Do you sometimes think about how our society develops? Well, for example, do you compare what happened five centuries ago with the present state of affairs? If so, then you are probably wondering how changes occur. The attentive reader understands that development can proceed in various forms that differ from each other. But what are the main differences between reforms and revolutions, few understand. At best, a person can point to a different degree of bloodiness of events. But how does it really happen? Let's figure it out.

Progress, revolution, reform
First of all, it is necessary to say about the essence of the processes. How will we begin to understand what are the main differences between reforms and revolutions, if we do not understand what they are for? The fact is that society does not want to remain static. This rule is not disputed. Look inside yourself: do you agree to go to kindergarten all your life? People strive for development. In addition, they desire progressive change. That is, those that lead to an increase in well-being, the creation of moreacceptable conditions for their life and self-realization. Although not everyone thinks about it. However, if you offer better conditions, then no one refuses. The principles of social change are based on this. They germinate in society for the time being, and then break out. But the ways in which changes come to people can be different. It is already clear that this is a revolution and a reform. Let's talk about them.
What is a revolution?
The best way to find the truth is the study of phenomena. In order to understand what are the main differences between reforms and revolutions, it is necessary to define what these terms mean. Let's start with the radical. It means revolution. In society, this phenomenon is characterized in different ways. Sometimes the term is used, so to speak, for other purposes.

In fact, a revolution can be considered changes covering all sectors of society, accompanied by a change in the social system. That is, the process should go "on the wave of the people." It involves not only parties or politicians, but the entire population (or most of it). As a rule, it accompanies the threat of violence. When figuring out what are the main differences between reforms and revolutions, these conditions must be kept in mind. After all, despite the fact that each process has personal features, its forms can be implicit. This makes it difficult to classify them.
What are reforms?
Society does not have to wait for the "big bang" from within. That is a moment when it is no longer possible to live as before. After all, people understand thatchanges are needed. Why wait for the revolution to take place? And reform comes to the rescue here. Its main feature is gradualness. That is, practically the same changes are taking place in society, only smoothly, without military conflicts, demolition of the current system and other shocks. During reform, changes are created within the old mechanism. They are gradually put into action, capturing parts of the system, changing them. The disadvantage of reforming is that this process does not capture the entire public life. The redesign only affects certain parts of the current system.

Comparing revolution with reform
Let's take a hypothetical society. Using his example, we will try to find several differences between the described processes. Suppose society is ready for change. What will happen to him if there is a revolution? The old system of power will be demolished. Society will plunge into chaos for a while. And from it a new system will sprout. At the same time, all mechanisms of the state will work on other principles. The changes can be described as complete. Nothing will remain of the old (except people). What will happen if the ruling class decides not to wait for the revolution, but to reform? Smart people will replace parts of the outdated system with new mechanisms. At the same time, of course, society will feel the changes. But they will be partial. The ruling class will remain in place. In addition, some of the previously working bodies will not cease to exist either. But, on the other hand, the people will receive the desiredchange.

Evolution: Revolution - Reform
What is the purpose of all these seethings among the people? Why run such heavy and expensive processes? As already noted, society needs change. Remember at least the October Revolution. It happened because the population as a whole (all strata) understood that the old mechanisms did not work. Changes are needed to make life satisfying for the majority of the people. This is an objective process. The system cannot progress indefinitely. She is reaching her peak. Then changes are needed. The criterion for its development is public opinion. If the people are satisfied, then the system is still positive. When evolution pushes society to new achievements, it itself puts a negative assessment of the existing system. Thus, revolution and reform are objectively determined methods of human development.