Salsk is one of the cities of the Rostov region, the center of the Salsk district. It is located in the southeastern part of the region, at a distance of 180 km from the city of Rostov-on-Don. The area of this district center is 43.88 km2. The population of the city of Salsk is 58,179 people.
Geographic location
Salsk is located in the south-east of the Rostov region on the Sredny Yegorlyk River. The city is surrounded by plains, and the height above sea level is only 29 m. The nearest city is Proletarsk, 29 kilometers away.
The climate in Salsk is dry, steppe. The amount of precipitation is 540 mm per year. The maximum is in the summer. In June, 58 mm falls. The average annual temperature is +10.3 ˚С, in January -2.7˚, and in July - +24˚. So the summer is pretty hot.

Economy and transport
The most important for Salsk is the production and processing of agricultural products. The railway business is developed, there are enterprises of the fuel and energy complex.
Salsk is an important road and rail junction in the region. There is a bus station. Trains pass through Salsklong distance. There is a train station.
Intracity transport is represented by buses, fixed-route taxis and taxis.
There are several cultural objects in Salsk. A large number of hotels have been built. There are many branches of famous Russian banks in the city.

Population of Salsk
In 2017, 58,179 inhabitants lived in this city. According to this indicator, it is in 286th place among the cities of the Russian Federation.
Salsk's population dynamics shows slow growth in the pre-Soviet period, rapid growth in the Soviet period, and slow again in the 1990s, and then a gradual decline from 2000 to the present.
So, in 1939, only 11,400 people lived here, in 1986 - 62 thousand, in 1998 - 64,700 people, and in 2017 - 58,179 people.
The population of Salsk is dominated by women. There are 54.3% of them in the city. Men, respectively, 45.7%. salsk

Sights of Salsk
There are only 3 attractions in the city:
- Monument to General Markov, which was opened in 2003.
- Salsky railway station, which used to be wooden, but now has an unusual architectural appearance.
- Gallery of paintings by Nechitailov, where there are works by domestic artists.
Salsk Employment Center Jobs
The number of vacancies in Salsk is quite large. As of mid-2018, jobs in this city are varied,but mostly not in engineering. The salaries are usually not great. Most often - within 11 - 15 thousand rubles. Above 15,000 rubles are relatively rare, the maximum was 26,000 rubles. Thus, in Salsk there are many available vacancies in various areas of labor activity, but it will not be possible to make good money on them.
You can get a job on a rotational basis in remote parts of our country. Salaries there are from 68 to 172 thousand rubles.
Perhaps low wages are the reason for the worsening demographics in recent years.

Feedback from residents
Those who have visited this city or lived there for a long time, mostly give negative feedback about it. The most significant is, of course, the problem of low wages and employment. Many complain about the population itself. Especially the local women. The third common cause of dissatisfaction is dirt and debris. Some write about the excessive summer heat. Indeed, in recent years, summer in the south of the European part of Russia has become abnormally hot. Moreover, this region is already traditionally hot.
One of the advantages of living in this city is low prices. From the reviews it can also be understood that the main reason for the deterioration of the demographic situation is the migration of residents to other cities, associated with dissatisfaction with the quality of life in Salsk.
Positive reviews are mainly found among those who, by the will of fate, have long left this city and live in other countries or regions. Most likely thisassociated with feelings of nostalgia.

Thus, Salsk is one of the provincial cities of the Rostov region, focused on both agriculture and industry. The demographic dynamics here is not very favorable: the population of Salsk is gradually declining. This is mainly due to the low standard of living of the population and the lack of well-paid jobs. At the same time, there is a fairly large number of different vacancies. At the same time, various industries operate in Salsk, and it is also a regional transport hub. In climatic terms, this settlement belongs to the regions of risky farming.