In our country, Sergei Feliksovich Chernyakhovsky is known as a political philosopher and publicist. He is a professor at Moscow State University and a full member of the Academy of Political Science. In addition, the political scientist is a member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, and is also one of the founders of the Izborsk Club.
Sergey Feliksovich Chernyakhovsky was born on 1956-14-06 in the city of Livny, Oryol region, where his parents worked as doctors by distribution after graduation from the university. Chernyakhovsky's mother is an oncologist, and his father is an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, who gained fame in the 1960s-1980s. thanks to the development of principles for organizing intensive care and intensive care units in the Soviet Union.
Sergey spent his childhood and school years in two cities: Obninsk and Moscow. From an early age, he became interested in science fiction and historical literature. He studied well at school, participated in city olympiads in mathematics. The boy also gravitated towards sports: he went in for swimming, basketball, sambo and boxing.
After graduating from school, Sergei Chernyakhovsky went to serveto Army. In 1977 he was demobilized with the rank of senior sergeant. For excellent service, the future political scientist even received gratitude from A. Grechko, Minister of Defense of the USSR.

Higher education
On his return from the army, Chernyakhovsky began working at a Moscow chemical plant as a mechanic for control and measuring equipment and at the same time entered the Historical and Archival Institute, where he first studied at the correspondence department, and then switched to the evening department.
In 1981, he graduated with honors from an educational institution and remained to work as a teacher there. In 1985 he was an active participant in the World Youth Festival, held in Moscow.
From 1988 to 1991 Sergei Chernyakhovsky was a postgraduate student at the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University. Its leader was the famous Soviet philosopher A. Kovalev. In 1991, the political scientist defended his dissertation and became a candidate of science.
Professional development
In 1992, Sergei Feliksovich Chernyakhovsky began working at the Academy of MNEPU, created on the initiative of the scientist N. Moiseev. There he worked until 2010 and during this time he held the positions of teacher, head of the department, associate professor, professor, deputy dean. He gave courses to students on general political science and political struggle, led a political science workshop. Under the guidance of the scientist, many Ph. D. theses and theses were defended.

In 2007 Sergei Chernyakhovsky received his Ph. D. In May 2008 he was elected a Full MemberAPN.
In 2010, the scientist became a professor at the Russian University for the Humanities. As part of the UNESCO program, he gave lectures and special courses on social harmony and political consciousness. In 2014, he left the RSUH due to his rejection of the ideas about academic ethics that were established at the university.
Scientific activity
Doctor of political sciences Sergei Chernyakhovsky is interested in political processes in the Russian Federation, the futurology of Russian development, as well as the left opposition of modern Russia. During his scientific career, he published about two thousand works, including the author's monograph on the communist opposition. In addition, Chernyakhovsky is a co-author of four collective monographs on the political processes in modern Russia and the election campaigns of 1999-2000.
Sergey Feliksovich published his articles in Nezavisimaya Gazeta, the journals Vestnik MSU, Kommunist, Politburo, Obozrevatel, Polis, Rossiya XXI, Political Class, Kommersant -Vlast and a number of others. He is the author of many publications in the Political News Agency, Gazeta. Ru, Russian Journal, New Politics,

The political philosopher has repeatedly participated in research projects and theoretical seminars of the Carnegie think tank and the Kurginyan Experimental Center.
Community work
In 1990-1993 Sergei Chernyakhovsky was a people's deputy. Since 1990 he has been a member of the CPSU MGK. When B. Yeltsin issued decrees on the termination ofCommunist Party, the political scientist refused to fulfill them and continued to work actively in the Moscow City Conservatory, despite the prohibitions. In 1993-1995 Sergei Feliksovich was a member of the UPC-CPSU Council and the Political Executive Committee.
In the mid-1990s, Chernyakhovsky focused on advisory and analytical work. Became among the first to investigate the phenomenon of the communist opposition in Russia.
Today, Sergei Feliksovich is one of the main Russian experts on the opposition. Until 2011, he spoke with harsh criticism of V. Putin's course. However, after the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov and the outbreak of war in Libya, he began to support the return of Vladimir Vladimirovich to the presidency.

In 2012, he became the founder of the Izborsk Club - a community of well-known experts on domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation.
Today Sergei Chernyakhovsky repeatedly appears on TV and radio. He participated in the programs “Voice of the People”, “Nothing Personal”, “What to Do?”, “Evening with V. Solovyov” and others.