Komarov Igor Anatolyevich - Russian statesman, industrialist, financier, manager, former president of AvtoVAZ and Roscosmos, representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District, father of five children.
Biography of Igor Komarov
Igor appeared on May 25, 1964 in the city of Engels, Saratov region. From childhood, he was very athletic, actively involved in various sports, and not without success.
In 1981 he entered the Moscow State University, from which he successfully graduated in 1986. From childhood, an entrepreneurial vein prevailed in him, he knew how to make useful contacts.

Igor Komarov's first job was as an engineer at the Research Institute for the Development of Science and Technology. A year later, he wanted to try himself in the military industry and stayed there for five years, but there is no data on how successful he was there.
At the age of twenty-seven, Komarov joined Inkombank as deputy chief accountant. He was patronized by Yevgeny Yasin, whois the father of his close friend, classmate. Igor did an excellent job with his duties, tried, and he was noted as a good professional, which helped him make a sharp jump up the career ladder.
In 1993, Igor Komarov became the head of the board of directors of Lantabank. After some time, he moved to the same position in the "Zolotobank".
A year later he became deputy director of Inkombank, where he soon rose to the rank of vice president - also a good leap. A career in this institution did not particularly work out, as the bank turned out major frauds and eventually went bankrupt. Fortunately, Komarov himself was not involved in anything.
After some time, Igor Komarov became one of the leaders of the National Reserve Bank, which, in turn, tried to "reanimate" Inkombank, unfortunately, without much success.
Since 2000, Igor Anatolyevich became Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank, the largest bank in the Russian Federation.

Career development
For a little over ten years, Komarov has established himself as an excellent leader, organizer who is not lost in emergency situations and is well versed in business.
In 2002, Igor Komarov moved to Norilsk Nickel, where he quickly became deputy finance officer. He turned out to be a very talented financier, attracted the attention of other large organizations, one of which was the corporation"Russian Technologies". The head of this state corporation, Sergei Chemezov, invited him to become an adviser to the head on financial issues.
In 2010, Igor Anatolyevich headed AvtoVAZ. This enterprise was in a very difficult situation, had a lot of debts and practically unsolvable problems. Nevertheless, Igor Komarov managed to present a program thanks to which the enterprise was saved. For this, they even wanted to erect a monument to him, but, as it turned out, it was a joke.
In 2013, Igor Anatolyevich resigned to go to the Federal Space Agency and become deputy head there. A year later, he headed the United Rocket and Space Corporation, and Igor Komarov also came to Roscosmos, becoming the general director there
There he began to work together with his classmate Dmitry Rogozin. Roskosmos at that time was overtaken by a series of failures. Komarov proposed an anti-crisis program: he cut the composition of managers and many other employees, cut expenses on very costly, but at the same time not very necessary projects - with the Moon and Mars, the production of falling Protons. Although the measures were good, even with their help it was not possible to save the Russian cosmonautics, so in 2018 Igor Komarov had to leave his post.

In September 2018, by order of the President, Igor Anatolyevich was appointed Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Volga Federal District. Although this time Komarov did not have to draw upno anti-crisis programs, the district was given into his hands in a very good condition.
Nothing is known for certain about Igor Anatolyevich's personal life, except that he has a wife and five children.