Poll results: research methods, thematic questions, features of the survey and the importance of statistical analyzes

Poll results: research methods, thematic questions, features of the survey and the importance of statistical analyzes
Poll results: research methods, thematic questions, features of the survey and the importance of statistical analyzes

The results of the parents' survey allow the class teacher to make certain adjustments to the plan of educational work. Questioning is a method of collecting the necessary information about the analyzed object. Analysis of the results of a survey conducted by interviewing a respondent helps the teacher to identify certain problems and select ways to solve them.

Feature of the method

The teacher uses a similar technique when the only way to obtain information is the student (parent).

Verbal (verbal) information - the results of a survey that can be processed using computer technology. The main advantage of the method is its versatility. The processing of the results of the survey is carried out using ready-made tables, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the work of the teacher. During the survey, the motives for the functioning of individual students, as well as the results of their work, are noted.

surveys of schoolchildren
surveys of schoolchildren

Method Essence

Questioning is rightly called the most massive option for collecting information using special questionnaires (questionnaires). It can be considered a variant of the survey, which involves filling in a special form with the questions of the questionnaire by an individual respondent. It contains social and demographic information about the respondent.

survey of children and parents
survey of children and parents

Questionnaire options

Depending on what results of the survey the teacher wants to receive, he uses a continuous or approved version of the survey. The first involves a survey of all participants in the process (social group), the team. It is used in situations where a small number of people take part in the survey.

The results of the survey give an idea of the relationship in small groups. Direct survey involves the recording of answers by the respondents themselves.

school diagnostics
school diagnostics

Survey survey option

For example, when identifying the temperament of schoolchildren, a teacher can use one of the many methods. The children receive forms with questions, fill them out, then the teacher processes the results of the students' survey.

work with parents
work with parents

Diagnosis of temperament

Children from the ninth grade take part in the study. The teacher processes the results of the survey using a key. Of the 60 items, respondents should check only those that suit them.

  1. Resigned, submissive.
  2. Overly sensitive and too vulnerable.
  3. Show aggression, "attack" people during a conversation.
  4. You quickly get involved in a new job and switch to another one.
  5. Easily fall asleep and wake up.
  6. Immediately cool down, losing interest in communication.
  7. You tend to get tired easily.
  8. You are cheerful and happy.
  9. You are impressionable to tears.
  10. You are efficient and hardy.
  11. Always finish what you start.
  12. Difficulty making contact with strangers.
  13. Inert, lethargic, inactive.
  14. You easily experience trouble and failure.
  15. You can easily bear your loneliness.
  16. You have no problem adapting to a variety of circumstances.
  17. You don't tend to be angry.
  18. You like neatness.
  19. You are timid and not very active.
  20. You are susceptible to censure and approval.
  21. You are slightly involved in work, switching from one thing to another.
  22. Your hallmark is silence.
  23. When you achieve your goal, you are persistent.
  24. You are original in an argument.
  25. Not always confident in their abilities and capabilities.
  26. Don't finish what you started.
  27. Do not have malice, condescendingly treat your barbs.
  28. Don't waste your energy.
  29. Easily adapt to the nature of the interlocutor.
  30. Fit-tempered and unrestrained.
  31. Fearfulness is inherentquality.
  32. You manifested in decisions haste.
  33. Not patient.
  34. You find it difficult to tolerate other people's faults.
  35. You are hot-tempered and unstable.
  36. Fussy, restless.
  37. You are constantly seeking new information.
  38. You are not stable in your inclinations and interests.
  39. Speech passionate, fast, with erratic intonation.
  40. You have a stable cheerful mood.
  41. You are distinguished by endurance.
  42. You have expressive facial expressions.
  43. Speech is clear and fast, accompanied by vivid facial expressions and lively gestures.
  44. You are characterized by sudden movements.
  45. Speech is weak, quiet, reaching a whisper.
  46. Speaks smoothly, making certain stops.
  47. You are responsive and sociable, do not feel constrained.
  48. You are sensible and cautious.
  49. You are thorough and consistent.
  50. You are consistent in your interests.
  51. You make higher demands on yourself and other people.
  52. You tend to work in jerks.
  53. You are direct and blunt when dealing with people.
  54. You are characterized by initiative and determination.
  55. You communicate smoothly with classmates.
  56. You find it difficult to adjust to a new situation.
  57. Take on a new business with enthusiasm.
  58. You are characterized by patience and restraint.
  59. You are distracted by trifles.
  60. You tend to have mood swings.
Possible answer
Possible answer


The results of the survey allow you to determine the type of temperament:

  • for melancholic: 1, 2, 7, 9, 12, 15, 19, 25, 29, 45, 51, 60;
  • sanguine: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 23, 26, 38, 40, 43, 47, 57, 59;
  • for phlegmatic people: 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 41, 46, 48, 49, 50, 55, 56, 58;
  • choleric: 3, 24, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 42, 44, 52, 53, 54

With a percentage of any type of temperament from 40 percent, it can be considered predominant in a person. With indicators in the range of 20-29 percent, temperament is not significantly expressed, and at a lower value it is not taken into account.

Important aspects

Reference to the results of the survey is compiled using special symbols:

  • S - sanguine;
  • X - choleric;
  • Ф – phlegmatic;
  • M is a melancholic.

Such a technique helps students to choose their future profession.

Distinguishing Features

In personal questioning, the interviewer is required to communicate with a specific respondent, with the direct participation of the researcher, the questionnaire is filled out.

This technique is informative and convenient, it allows the interviewer to constantly monitor the completeness and correctness of filling out the issued questionnaires, and, if necessary, give the interviewee direct advice.

certificate of survey results
certificate of survey results


Individual and group surveys are similar to each other, they suggestdialogue between respondents and researcher.

As part of the group survey, a survey of parents, schoolchildren, employees, and students is conducted. About 15-20 people gather in one audience, and one questionnaire works.

When questioning, it is allowed to control the procedure for collecting information, saving a significant amount of money and time. If it is not possible to collect all the respondents in one place, then an individual survey of each child takes place.

When choosing a remote survey, the questionnaire gives the respondent a questionnaire, which is filled out without the participation of the researcher.

For example, the class teacher distributes questionnaires to dads and mom at the next parent meeting. Completed sheets are sent back through the students. Among the shortcomings of such a survey, one can single out the unreliability of information from the respondent.

In press surveys, tests are supposed to be published on the pages of newspapers or magazines, which are accompanied by a request to send ready-made questionnaires to a specific address. There are also mail-in surveys sent by mail to a specific group of individuals, selected selectively.

The above methods of questioning cannot be called sufficiently effective, since on average no more than 5 percent of questionnaires are returned. Thus, one cannot talk about the informativeness, representativeness, objectivity of such a survey.

Handout survey is similar to a correspondence survey, as the questionnaire gives all participants the questionnaire, explains their main purpose, specifies the method and deadlinecompleted answer forms.

version of the questionnaire
version of the questionnaire

Among the advantages of the survey method are:

  • independence of the respondent's answers from the nature of the questionnaire, his value orientations;
  • a significant amount of time the respondent has to think about the question, formulate the choice of answer;
  • questionnaire is a tool with qualitative characteristics.

When the questions asked are preliminarily thought out, the researcher gets the opportunity to correct his work. Class teachers use various options for questioning at the initial stages of acquaintance with a new class team. The effectiveness and efficiency of building educational work with the class team directly depends on the completeness of the information obtained in the framework of such studies.
