Let me invite you on a journey. Not simple, but sporty! It will be an exciting and exciting event. And the pleasure received from it will be double - exciting training and the joy of the first achievements. And Alexei Vasilenko will be the guide on the fitness cruise.
After meeting Alexei in absentia, counting his awards and regalia, you begin to think that he is a demigod and will not condescend to communicate with mere mortals. However, at the first meeting with Alexei Vasilenko, the impression of this person changes completely. Charming and fun, simple and accessible - that's how you can characterize this famous fitness trainer in Russia.

And he boldly confesses to violating the main commandment of sports and he althy lifestyle about the prohibition of food after 18.00. And he explains this with simple human desires. And no star disease. Alexey Vasilenko does not consider himself a star or a super-guru. And he shares the secret of success and mastery - to do your job 100%! But, let's start from the stove, or first things first.
Aleksey Vasilenko: childhood
Little Lesha grew up in a family of professors. His father receivedprofessorship and taught chemistry to students all his life. And her mother worked as an engineer at the Institute for the Design and Installation of Electrical Wiring.
Alexei Vasilenko was in good standing at school - fours and fives flaunted in his diary. He loved to read, draw and draw. His writings were read by teachers-philologists. In high school, I chose a physical and mathematical profile for myself. But I did not like physical education lessons. In many interviews, Alexei laughingly admits that he was looking for a certificate of exemption from school sports for the entire duration of his studies.
Dreams and inclinations
The very first dream is to become a tram driver! Rails and railways, even toy ones, still inspire awe in Alexei Vasilenko. As a child, he could play for hours with a metal locomotive that moved along rails, with a set of stations, arrows and other paraphernalia. It was the steam locomotive that carried the boy to the kingdom of dreams. And even as an adult, Alex freezes in front of the windows with this toy.
Another hobby of schoolboy Lesha was music. He sings beautifully, studies piano at a music school, sings in a choir and goes to a dance club. It is at this moment that the first dreams of glory appear.
The school helped to realize their creative inclinations. Alexey Vasilenko leads all school cultural and entertainment events. He organizes everything from a cool disco to school lights.
Higher education
Aleksey is an engineer-programmer of automated systems by education. Studied at the Belgorod State Academybuilding materials. True, the only skill used by a fitness trainer, acquired during his studies, is the ability to type without looking at the keyboard with all ten fingers. Otherwise, the profession in which Vasilenko achieved success has nothing to do with his studies.

Professional work of Alexey Vasilenko is distributed evenly in two directions:
- Coach.
- Teacher.
The easiest way to talk about Vasilenko's work is in the form of a table:
Coaching (group and individual) |
World Class Fitness Club (Fitness Industry Leading Company) |
Teaching work | Federation of Fitness Aerobics of Russia (university providing the best sports education in the country) |
National level master trainer in fit-bo, bodyART, deepwork, seminars and webinars | Together with the Fitness Lab |
Aleksey does not like to discuss income figures, he answers in a streamlined way that he has enough. And most importantly, what you love brings income!
The daily routine of the fitness guru depends on the schedule of classes, which, in addition to individual and group classes, includes seminars and frequent work trips.
Why fit-bo
Fit-bo with Alexey Vasilenko is always exciting, fun and effective. The coach receives only positive feedback. Get to classesMany people dream of Alexei Vasilenko, but why did he choose this direction? Alexey himself admits that he got into the fitness industry with rich life experience, and he made a conscious choice.

And it all started with dancing. Alexei danced everything from w altz to hip-hop. But one day it came to the realization that dancing classes are an exclusively group event, moreover, there are only a few such prims as Maya Plisetskaya, and being the fifth swan in the seventh row is unattractive.
Study, study and study again
And Vasilenko enrolls in aerobics courses - classical and step, stretching and Pilates. New skills grew into a hobby, and then into a profession. Today Alexey Vasilenko boasts:
1. Course completed in:
- EuroEducation.
- People – In – Motion.
2. Participation in international conventions:
- Fitness-Express.
- Intersport.
- World Class.
- IslandFit.
3. Reaching the final of the competitions:
- Rookie of Russia 2006.
- Newcomer International 2008.
Jobs changed, one prestigious club replaced another, but one thing remained unchanged - the desire for self-improvement.

At the same time as his sports career, the road to glory began. And she, as you know, runs through television. The first fit-bo experience with Alexey Vasilenko was unexpected for him. Television helped Alexeiloosen up, cope with children's fears and learn, in his words, "to talk on the go." These new skills helped him work at conventions, improvisations in training, and made it easier to communicate with strangers.
Oh yes, of course - a childhood dream came true, and Alexei Vasilenko became a TV star. True, when meeting a cheerful and good-natured Lesha in the subway with a backpack at the ready, not everyone can believe that they see a well-deserved coach in front of them.
Tai-bo with Alexei Vasilenko
It's no secret that Shaquille O'Neal and Pamela Anderson are tai-bo fans. The fast pace of training makes it possible to maintain youthfulness and sexuality even for those who are well…
Tai-bo with Alexei Vasilenko not only pumps up muscles, but also strengthens the spirit. In training, there is no place for superfluous thoughts, because every second you have to think about what you are doing and how you feel.

It will take two or three months, and you will love fitball. Alexey Vasilenko guarantees it. You will rush to the gym to leave all the problems and irritants outside the gym door. And the new body will be the subject of your pride and envy of others.
The main thing is not to forget about:
- Systematicity. Make a schedule of classes and strictly adhere to it: through I don’t want, through I can’t. Then success is inevitable.
- Repetition. It is the key to success. Repeat the exercises in your spare time right after waking up and before going to bed.
- Accuracy. Compare your exercise performance with how the coach does it. Better performthey are slower and smaller, but clear and correct.
- Methodical. Having mastered simple exercises and bringing them to automaticity, you can move on to more complex ones. But not vice versa.

Tai-bo classes with Alexei Vasilenko are suitable for purposeful people with great willpower who strive for self-improvement.
Reviews and opinions
Reviews about classes with Vasilenko abound with delight and gratitude. Despite exhausting workouts, everyone notices a surge of mental and physical strength.

Customers characterize tai-bo training with Alexey Vasilenko as effective, fun and safe!
Office workers advise accountants and executives who "burn out at work" such training, comparing them to a breath of life-giving moisture. Only sports and Aleksey Vasilenko can save such "sedentary professions"!
Many say that fit-bo with Alexei is akin to a drug. One missed class and the withdrawal begins. Training is beginning to be missed already at the physical level!
All this is because Alexei Vasilenko himself is in love with his work. Endless communication with new people, flights, conventions, self-improvement and work with clients. All this does not let Alexei get bored, and he does not let anyone get bored in his training.
Alexey doesn't like talking about his personal life. Evasively replies that, to the delight of young fans, he is not yet married. But you should not count on his favor. His heartbusy. So far…
And in the end, I would like to pass on advice from the coach. And it concerns not only sports, but life in general. According to Alexei, you should not look for excuses in the form of age, money or a difficult situation. All this will not change until the person himself begins to change. It's better to regret doing the wrong thing than not doing anything!