"Ethnographic Review" is included in the list of leading Russian journals on social anthropology and ethnography. It comes out once every two months. In this article, we will take a closer look at the history of creation, subsections and achievements of the magazine.
Journal Information

The editor-in-chief of the magazine is Sergey Sokolovsky. Periodically, the collection publishes interdisciplinary materials, such as ethno-sociological or historical-ethnographic.
The publication also publishes the results of research conducted in related scientific fields, for example, in the field of ethnosociology, cultural studies, and so on. You can, after reading this journal, get acquainted with the achievements in the field of medical and biological anthropology.
Rules of publication and review

When publishing achievements in fields related to ethnography, preference is given to studies that are of interest directly to ethnology and partially contribute to it. With detailed information about scientificindustries of interest to the editors of this magazine can be found on the official website.
The journal "Ethnographic Review" is a peer-reviewed scientific publication that adheres to the criteria of the Higher Attestation Commission and the principles of international publications. Materials received by the journal, after being accepted for consideration, are sent for review by experts, and are also agreed with the editorial board.
Also, the publishing house of the journal "Ethnographic Review" operates an anonymous review system, that is, the authors of articles and reviewers do not have information about each other's surnames. Published articles do not always correspond to the point of view of the editors.
Subsections and Achievements

By going to the section "Journal of Ethnographic Review/Archive" (on the official website of this publication), the reader can familiarize himself with the contents of previous issues and full-text versions of archival publications.
As for the achievements of this publication, in 2014 it was highly appreciated at the April International Conference on the assessments of experts in the field of history and ethnography.
This publishing house has been involved in projects such as methodological innovations in anthropology and ethnology (2012). The Ethnographic Review also participated in the project “continuation of competitive support for the development of scientific publishing houses” (in 2018).
Founding History
The journal was founded in 1889. Initially, it was the press organ of the Society of Lovers of Ethnography and Social Science (this is an institution at Moscow State University). At that timeThe journal was published up to four times a year. Nikolai Yanchuk was then the editor-in-chief of the collection. Vsevolod Miller played a significant role in making the Ethnographic Review magazine famous.
1910-1916 - the period when the popular science magazine was published in double numbers twice a year. After that, its publication was temporarily suspended, as there were problems with funding.
Resumed printing of the magazine in 1926. Until 1929, it was published under the name "Ethnography", and from 1931 to 1991 it was called "Soviet Ethnography". In the period from 1938 to 1947, collections of scientific articles under the same title were published.
From the middle of 1946, the history of the journal "Ethnographic Review" resumed - its regular issue was restored. Since the late fifties it has been published every few months. In the early nineties, it was decided to return the name "Ethnography" to the journal.
In the magazine you can not only read articles about the culture of various peoples, but also read reviews and reviews. It is included in the list of scientific publishing houses of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Chief editors

The editors-in-chief of the journal "Ethnographic Review" were constantly changing. After Nikolai Yanchuk, the famous academician Sergei Oldenburg (from 1926 to 1930) worked in this position. From 1931 to 1933 Nikolai Matorin was the chief editor.
From 1934 to 1946, Maxim Levin was in charge of the publishing house, and Sergei Tolstov replaced him (he was in a leadership position from 1946 to 1966). From 1966 to 1980Yulia Averkieva was the editor-in-chief for a year, and from 1980 to 1991, Kirill Chistov was the editor-in-chief of the Ethnographic Review magazine.
It is worth saying that when Yulia Averkieva was the editor-in-chief, the journal paid more attention to modern theoretical topics: historical problems of primitiveness, the theory of ethnos, and so on. In addition, the geographical coverage of publications has been expanded.
In the 1990s, discussions began about understanding national conflicts and ethnicity in post-Soviet countries.
From 1992 to 1994, Mikhail Kryukov was the editor-in-chief, and from 1995 to 2000, Irina Vlasova. From 2004 to 2009, Sergey Sokolovsky held the leading position, and in 2010-2011, Sergey Cheshko.
In 2011, Sergei Sokolovsky returned to the post of editor-in-chief. Concurrently, he is a member of the European Commission against racial intolerance. He is also a member of the working group of the Council of Europe.
Editorial Board

The editorial board of the journal includes Sergey Arutyunov and Marina Butovskaya. Also members of the editorial board are Igor Morozov, Valery Tishkov. Works on the editorial board of this journal and Vadim Trepavlov.
Alexey Elfimov works as a deputy editor. Prior to this position, he was a Research Fellow in the Department of Anthropology at Rice University (2001-2015). He is also a member of the editorial board of the Anthropological Journal.
Another deputy editor-in-chief is Elena Filippova, who recently received her Ph. D. From 1985 to2000 Elena was a member of the Institute of Anthropology. From 2000 to 2007, she served as Executive Director of the Monitoring Network (Historical).
Sergey Abashin is also a member of the editorial board. In 2009, he received his Ph. D. Until 2013, he worked at the Institute of Anthropology. He studies the peculiarities of Islam in the countries of Central Asia. In addition to religion and migration processes, his interests include studying the social interaction of different peoples.
Also, Sergey Alymov is on the editorial board. He is a candidate of historical sciences. Since 2003 he has been a member of the Institute of Anthropology. His scientific interests include not only ethnography, but also the history of the post-Soviet period.
Maria Dobrovolskaya is also a member of the editorial board of this publication. In combination, she is a researcher in the Department of Methodology at the Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In addition to paleodemography, her scientific interests include the foundations of the historical ecology of mankind.
Reviews from readers

This magazine is popular with readers as it provides up-to-date information on the latest developments in the field of ethnography. Those who have ever published articles in this edition note that scientific papers are published quickly in it. If users have questions about publishing an article, experts will help them solve the problem. Questions are accepted in writing. A letter describing the problem can be sent to the post office.