State and political system of China

State and political system of China
State and political system of China

The first mention of a state on the territory of modern China dates back to 2000 BC. From the prosperous ancient Chinese empires, the country went through millennia through periods of disunity, colonial humiliation and the struggle for independence to the People's Republic of China, proclaimed in 1949. Modern China is a country aimed at a high-tech future, but not forgetting its ancient history. In the 21st century, the country's economy has become the largest in the world and with the most extensive domestic market. No matter what political system China has, it will always be with a Chinese "accent".

What the Constitution says

Girls with hieroglyphs
Girls with hieroglyphs

China, according to the constitution, is a socialist state with the proclaimed leadership of the workers, represented by the Communist Party, in alliance with the peasants. The political system of China can be briefly described as socialism with a nationalspecifics. All power belongs to the people, who exercise it through the National People's Congress (NPC) and local representative bodies at various levels. While China's political system now has all the trappings of democracy, the voice of the Communist Party is critical to any meaningful decision.

The political system of the country

China is a multinational, multi-party country, which is reflected in the organization of all state structures. The basis of China's political system, with the dominant role of the Communist Party, are:

  • elected bodies at various levels - people's congresses;
  • multi-party system;
  • national autonomies in every region with compact non-Chinese population.
Chinese military
Chinese military

Democratically elected representative bodies are assemblies of people's representatives elected at all levels of the country's administrative division, from townships and districts to cities. In addition to the Communist Party, there are eight other small parties in China that are not considered opposition parties. The largest of them is the Democratic Party, which has approximately 130,000 members. To develop a coordinated position of the parties on key issues of economic and political life, the People's Political Consultative Council was created. The third pillar of China's political system is the system of national entities (autonomous regions, districts, counties), which are a guaranteeobservance of the rights of small peoples and nationalities.

State system

Great Wall
Great Wall

The President of the People's Republic of China leads the socialist state of the people's democratic dictatorship, as written in the country's Constitution, sometimes he is called the President of China in the foreign press. The National People's Congress is the highest level of the Chinese "parliament". The government in China is called the State Council of the People's Republic of China, which is represented in the regions by local people's governments. The Central Military Council governs the army, the armed police and the people's militia. The country has all the institutions necessary for the functioning of a modern state, only given the political system of China, they have names with a socialist connotation, such as the people's court, the people's prosecutor, the people's police.

National People's Congress

Congress in China
Congress in China

Deputies from all regions and armed forces are elected to the supreme body of state power for a period of 5 years. Between sessions, the highest body of state power is represented by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The political system of China provides an opportunity to participate in the work of all segments of the population - representatives of national minorities, regions with a different political system (Hong Kong and Macau), the military, and even billionaires. In 2013, at the penultimate session of the NPC, there were 31 dollar billionaires among the delegates.

Chinese door
Chinese door

The assembly decides what is the current political system in Chinawill be put into practice. The assembly elects the President of the People's Republic of China and other senior officials of the state, determines the direction of economic development and approves the budget of the state. In 2018, 3,000 people attended the National People's Congress.

Comrade C

The President of the People's Republic of China performs the functions of the head of state, including appointing the Premier of the State Council and other members of the government, announcing the mobilization and imposition of martial law, awarding orders and medals. In March of this year, at the 13th National People's Congress, Xin Jinping was again re-elected as President of the People's Republic of China. The political system of China provided for a limit on the election to the highest state post of two terms, this was supposed to be the last period of Comrade Xi's work in this post. But at the same session, the deputies approved constitutional amendments allowing an unlimited number of times to be elected to the highest office.

Communists are always ahead

Museum building
Museum building

The leadership role of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is enshrined in the country's constitution. The Communist Party maintains control over the country, dominating the government and the military, all state institutions have party cells. Xi Jinping is the leader of the Communist Party and head of state. The party was founded in 1921 according to the patterns of the All-Russian Bolshevik Party, with the aim of spreading the ideas of communism in the country. The CCP began fighting to liberate the country and change China's political system. The CCP armed militias played a decisive role inliberation and formation of the People's Republic of China. All of China's modern economic successes are also linked to the reforms initiated by the Chinese Communist Party.