appeared in the city in 1905. Its creators were representatives of the urban intelligentsia, amateur local historians who wanted to learn as much as possible about their region. Having received permission to open the museum, the Penza Society of Natural Science Lovers (POLE) collected, studied, sorted exhibits for six years, forming the museum's funds. The first exhibition opened in 1911.

mammoth skeleton
mammoth skeleton

But Penza had similar institutions even earlier. In the XVIII century, the owner of factories for the production of glass and crystalproducts A. I. Bakhmetiev created a museum during his production, which demonstrated art products made by the best craftsmen. A little later, with the money bequeathed to the city by N. D. Seliverstov, an art gallery was opened, the third in a row in the province. By the beginning of the 20th century, there were already several museums operating in the city under various commissions and committees.

History of the Penza State Museum of Local Lore

By the time the museum was opened, its fund was 105 exhibits, and four years later - more than 22 thousand. The rapid development of the collection was explained by the fact that the inhabitants of Penza, actively participating in the creation of the museum, donated rare exhibits to the institution. In addition to collecting, expeditionary activities were carried out, the results of which also became the treasures of the museum.

At the beginning of 1920, the collected material was enough to create three departments: archaeological, ethnographic and historical. Later, the city art museum, vivarium and planetarium were included in the museum.

Military awards
Military awards

During the war years, the museum not only did not close its doors, it accepted evacuated funds from other cities into its walls. So, on its territory there was a museum of I. S. Turgenev and the Orel Museum of Local Lore. Employees continued to conduct educational work, organized exhibitions. After the war, forces were directed to the creation of new expositions, the introduction of advanced forms of activity, and the expansion of funds. In the 50s, the number of storage units exceeded 60 thousand.

Modern Museum

Over the past years within the walls of Penzaof the State Museum of Local Lore, research and scientific work was carried out non-stop. Museum employees have published many collections, monographs and scientific papers. Several generations took part in their creation.

stuffed bear
stuffed bear

Today the museum does not have a permanent exhibition, it specializes in arranging exhibitions both from its own funds and from the repositories of other museums in the country. His collections have grown to 130,000 items.

The natural science collection has such valuable specimens as fragments of skeletons of dinosaurs of the Mesozoic era, whole skeletons of a mammoth and a bison of the Cenozoic era, stuffed animals of modern representatives of the fauna of the region.

The department of ethnography of the Penza State Museum of Local Lore presents one of the richest collections in the country of costumes and jewelry of the Russian and Mordovian peoples. Among women's national clothes there are extremely rare items found during an expedition to the settlements of the region.

Numismatics lovers show great interest in the coins of the times of ancient Russia and Peter the Great, the Jochid treasures. Presented is a collection of awards from different times.

In the department of fine arts, mainly the works of Penza masters are exhibited: artists and sculptors. The collection of portraits of Penza governors is widely represented.

Lord's chambers
Lord's chambers

In addition, the museum has collections of weapons, furniture and utensils, archaeological finds, photographs and documents.

Community outreach

Reviews about GBUK"Penza State Museum of Local Lore" is mostly positive. The museum is actively working with local residents. People of all ages who are interested in their native land are attracted to its walls. For young children, game excursions and lessons at the local history school are organized here. There they learn the basics of the customs and traditions of their ancestors, get acquainted with the nature and culture of the region.

For schoolchildren there is a local history club, where children work with museum materials in winter, and go on expeditions in summer. Excursions on various topics are being prepared for students. The older generation also attends hobby clubs.

Many evenings are devoted to folk festivals, Christmas time, Maslenitsa, Trinity, Intercession are celebrated here. In February there are holidays dedicated to the defenders of the Fatherland, in May - Victory Day.

Address of the Penza State Museum of Local Lore: Krasnaya Street, 73.
