The romance of young, but already famous Russian actors - Ivan Zhvakin and Ksenia Lukyanchikova - developed very rapidly. For a long time, the couple did not officially confirm their relationship. But recently, young people gave several interviews in which they spoke in detail about their life together, creative plans and their love story.

The future actor comes from the Chelyabinsk region. He was born in 1992. In due time he graduated from two schools - music and general education. For 7 years, since 2002, he studied in theater circles and studios in his native city.
Then the guy went to Moscow and entered the famous Shchepkin school. While still a student, Ivan began to try himself as an actor. The film debut took place in 2010, when the guy got into the frame of an episode of the series "Univer". Then he was invited immediately to 2 TV projects - "Indian Kingdom" and "Freud's Method".
Glory to the young actor came in 2013, when the serial film "Molodezhka" was released. The role of Sasha Kostrov brought Ivan to star status.
In April 2017, Zhvakin got the lead role in the fantastic film directed by Volgin "Dancing to Death". His participation in the series "Molodezhka" continues to this day. All this allows us to consider Ivan one of the promising actors in Russian cinema.
Not the last factor in an actor's career is his appearance. A stately, attractive brunette with beautiful eyes has become the idol of millions of girls. Naturally, many are interested in the actor's personal life.
After an unsuccessful relationship during his student days, Zhvakin was in no hurry to start a serious relationship. But a couple of years ago, joint photos of Ivan Zhvakin and Ksenia Lukyanchikova, who is a colleague of the guy, appeared in the press.

The girl was born in the Northern capital in 1993. While still at school, she began attending a theater studio for children and youth. Showed talent for music, drawing and writing poetry.
Then Ksenia entered the State Institute of Performing Arts, where she received a diploma as an actor in theater and cinema. The idols of the girl are Elina Bystritskaya and Tatyana Samoilova.
Tragedy has already happened in the personal life of the young actress. As a student, Ksyusha met Mitya Semak. He also led an acting career, like his father Peter. Young people quickly began to feel mutual sympathy, and after twoweek the guy proposed to his beloved.
But because of a trifling quarrel, the couple broke up. And now, after 2 months, fate brings them together again. And no one wants to lose a loved one anymore, and the wedding date has already been set, but … Mitya died in Moscow - his heart could not stand the busy acting schedule.
After that, the girl could not recover for a long time until she saw a handsome guy on the set and fell in love with him. This is how Ksenia Lukyanchikova and Ivan Zhvakin started dating.
Creative activity
The first serious role brought fame to the young actress. Critics spoke favorably about her Regina Zbarskaya in the television series The Red Queen. The depth of understanding of the heroine and the style of conveying her character impressed not only professionals, but also the audience.

The main role went to Xenia not only because of her talent. She was quite tall and outwardly very much like Zbarskaya. This is exactly what the casting director saw when she was looking for the right type at the institute.
Then there were works in the series "Inspired", "The Wasp's Nest", "Secrets and Lies". The girl also took part in the films "White Nights Fantasy" and "Such Work". Of course, the young actress still has a long way to go and her potential is huge.
First meeting
The love story of Ivan Zhvakin and Ksenia Lukyanchikova began on the set of the film "The Red Queen". The girl participated in the fashion show scene when in the field hervision hit a dark-haired handsome man. Ksenia for a moment even forgot where and why she was. For which she received a scolding from the director.
Ivan immediately noticed the tall and slender Ksyusha. After filming, the young people met in a cafe and talked for several hours. They immediately realized that they were very similar in many ways. The novel began to develop.
The work on the film was carried out in Minsk. But Ivan played a cameo role and spent only 9 days on the site. It's good that he had another role in the film, which was also filmed in Belarus.
The lovers saw each other every day after filming and called up several times during the day. They wanted to know as much as possible about each other and talked for hours to the detriment of their sleep. Soon Xenia's work ended and she went home.
Continuation of the story
Ivan Zhvakin and Ksenia Lukyanchikova continued to keep in touch by phone after parting. The girl flew to her beloved several times, and spent the rest of the time in the Moscow Praktika theater.
She wanted to move to the capital for a long time, even before meeting Vanya. Although Ksenia had relatives in Balashikha, and she lived with them while working in the theater. Soon the actor returned from Belarus, and it was decided to live together. So Ivan Zhvakin and Ksenia Lukyanchikova began to build a joint life.

Meet the parents
Vanya told his mother almost immediately that he met a beautiful girl. He sent her some photos of his beloved. The answer was subtext:"I knew that you would choose a beautiful one again!" It was about the failed relationship of the son during the student period. His girlfriend was very attractive, and not only for Ivan alone. The case ended in betrayal, and the guy was in disheveled feelings for a long time.
Then the actor's mother came to Moscow and got to know Ksyusha better. After that, she changed her mind about her, admitting that the girl is not only beautiful, but also smart, and sincerely treats her son.
The fact that Ksenia Lukyanchikova and Ivan Zhvakin are dating, the relatives of the actress did not immediately find out. For a couple of months, the girl was silent, but her mother immediately understood everything and offered to invite the guy to visit.
The family received Ivan well. Xenia's mother talked with him for several hours and noted that the guy has life wisdom beyond his years. Grandmother was simply fascinated by the young actor. The father spoke little, but before leaving he talked with a potential son-in-law for more than an hour. In general, after spending a couple of days in St. Petersburg, the couple went to Moscow.

Weekdays and holidays
The joint story of Ivan Zhvakin and Ksenia Lukyanchenko officially began in 2015. A few months later, the young decided to look for housing. They were lucky - they found a good and relatively inexpensive option. The apartment of three rooms was located near the center. Before work, both actors were within easy reach.
Ksenia did housework in her free time. There was not so much of him, but the girl wanted to please her beloved with care and affection. She cooked stew for him andborscht and watched with joy how he squinted with pleasure. After all, these are his favorite dishes!
Ivan also tried. In the mornings, he arranged a "kissing" procedure. Whatever the weather outside the window, the girl's morning always began with the attention of a loved one.
The "family" budget consisted of the fees of both actors. Part of the money was spent on paying for the apartment, part - on food. But the couple is trying to save as much as possible and buy their own home.
Rest for actors is extremely rare. Therefore, the days when Ivan Zhvakin and his girlfriend Ksenia Lukyanchikova were chosen to walk in the park or go kart were considered ideal.
Last winter, young people managed to carve out a couple of weeks and spend an unforgettable vacation on Koh Samui. The guys tried to see as much as possible and keep the emotional charge they received for a long time.
True, there was still a fly in the ointment… At the zoo, Ksenia wanted to feed the elephant. The animal misinterpreted the peaceful gesture and hit the girl with its trunk. The blow fell on the shoulder, because of which the arm hurt almost until the end of the vacation.
A year after the start of the relationship, information appeared on the Web that Ivan Zhvakin and Ksenia Lukyanchikova broke up. But there were several denials from the actors. Young people posted their photos on social networks, in which they look quite happy.

After an interview with the actors on the topic of parting, the fans breathed a sigh of relief - their favorites are together! Xenia, whobefore that, she tried not to advertise her personal life, explained the reasons for such closeness by the fear of "jinxing her happiness."
Now the couple is sure of their feelings. They are together almost always, understand each other perfectly and feel the partner's mood.
What changed the relationship in the heroes themselves
At the moment the actors are happy. Their relationship is easy and relaxed, built on trust and mutual respect.
The word "love" Ivan Zhvakin and Ksenia Lukyanchikova try to use only on business. Their romance is not ordinary. It did not have a candy-bouquet period, ballads under the window and excessive romance. The guys in their years already had an unsuccessful personal experience behind them, so they made certain conclusions.
Ivan and Ksenia do not celebrate the holidays inherent in lovers. Therefore, instead of a gift for Women's Day or Valentine's Day, they prefer to just take a walk together or rehearse a future role. In general, it doesn’t matter where and how to spend time, the main thing is with whom to spend it.
During all this time, both young people have changed internally. Ksenia has become much more tolerant and calmer in conflict situations. Friends and relatives also noticed that the girl became more feminine and softer.
Ivan calmed down. He began to feel taken care of and became a stone wall for Ksyusha. He calls her "baby" and she calls him "cat".
Complete harmony and peace reign in the couple. Even the love of fans of both actors does not break the idyll. Young people understand that all this is just work, and they try not tobring up these topics at home.
Future plans
The guys are doing well in their careers now. The actors have one agent for two, who is engaged in the development of their professional activities. They would also like to star in one picture as lovers.

Ivan Zhvakin and Ksenia Lukyanchikova do not plan to legitimize their relationship yet. In general, the word "marriage" is skeptical. Ksenia believes that the stamp in the passport does not give anything in terms of confidence in a partner. Yes, and throwing a gorgeous wedding, according to Ivan, is rather stupid.
Of course, actors think about children. But all this is only in the plans. Zhvakin, as a man, seeks to ensure prosperity for his future family. The guys have a joint account where they save money for housing.
Initially, the couple wanted to buy an apartment. But on reflection, they decided to save up for a country house. This will allow growing natural products, which Ivan likes to do in his spare time. And future children will have plenty of places to play and fresh air!