Konstantin Dushenov is a popular Russian publicist and public figure. At the moment, he heads the agency of analytical information "Orthodox Rus", he has written a large number of articles on topical issues, books, and several patriotic films have been shot.

Konstantin Dushenov was born in Leningrad in 1960. His father was a soldier, and his grandfather Konstantin Ivanovich was the first commander of the Northern Fleet.
Konstantin Dushenov himself served in the Soviet Army from 1977 to 1987. He was in the navy. During this time he received a diploma from the Naval Diving School. Service, like grandfather, was held in the Northern Fleet on various nuclear submarines. He was the commander of a mine-torpedo warhead, a missile-torpedo group.
In 1983 he received the medal "For Military Merit" for the performance of a special task received from the command. In postgraduate studies, he studied atmajors in military history. Defended a dissertation on the navies of the capitalist states that took part in armed conflicts and local wars after World War II.
Baptism and exit from the CPSU
The turning point in the biography of Konstantin Dushenov was 1987. He was baptized, becoming Orthodox. Almost immediately after that, he was expelled from the Communist Party for activities incompatible with the rank of officer. After that, Konstantin Dushenov was demobilized.
First time he worked as a researcher at a public library. Then he taught at school, led a special course called "Religious Aspects of Russian Culture" for students of St. Petersburg Pedagogical University.
Connection with Orthodoxy

In 1992, as a publicist, Konstantin Dushenov began to collaborate with the newspaper Rus Orthodox. Almost immediately, he joined the editorial board, which is still one of his main platforms for expressing his thoughts.
For some time he served as press secretary of Metropolitan John of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, but in 2009 the St. Petersburg diocese denied the existence of such a position, so this fact from the biography of Konstantin Yuryevich Dushenov seems doubtful. At the same time, many are convinced that it was he who for many years was the author of a number of articles that were published on behalf of Metropolitan John. In parallel, the hero of our article headed the Union of Orthodox Brotherhoods,existing in the northern capital.
In 1993 he ran for the State Duma. He entered the federal list of the constitutional-democratic party - the Party of People's Freedom under the third number. It was led by the former People's Deputy of the RSFSR Mikhail Astafiev. However, the party failed to collect the required number of signatures and was not allowed to vote.
In patriotic and Orthodox movements

Since then, Dushenov has been seen in various similar movements and parties. In 1995, he became a member of the National Council of the social-patriotic movement "Derzhava", which was organized by the former vice-president Rutskoi. The movement lasted only until 1998.
In the same 1995, he headed the Christian Patriotic Union, and in 1996 he became a member of the central council of the Spiritual Heritage patriotic movement. Its leader was State Duma deputy Alexei Podberezkin, who shortly thereafter decided in 2000 to run for president of Russia. According to the voting results, he took 10th place out of 11 candidates, he was supported by 0.13% of voters.
In 1997, Dushenov became the editor-in-chief of the Rus Pravoslavnaya newspaper. A year later, he was one of the founders of the Russian Line information site, which was originally an electronic version of Orthodox Russia. Since the Russkaya Liniya has become an independent Orthodox news agency, now it is headed bySergei Grigoriev. Dushenov himself left this project in 2000 due to disagreements with the founders.
Conflict with the Russian Orthodox Church
In 2004, Dushenov's activities came under public scrutiny after Patriarch Alexei condemned the work of his newspaper Rus Pravoslavnaya at the closing of the Bishops' Council.
In particular, he noted that the publication discredits the church and its hierarchs, trying to bring doubt and discord into the souls of believers. All the activities of the newspaper "Orthodox Rus" and other similar publications, according to the patriarch, boil down to the desire to split the Church.
In response to this, Dushenov himself said that if a newspaper as small in circulation as his Rus Pravoslavnaya is capable of causing such a negative reaction among priests, then this indicates a loss of control over the spiritual life of parishioners on their part.
In 2005, Dushenov became involved in another high-profile scandal. During the trial of Yuri Kolchin, who was found guilty of the murder of human rights activist and State Duma deputy Galina Starovoitova, Dushenov tried to provide him with an alibi, but failed.
Since 2005, he has been a member of the Main Council of the Union of the Russian People, which was restored at the initiative of the sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov. True, the restored council lasted only until 2006.
Internet TV channel "The Day"

Currently, he is primarily known as a leading analytical, military-political andOrthodox programs. Konstantin Dushenov publishes them on the Internet TV channel Den, which is run by the son of the writer and editor-in-chief of the Zavtra newspaper Alexander Prokhanov, Andrey Fefelov. Prokhanov himself, Leonid Ivashov, Alexander Dugin, Anatoly Wasserman, Mikhail Delyagin are also published on this channel.
The program "If there is war tomorrow" with Konstantin Dushenov is especially popular. In it, he sets out in sufficient detail the events of recent days that have had a direct impact on the international and domestic policy of Russia, its relationship with other countries. "If there is war tomorrow" with Konstantin Dushenov is currently one of his most popular projects.
Criminal case
In early 2005, the publicist was at the center of another scandal. The prosecution of Konstantin Dushenov began. This happened after he published in his newspaper an open appeal to the Prosecutor General of Russia, known as "Letter 5000". It sharply criticized the behavior of Jews in Russia, it was required to close all national and religious Jewish associations as extremist.
The Jewish Congress in Russia demanded that the Prosecutor General's Office initiate a criminal case against those who signed the letter. Dushenov admitted that after the letter was published, he had already communicated with the FSB officers several times.
Dushenov was charged only in the fall of 2007. He was suspected of committing acts aimed at inciting hatred and enmity, humiliatingethnic groupings. The legal process was lengthy and confusing. In December 2009, the prosecutor's office demanded 4 years in a penal colony for the hero of our article.
Pleading guilty and sentencing

In February 2010, he was found guilty, sentenced to 3 years in a penal colony for authoring and distributing a film called "Russia with a knife in the back. Jewish fascism and the genocide of the Russian people." He was also found guilty of distributing his journal "Orthodox Rus".
Experts noted that the court paid special attention to the fact that Dushenov not only spread hatred and slander against Jews, but also earned money from it, since his publication and Internet channels generated income. Defenders of Dushenov himself argued that the sentence was unfounded. At the same time, they referred to the scientifically dubious book of the historian Shlomo Sand "Who and how invented the Jewish people", in which he claims that there are no reliable studies confirming the existence of the Jewish nation itself.
In February 2011, Dushenov was transferred from a colony-settlement to a correctional colony. In September 2012, the court ruled on his parole. He was released in November.

Dushenov himself considers himself an anti-Semite, calling this term noble and lofty. At the same time, he insists that Judaism is the personification of the enemy of the Russian people.and Orthodoxy, which seeks to destroy both.
He clearly formulates his worldview in an article en titled "A warning in the genre of denunciation", in which he cites the words of John Chrysostom that the synagogue is a den of animals and a den of robbers where demons live as a justification for his anti-Semitism.
Konstantin is a supporter of the idea of the need to recognize the saints of Grigory Rasputin and Ivan the Terrible.

He presents his ideas not only in journalistic articles, but also in larger studies. In the early 2000s, his works "God Is Surrendered to Silence", "Wounds of the Russian Heart", "Not Peace, but a Sword" were published.
Among the books of Konstantin Dushenov, one should note the publication called "Who is against us?", dedicated to the information war against Orthodoxy. As examples, the author cites the performance of the Pussy Riot group, desecration of shrines, and the murder of Orthodox priests. All this is evidence that, the author concludes, that global turmoil is already on the verge, and the Russian people will have to play an important role in the coming world reorganization.
In his 2015 book "Orthodoxy or Death" he develops the so-called doctrine of Metropolitan John, who formulated the fundamental truths of the ideology of all Russians in Orthodoxy, catholicity, striving for righteousness, holiness and purity.
In the same year, "Geopolitics of the Apocalypse. New Russia vs. Eurosodom" was released. In it heclaims that the world is on the verge of a big war, in which the Russian government will solve the problem of how to survive. In this regard, he considers the Kremlin's recent intensification of patriotic work to be a clear sign that the authorities are counting on relying on their own people in the upcoming war. Dushenov finds his own answers to the questions why the Crimean scenario did not repeat itself in the Donbass, what surprises Putin prepared for NATO member countries, what geopolitical scenario awaits us in the near future.
Dushenov's films
The filmography of Konstantin Dushenov is quite rich. He owns a whole cycle of documentaries called "Russia with a knife in the back." One of them turned out to be the reason for the criminal prosecution of the Orthodox activist himself.
In this cycle, four films were released in total: "Jewish fascism and the genocide of the Russian people", "The Hunt for the Russian Phoenix", "The Black Hundred of Holy Russia", "In Search of Russian Blood".
Also, Dushenov released a documentary-journalistic cycle "Secret and Overt", in which the tapes "Jews and Putin: From Love to Hate" and "Geopolitics of the Apocalypse" were released.
It is also necessary to note his works "Blood, Lies and Pain of New Russia", "Russia, Putin and the World Storm: Racing with Death", "Stalin for Russians: Father or Stepfather?". Most of these paintings are now available for viewing online.