Why do gorillas really have big nostrils

Why do gorillas really have big nostrils
Why do gorillas really have big nostrils

For adults, many things are taken for granted and do not require explanation. But children see the world through the prism of a miracle, and they are interested in literally everything. For example, why the sky is blue, why summer comes after autumn, and why gorillas have big nostrils.

Gorilla Appearance

The very appearance of the gorilla is quite unusual. This is a huge animal that looks a lot like a person and has an incredibly smart look. Gorillas are both mountainous and lowland, but they all share a common ancestor with humans.

Why do gorillas have big nostrils?
Why do gorillas have big nostrils?

Scientists have proven that the level of intelligence of some adult gorillas is commensurate with the level of intelligence of a four-year-old child. And the gorilla also has large nostrils, but why, if it is so similar in structure to a person, because our nostrils are small. What function do they serve?

Gorilla nostril joke

There is even a playful riddle why the gorilla has big nostrils. The answer to her sounds childish enough: because she has thick fingers. And this answer contains a hint that it is for convenience to pick one's nose. And in childhoodmany believe this, because animals can indeed often be seen doing this indecent activity.

why do gorillas have big nostrils
why do gorillas have big nostrils

But the point here is rather that the gorilla is simply not trained in the rules of etiquette and does not suspect that this is indecent. And who knows how many people would do it if nose-picking wasn't socially indecent. After all, gorillas and humans are similar in many other ways.

Why are they like this?

Everyone understands that the answer to the riddle is a joke. And again the question arises: why are they so big? The most obvious answer might seem to be to smell the prey. And this is partly true, because gorillas are predatory animals.

But there is another explanation: it is a visual effect that gives the very structure of their nose. It is wide in gorillas, and the nostrils are surrounded by rollers. If you look closely, then their brow ridges are surrounded by similar rollers. And in humans, despite all the resemblance, there are no such rollers around the nose, and in this contrast, the gorillas seem even more big-nosed. At the same time, their eyes are smaller than those of a person, and there are practically no lips at all - just a fold. All this together and gives such a visual effect, as if their nostrils are unusually huge.

But no matter how funny the riddle is, it is only partly funny. Yes, the size of the nostrils is not directly related to their love of clearing their nose with their fingers, but it is related to their huge size in general. Gorillas are proportionately larger than humans. The average weight of an animal is 180 kg, and a human is 65 kg, and it is natural that their fingers are much larger than human ones, like everything else.
