The circus lives on legends and traditions. The invisible spirit of the great artists who once performed in the arenas of old circuses seems to be concentrated under the dome and supports the modern circus youth. And for the audience, this imperceptible image creates the illusion of a holiday and mystery that envelops everyone who crosses the threshold of the main entrance. You fully feel it when visiting the Saratov Circus. Brothers Nikitin is one of the oldest stationary circuses in Russia.
History of the Nikitin Brothers Circus
Legends begin with everyday, mundane events. How else to consider the return in 1873 to their homeland, to Saratov, of the brothers Peter, Akim and Dmitry Nikitin - artists and novice circus entrepreneurs. The appearance of the brothers in the city was immediately taken advantage of by the owner of the circus booth touring in Saratov, Emmanuel Baranek. On the verge of ruin, he offeredNikitin to become partners and co-owners of the enterprise. It was a smart move - the brothers were versatile artists. Dmitry was famous as a balalaika virtuoso and athlete, Akim was a red-haired clown, klishnik (an artist demonstrating body flexibility) and a juggler, and Peter owned the antipode (leg juggling), gymnastics, acrobatics and surprised the audience with sword swallowing. In the same year, the brothers bought the property of the circus from Baranek, and in 1876 a stationary wooden building was built on Mitrofanievskaya Square. Since that time, the Saratov circus has been leading its calendar.
An interesting fact took place. The Nikitin brothers did not stop on the basis of one circus. They built buildings in Nizhny Novgorod, Kharkov, Tiflis, Odessa, Baku. The crown of the circus empire of the brothers was the circus in Moscow (1912) on Sadovo-Triumfalnaya (now the Theater of Satire). For Saratov, a project was prepared for a stone building with an amphitheater for 2,000 seats, but the outbreak of war ruined the grandiose plans of the Nikitins.

The fate of the circus after the revolution
The October Revolution changed life in the country and rebuilt the circus business. Nationalization passed, and the Saratov Circus became part of the city Art Trust, and later the All-Union Directorate of State Circuses. In 1931, the circus changed its address, a new stone building was built on Chapaev Street. It did not shine with decoration, but it was comfortable, and the auditorium contained 3 thousand seats. The audience fell in love with the new building: in the first 5 years of performance, more than 2 million people visited. According to public opinion, you can evaluatethe level of circus programs that came to Saratov - Vitaly Lazarenko, Vladimir Durov, Emil Kio, Boris Eder. Already at the dawn of its existence, the circus began staging work. The audience saw pantomimes Prepare for Battle (1931-1932, staged by Volsky), Moscow is Burning (1932-1933, staged by Alperov based on Mayakovsky's poems) and other circus performances.
During the Great Patriotic War, the Saratov circus, whose poster did not disappear from the city streets for a single day, continued to work and received artists evacuated from the territories occupied by the Nazis.
In the post-war period, the circus went through several reconstructions. In 1959-1963. made a phased change of the auditorium and the dome. At the same time, the tour of the artists continued, and the work was carried out in the off-season. In 1968, the Arena Hotel was put into operation. The circus was repeatedly noted among the best, and for the 100th anniversary it was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
The second reconstruction of the building was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of its foundation (1998). The name of the Nikitin brothers was officially fixed on circus posters - thanks to the founders from the artists of the new generation.
In the first days of the war, fundraising began to purchase the Soviet Circus aircraft for the front. In Saratov, the artists collected almost 500 thousand rubles for this. In the spring of 1942, the circus received a telegram from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I. V. Stalin with gratitude for this act.

Circus legends of Saratov
The circus is an amazing place. Not becausepeople in it walk on their hands or put their head in the mouth of a lion and do it daily and without visible tension or fear. His democracy is amazing. Stars of the first magnitude, conquering the capital's arenas and winning prizes at prestigious international festivals, get a start in life in the provincial arenas. The Saratov Circus is no exception to this rule.
In 1951, a young artist, a free-wire equilibrist, a recent graduate of the circus school, came to the city to participate in the next program. The premiere took place, but the young man did not participate in it due to a delay in the delivery of props. And misfortune happened at the performance - the carpet clown broke two ribs and ended up in the hospital. Circus artists are universal, they master many genres and are able to replace each other if necessary. Koverny should have been replaced, and the choice fell on a newcomer. He, of course, had no experience, no repertoire. Several rehearsals, someone else's costume, unfamiliar props - and now the young artist makes his debut in a new role at the arena. But the audience does not accept the newcomer - he tries to imitate the injured clown, and he does not succeed well, liquid, "polite" applause is heard in the auditorium. The first squad flew by number by number, and failure seemed inevitable.
It's hard to say what led the debutant to the kitchen of the circus dining room during the intermission. Here he borrowed a chef's hat and apron, took several pots and pans, and put a couple of potatoes and a carrot that came to hand in his pockets. The second branch began and the artist decided to cutway, get to the arena through tangled service corridors. I ran to the sound of music, opened all the doors and as a result ended up in the orchestra box! The astonished musicians looked at the cook who had appeared from nowhere, and the first number was already ending in the arena. Straight through the orchestra, the newcomer went to the audience.
Surprised by the unexpected transformation of the clown and his unconventional appearance, the arena inspector (program host) orientated himself on the move and played along. And now the audience is looking at the clown with interest (they did not recognize him in a chef's costume), and he fervently juggles carrots and potatoes, balances pans. All this improvisation was accompanied by youthful enthusiasm and genuine courage. The auditorium was subdued, the debutant deserved a storm of applause. For another 20 days, the young artist replaced the carpet clown. He rehearsed the reprises, made the props, and the jokes became sharper and funnier. From Saratov, the young man went to Riga already in the role of a clown, whom he does not change to this day.
Then there were other arenas of the Soviet Union, world fame, recognition, awards and the title of "Solar Clown", which (according to one of the legends) figuratively awarded him the Queen of Belgium. But the reviews of fans indicate that they do not forget the debut back in 1951 at the arena of the Saratov Circus of the People's Artist of the USSR Oleg Konstantinovich Popov.

Tours: an orderly cycle
Circus Conveyor… This expression causes bewilderment among people not connected with the organization of the tour. Meanwhile, flowsartists moving simultaneously from one circus to another on trains and planes, or accompanying animals and props in cars, resemble a giant conveyor belt that lives in constant motion. But thanks to this, in every city, viewers see numbers and artists that make up the pride and elite of the Russian circus. The Saratov Circus is no exception to this rule.
Reviews from the audience, like a time machine, are able to bring back in their memories the memory of the tour of outstanding masters. The famous clown Pencil (People's Artist of the USSR M. Rumyantsev) and fearless trainers Irina Bugrimova and Margarita Nazarova shone in the arena. Saratov applauded the "Bear Circus" by Valentin Filatov and the magic of the illusionist Emil Teodorovich Kio. With bated breath, the audience watched the Dagestan tightrope walkers led by Yaraga Gadzhikurbanov and the dizzying jumps of acrobats Vladimir Doveiko. The entire color of the Soviet, and then Russian masters of the arena passed through one of the oldest arenas in the country thanks to an invisible circus conveyor.

Continuation of traditions
Life in the circus never stops. Morning rehearsals are traditionally reserved for numbers with animals. Powerful camels, "ships of the desert", slowly shift from foot to foot. Their calmness is not able to deceive Irina Volodina, the head of the "Camel Journey" issue. She knows how fast these clumsy, at first glance, bumpkins are. And from the stables comes the fractional clatter of the hooves of thoroughbred horses - anticipating their turnto go to the arena, Raisa Shanina's wards are worried.
The family bonds of the circus are figuratively manifested in posters pasted around the city. Representatives of famous dynasties are again at the arena - tightrope walkers led by Patimat Gadzhikurbanova and an air flight created by Vladimir Doveiko. Big names are like a sign of quality for spectators seeking to get into a new program at the Saratov Circus. Ticket offices run out quickly. Their cost varies from 400 to 1500 rubles.

Princess Circus Festival
A festival is held in the Saratov circus, the idea of which lies in the name itself. The story began in 2005, when the circus first tried its own strength in organizing a new format - holding a circus festival. Girls from all genres of circus art were invited to participate. This did not mean that male artists would not participate in the performance. But the jury had to evaluate only the art of circus beauties. The experiment turned out to be successful - the Saratov Circus of the Nikitin Brothers created a festival that took pride of place among the circus forums held in Russia.
In 2016, the VI festival took place, expanding the geography of participants and adding the word "international" to the name. Applications for participation were received from Brazil, Australia, China. Representatives of Colombia and Mexico arrived in the city over the Volga. Competitors from 10 foreign countries considered it an honor to take part in the fight for the Circus Princess crown.

Behind the scenes: a life given to the circus
When talking about the circus, they often talk about artists. And they rarely remember people who perform administrative and organizational work, worry about the circus and serve its prosperity. The Saratov circus was lucky - they were always led by caring people.
The leadership lay on the shoulders of the Nikitin brothers, who created the circus and laid the foundation for Saratov circus traditions.
The first cooperative circus was formed. The artists elected the juggler N. L. Benedetto as chairman of the cooperative. V. V. Milva became the artistic director.
NL Zelenev worked as the director of the Saratov circus. Under him, the circus changed its address and moved to a new stone building. Traditions of military patronage work were laid down. The beginning of staging activities dates back to the same time - the tasks of patriotic education were solved by the visual means of the circus.
The period that fell on the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Saratov received people evacuated from the territories occupied by the Nazis. Among them were artists. On the basis of the Saratov Circus, concert brigades were formed to perform for the soldiers of the Red Army in the rear and at the front. The director of the Saratov circus M. V. Babin supervised the work.
The time of the leadership of VL Marchenko. The city was returning to peaceful life, and the festive art of the circus was very popular. During this period (1950) he came to work in the circus B. I. Mamleev is an arena inspector who has entered the Saratov arena for more than 30 years.
Director of the Saratov Circus IV Dubinsky completed the reconstruction of the auditorium and dome begun by his predecessor. The work was carried out in the off-season, without disrupting the tour schedule. The Arena Hotel was built for the artists. The circus received the status of a staged circus and began to prepare new numbers and attractions, the creative biography of the Kazakh circus group began in Saratov. The circus took a leading position in the system of the All-Union Association "Soyuzgostsirk". As part of circus delegations, Iosif Veniaminovich visited Hungary, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Germany. In Australia, I saw an unusual fountain "Dandelion" and, returning to Saratov, made exactly the same on the square in front of the circus. Another bold idea - the organization of a circus school in Saratov - did not materialize. In 1976, I. V. Dubinsky died.
VP Vladykin took over the baton of the circus leadership. He managed not to disturb the benevolent creative atmosphere that had developed in the team. The Saratov Circus was repeatedly noted in the orders as an advanced enterprise, and the artists were happy to come on tour to the city on the Volga.
The collapse of the Soviet Union could not but affect the work of the circus. The unified system that united circus enterprises collapsed. During this period, the circus was directed by Yu. N. Avdeev. The pressure of financial turmoil forced a reduction in the number of performances - performances were held only three days a week. This period hadcelebration of the 125th anniversary. The circus was repaired, and the inscription appeared on its facade: “The Nikitin Brothers Circus.”
The renaissance of the Saratov circus began under the leadership of the new director I. G. Kuzmin. He managed to stabilize the work, increase the number of performances and attract new spectators to the circus. This was facilitated by a whole series of festivals organized by the Saratov Circus: the II All-Russian Competition (1999), the All-Russian Competition of Clownery, Eccentrics and Parodies (2001). The circus celebrated its 130th anniversary by holding the International Competition of Circus Arts (2003). Since 2005, the biography of the "Princess of the Russian Circus" competition began, which is held every two years and gathers a star cast of participants on the Saratov arena.
The merits of I. G. Kuzmin eventually forced him to leave the post of director of the circus. In the summer of 2016, Ivan Georgievich was appointed Minister of Culture of the Saratov Region. And the new leader will face the difficult task of continuing and developing Saratov circus traditions.
Instead of an epilogue: the return of the legend
When looking at a circus poster, people involuntarily slow down. There is a bright announcement on the facade: “From September 26, the circus has a new program!”
Nothing surprising, except for the name of the artist who opens the circus season. Oleg Popov! The legendary "solar clown", who once began the path to the heights of glory in the Saratov arena. An artist who lived in Germany for more than a quarter of a century and did not go to the arenas of Russian circuses. The idol of millions of Sovietboys returning to their homeland of their first success to meet a new generation of circus lovers.

Today in Saratov, it's not the children asking adults to take them to the circus, but grandparents acquainting their grandchildren with their youth. A guest book on every page saves enthusiastic thanks and feedback. The Nikitin Brothers Circus (Russia, Saratov) continues to amaze fans of its art. Perhaps next to the master a new star is lit today, which will return to the Saratov arena after half a century.