Norsky nature reserve in the Amur region: general characteristics, flora and fauna

Norsky nature reserve in the Amur region: general characteristics, flora and fauna
Norsky nature reserve in the Amur region: general characteristics, flora and fauna

The real heart of the protected areas of the Amur region and the place with the largest population of Siberian roe deer in the world, as well as with the most unique natural formation in the form of swampy marshes, is this amazing reserve. This state-protected area has a fairly high status in Russia, and its importance for the conservation and increase in the population of rare animal species is undeniable.

This is the Norsky Nature Reserve of the Amur Region, about which information is presented in the article.


History of Creation

On this unique territory, the reserve was first organized in 1981. It was called Ust-Norsk. However, the protected area occupied 10 times less area than the current reserve. The protected area was expanded in 1984, the reserve received the status of a zoological reserve and became known as the Norsk Republican.

In 1990, the territory was recognized as the best for the protection of animals in the Far East, and in 1998 there wasA reserve with a modern name - Norsky Reserve was created. The purpose of education is the protection of typical southern taiga ecosystems of the Northern Amur region, as well as flora, fauna and the most valuable wetlands of the Amur-Zeya lowland.

In administrative terms, the reserve is located in the Selemdzhinsky district of the Amur region.

Nature of the Norsky Reserve
Nature of the Norsky Reserve

Rationale for creation and significance

As in most other regions of the Far East, the Norsky Reserve of the Amur Region is characterized by the joint growth and habitation of plants and animals of various natural zones.

What justifies the need to create a reserve?

  1. Protection of natural areas in order to preserve the biological diversity of natural natural complexes.
  2. Scientific research and natural history.
  3. Conduct environmental monitoring.
  4. Environmental education.
  5. Participation in the state environmental review of projects and plans for the placement of economic facilities, etc.
  6. Assistance in the training of specialists and scientists in the field of nature protection.
  7. Experimental work and implementation of rational nature management methods on the sites of the biosphere range that do not deplete or destroy the biological environment.

General characteristics of the Norsky Reserve

The total area of the territory is almost 211.2 thousand hectares. It includes one section. The water area is 2 thousand hectares, and the buffer zone is 9.9 thousand hectares.ha.

Basically, the appearance of the reserve is formed by hilly remains, rocky coastal cliffs and spacious plains. The absolute heights in this area reach 370 meters. From July to August is the rainy season. At this time, violent river floods occur, and in some years they turn into real catastrophic floods. The largest rivers of the protected area are the Selemdzha, Burunda and Nora, which are mountain-taiga rivers and are characterized by alternating rapid riffles and reaches.

Norsky Reserve
Norsky Reserve

The climate in this area is sharply continental. The time of the most severe frosts is the month of January (the average temperature reaches -30 ºС). The summer period is quite warm, humid, with frequent cyclones bringing heavy rains. The hottest month is July, with an average air temperature of about +20 ºС.

Some Features

It is also important to note the interfluve of which rivers the Norsky Nature Reserve is located. Its main river is the Selemdzha, which got its name from the Evenki language. The name in translation sounds like "Iron". Thanks to the intersection of this mighty artery with the river Nora, a very unusual valley was formed here. Huge superficial swamps are spread in it - a unique formation called mari. They are covered with growths of larches and dwarf birches.

Such swamps are formed in the places where soil permafrost is located, gradually thawing and forming a permanent layer of water in the soil. The colossal importance of these mares lies in the fact that they are constantlyfed by local streams and springs. Thanks to this phenomenon, the Far Eastern rivers have a sufficient amount of water.

Norsky nature reserve is the only haze nature reserve in Russia, and therefore preserving it in its original form is the main task for the leaders of the Amur Region.


The protected area is located in a transitional area. This is the place where the zones of the southern and middle taiga converge. Okhotsk, Siberian and Manchurian varieties of plants are found here. In these places, spruces are entwined with Chinese limen, and Cajanders (larches) compete with Chosenia in their height.

Vegetation of the Amur region
Vegetation of the Amur region

The territory of the Norsky reserve is more than half occupied by forest vegetation. The main forest-forming species are white birch and Gmelin larch. In the spring, Daurian rhododendrons begin to bloom in the larch forests, and in the fall, lingonberries ripen violently. River floodplains are especially diverse and rich in vegetation. Here you can find eleutherococcus, Japanese chase, Amur barberry, Bush lilies and water chestnut, as well as a huge number of rare plants.

The rocky vegetation is also peculiar here. Here you can find a unique endemic - the Selemdzhin saxifrage, which grows only at the mouth of the river. Burrows.


Vertebrate animals of the Norsky reserve are represented by 200 species of fish, two species of amphibians, five reptiles, 35 species of mammals and 390 species of birds. In these places, along with common for Eurasia teal mallardskiller whales and mandarin ducks nest, Siberian nightingales coexist with larvae and white-eyes.

migratory roe deer
migratory roe deer

A special attraction of the Norsky nature reserve is the Siberian roe deer. This protected area is home to the world's largest migratory group of this species of animal. Their number is about 5-7 thousand heads.

In early autumn, most of the individuals leave this area to the southwest. During this period, one can observe the most unique phenomenon - the mass movements of animals across the Nora River. For example, in the tract M altsev Lug, about 300 roe deer per day are transported across the river in a section of the river about 2 kilometers long. The well-known Amur tiger also lives in the reserve.

Amur tiger
Amur tiger


The reserve is a haven for a huge variety of avifauna. Birds of the Norsky Reserve: white-eyed, blue-eyed thrush (the best singer of the Amur region), white-throated thrush, rather rare kloktun ducks, bright yellow flycatcher. Magnificent whooper swans nest in the floodplains of the Nora and Burunda rivers. In the swamps, you can find many Far Eastern curlews.

Black, Japanese and white-naped cranes can be seen here every year. Every year here you can observe migratory white cranes. Osprey nests (more than 10) and 3 nests of white-tailed eagles are known. The Red Book of the Russian Federation includes 24 bird species of the Nora-Selemdzha interfluve in its lists.

Selemdzha River
Selemdzha River

In conclusion

Due to the unique features of the environment anda long history of protection of these territories in this unique corner of Russia managed to preserve the amazing diversity of the world of flora and fauna.

It should also be noted that there is an interesting route open on the territory of the reserve. Its length is 150 km, and it runs along the bank of the Nora River along the very border of the reserve. Traveling here, you can capture all the beauty and diversity of the surrounding flora, and in September you can watch an amazing sight - the mass migration of roe deer.
