Zurab Matua (photo below) is one of those people who always maintains a positive attitude in any situation. This person goes through life easily and with a smile. He is not afraid of difficulties, he just laughs at them. It is difficult to imagine that Zurab could link his career with business or another field of activity. After all, this person already habitually looks within the framework of the comedy TV show "Comedy Club", where he composes and sings fervent and funny songs. Currently, Zurab Matua is very popular as an artist. He is recognized in every city in Russia, Ukraine and Belerausi. The jokes of this creative and resourceful young man sometimes turn into folklore. How could an ordinary Georgian guy come from Moscow and conquer it? We will deal with this in this article.

Zurab Matua: biography
Born on November 15, 1980 in the sunny Georgian city of Sukhumi. As the artist himself recalls, he composed and sang his first song immediately after birth. However, what this song is and what it is about is currently unknown. Zurab Matua has been singing since childhood. His firstlisteners and overnight fans were his parents and close relatives. The guy just can't live without songs! Once in childhood, he felt that singing for him was like a means of a happy life. Since then, he has been singing to this day, not knowing grief and resentment, enjoying life and the taste of happy freedom.
Soon his family moved to St. Petersburg for permanent residence. Not a single interview with the artist himself indicates the reason for moving to Northern Venice. According to one version, the family decided to move away from interethnic conflicts between Georgians and Abkhazians. But this is a completely different story, which, fortunately, we will not dwell on.
In 1987, Zurab Matua entered the 166th gymnasium in St. Petersburg, which he later successfully graduated from. The artist himself claims that he never set himself big life goals. His plans did not include becoming a famous showman or singer. In his youth, he had the only weakness - Zurab adored the Italian series "Octopus". The only thing he dreamed of was to become like the main character, Commissar Katani.
But Zurab did not have a future in law enforcement. After graduation, the guy enters the St. Petersburg Higher School of Management and studies in the speci alty "State and City Administration". He studied well and from the very first days he began to think like a real Georgian.
Zurab decided to start his own small business. Having accumulated the required amount of money, the guy invested in a company that was engaged in the supply of ice cream in St. Petersburg. It is worth noting thatthis business was in demand, and the poor student was no longer a poor student. But soon Zurab realizes that his heart does not lie in such a profession, he was drawn to creativity, he wanted to perform on stage.
Soon the guy gathers all his fellow students and offers to create a KVN team. Not to say that a career in the Club of Cheerful and Resourceful was successful, but not to say that it was a failure. For several years, Zurab Matua has changed many teams and leagues. It is worth noting that the future showman won several cool cups here.
In 2003, the Georgian joker was casting for the show "People's Artist". This competition was more song and vocal than humorous, however, here Zurab showed off his creativity. He could not remember by heart the words of those songs that needed to be learned here. Several times, speaking on stage, the guy got off with improvisational jokes instead of a chorus, but this did not last long. He was never taken to the final part of the project, saying that it would be better if he went to joke rather than sing.

Career at Comedy Club
Having listened to the advice of the members of the jury of the People's Artist project, Zurab began to act. Having gathered his close friends and organized a song and humorous "band", Zurab began performing in St. Petersburg nightclubs. Each time, the guys gained local popularity, they were invited to various institutions. Soon they are noticed by the producer of the Comedy Club - St. Petersburg community and invites them to perform at his club. The debut on the "club" stage turned out to be successful, and the guysloved by the public. The fame of their team reached the capital. Moscow producers of the Comedy Club capital project were soon invited to perform at their place. Here the career of a professional singer-humorist was launched.

Zurab Matua: personal life
Many fans of the singer are accustomed to thinking that Zurab is a principled bachelor, whose heart you can try to melt. However, Matua has been married for a long time. His wife's name is Anastasia, they met during the "St. Petersburg" popularity of Zurab.

The wedding was in Tbilisi and took place according to all Georgian laws. Everything was here: hot dances, chacha, daggers, akhaluhi and chokha. At the moment, the couple live in St. Petersburg and plan to have a baby.