Authority is what really matters

Authority is what really matters
Authority is what really matters

There are people who can subdue, and there are those who can only obey. The difference between the two is just huge. What can be guided by someone who, for whatever reason, has to manage? He can rely on some normative acts that give him this kind of power, on his social status, on strength, and also on his own authority. Let's focus on the latter.

authority is
authority is

Authority is something rather abstract. It is quite difficult to measure it in something standard, and maybe even impossible at all. The authority of parents, leaders, authorities, and so on is built primarily on respect for the personality of the person who should lead. No respect, no authority. This truth must be realized.

The authority of the leader

Without excellent and even outstanding personal qualities, a manager will never be able to ensure that employees are fully prepared to obey him in the right way. The leader is an important social role that only certain people can take on. He must adequately relate to everything that happens around, know how to influence people in a variety of ways.

leader's authority
leader's authority

Authorityis nothing more than a psychological state of the individual. It is built from various elements. As a rule, two most significant elements are distinguished: awareness of the ability to perform certain actions, as well as awareness of one's competence. The latter means the use in the case of privileges received, special rights, and so on.

Authority is what comes from interacting with other people. You need to win it, and then constantly prove that you are worthy of it. In a leader, authority is something that can be divided into two more components. The first is the authority of the individual, and the second is the authority of the office.

In the first case, leadership style matters, the ability to find the right decisions, respect people, plan, take initiative, and so on. The authority of a position is formed with the help of the knowledge necessary to hold a specific position, responsibility, without which certain work cannot be performed, important duties, and so on.

parental authority
parental authority

In general, it is believed that the personal should exceed the official. The ideal option, in principle, can be called their balance. If one thing dominates the other, then in this case there will be no effective leadership.

Authority is what allows you to manage people effortlessly. Why? The reason is that everyone obeys a person who has authority, everyone is happy to carry out his orders. There are people who want to obey, because psychologically you understand that everythingtheir decisions are correct, and the reproaches and remarks are fully justified.

In fact, organizing a workflow is not so simple. Do you want everything to be clear? Hire a leader in whom you can feel his authority. Entrust the case to an amateur - you will lose. Talents are few, but they are.
