How to choose 12 gauge ammo? Best 12 gauge ammo

How to choose 12 gauge ammo? Best 12 gauge ammo
How to choose 12 gauge ammo? Best 12 gauge ammo

Professionals don't even have a question "how to choose 12 gauge cartridges" because they already know everything they need, the very fact of choosing is very easy for them. However, novice hunters get lost in the variety of all possible options and cannot always make the right choice, which rather depends on the type of hunting target, its conditions and weather.

Types of 12 gauge cartridges

To decide how to choose 12 gauge cartridges, you first need to figure out what types of such ammunition are. First, you need to know that at the moment factory cartridges are being made with metal, plastic and paper sleeves, they can be equipped with smoky or smokeless powder and are divided according to the type of charge into bullet, buckshot or shot. In addition, the powder charge itself is standard or increased, and the shot used is steel or lead. The length of the sleeve for such ammunition is also different: 65, 70, 76, 89 mm.

how to choose 12 gauge ammo
how to choose 12 gauge ammo


In addition to the above, they are also divided depending on the type used. That is, 12 gauge shotgun cartridges, depending on the typethe game that is planned to be hunted comes with shot from 1.5 mm to 5 mm. Cardshot cartridges use shot over 5 mm in diameter, and the shot itself may or may not match. Bullets are used for hunting big game and are divided into arrow, turbine and arrow-turbine. Arrow bullets resemble an arrow in their design, as the name implies. They are equipped with a special stabilizer tail and have a weighted head part, which allows you to achieve correct flight and prevent somersaults. Turbine-type bullets compensate for the lack of rifling in the barrel with their design, which allows the projectile to rotate around its axis, which significantly increases the accuracy of the battle and lethal power. The arrow-turbine type of ammunition has the advantages of both previous types, flies further, more closely, hits harder, but also costs much more.

12 gauge cold fire cartridge
12 gauge cold fire cartridge

Shot and buckshot shells

This type of ammunition is used for firing at distances up to 50 meters. Divided by shot size from 11 to 0000. No. 11 is the smallest fraction of 1.5 mm, which increases by 0.25 mm with each subsequent number, and as a result reaches a maximum size of 5 mm at No. 0000. How to load 12 gauge cartridges with shot - see below. Also, the fraction is consistent and inconsistent. Consistency is determined quite simply. A wad is driven into the barrel of the weapon to the end of the muzzle, on which pellets are poured in one layer. If they all lay down the same way and fit into this layer, thenfraction agreed. If the weapon has two barrels, the procedure is checked for it as well. It should be remembered that in the case when the fraction is placed in a container, these steps are not necessary. In addition, the shot is divided according to its hardness into hunting and sports hard shot and soft hunting shot. Soft is used for shooting at short distances, has a greater spread, but more pollutes the barrel. Solid, in turn, has greater accuracy and is not so harmful to the barrel, but the disadvantage is a small spread angle. All of the above also applies to canister cartridges, except for the fact that the shot in them is larger than 5 mm. Thus, when a hunter decides how to choose a 12-gauge cartridge, he must also consider at what distance the hunt will be predominantly conducted.

Shot charge

The larger the caliber, the more shots. This is an axiom. It would seem, what is there to choose? We take the maximum and rejoice. But in reality, everything is not so simple. As the caliber grows, the weight of the gun, ammunition and recoil increase, which is already not small in 12 gauge. As recoil increases, accuracy decreases. And as the charge grows, its initial speed decreases and, as a result, the maximum firing distance. In practice, an increased charge is used when it is required to compensate for low shooting accuracy at a short distance, and is practically not used at a long distance.

how to load 12 gauge ammo
how to load 12 gauge ammo


It has been tried for a long time to put shot (12 gauge) packed in containers into cartridges. They have certain advantages.and cons. Of the pluses, one can note an increase in accuracy when shooting, and of the minuses - a high cost. In addition, it makes sense to use a container only when hunting is carried out at a distance of more than 25 meters, and at a closer distance, ordinary shot can also be used. The principle of the container is simple. Despite the fact that it is believed that it opens at a certain distance from the hunter and thereby increases the accuracy of fire, in fact, it does most of its work even when the shot is not fired, coordinating the charge. This increases the accuracy and effective firing distance already by default.

cartridges shot 12 gauge
cartridges shot 12 gauge

Bullet ammo

Just like with shot, when choosing 12-gauge bullet cartridges, you should first decide on the type of hunting and shooting distance. For shooting large dangerous animals, it is better to take heavy bullets (about 37 g), which have the ability to deform when they hit the target. For smaller and less dangerous game, it is best to use lighter (26-28 g) bullets that do not deform upon impact. Also, depending on the hunting conditions (at a short distance, in thickets, etc.), the optimal type of bullet changes. Due to the fact that in most cases the game is shot in the forests, where the shooting distance rarely exceeds 50-60 meters, it is recommended to use heavy caliber bullets with belts. They have increased killing power.

Cold sighting

The very fact of buying weapons and optics for them is only half the battle. After that, you need to shoot,which can take just an indecent amount of ammunition, which is not so cheap. In addition, after that, when the scope is zeroed, if you remove it and put it on again, you will most likely have to zero in the weapon again. To avoid such unpleasant and costly procedures, it is recommended to use a 12-gauge cold zeroing cartridge. Using it is so elementary that anyone can figure it out. It is necessary to insert the included cartridge into the chamber - and immediately a place will be found where the axis of the bore is looking. It remains only to combine the aiming point on the optics with it - and you can use a rifle. Although this device is not particularly cheap, it is not worth space money either. And if you compare with the amounts that will be spent on ammunition when shooting, and also take into account that this one is bought once and for all, the benefit will be incredible.

ammo 12 gauge reviews
ammo 12 gauge reviews


It is impossible to name a specific company that produces 12-gauge cartridges, reviews of which are all positive. Each of them has its fans and opponents, each is right in its own way. Here it is impossible to advise anything and can only recommend trying different ammunition and opting for the company that produces the best 12 gauge cartridges from the point of view of a particular hunter. It should be remembered that recently the quality of domestic-made ammunition is not inferior to foreign counterparts, and in some cases even surpasses it, which allows you to purchase the required cartridges forsignificantly cheaper prices.

How to load 12 gauge ammo?

The first thing to say about such loading is that you should not use cartridges with an unknown charge. Secondly, when charging, you should use special devices that greatly facilitate and improve it. They load the cartridges themselves in most cases precisely because factory ammunition does not always meet the individual requirements of this particular hunter. That is why it is better for beginners to use "basic" cartridges, and only over time, when there will be more experience, and the shortcomings of standard ammunition become clear, engage in self-charging. There are a huge number of devices that facilitate this process, and each has detailed instructions explaining the principle of their operation. By the time the hunter understands all the benefits of self-loading 12-gauge cartridges, he will already be able to decide on the tools for this process.

12 gauge ammo loading
12 gauge ammo loading

Cartridges and game

The different types of ammunition have been described above, suitable for different hunting conditions and distances. However, the choice of cartridges does not stop there. How to choose 12 gauge cartridges? The type of game also influences the choice of what to shoot it with. Feathered game - small shot is used for hunting it, the size of which can vary from No. 11 to No. 1, depending on the hunting conditions. It is recommended to use the smallest possible, as 4-5 small pellets hit the target better than 1-2 large ones. Hares - No. 4-5 from under the hounds, in autumn from the approach No. 3-4, in winter - No. 2-3. Hunting for wolves and lynxes is optimal when using small buckshot (7 in a row) at a distance of 50-70 meters, and for roe deer and saigas with the same buckshot, but at a distance of 35-40 meters. On larger game, bullets are preferable, especially if they pose a potential hazard. In general, the choice of the type of ammunition depending on the type of hunting target is as individual as other bullet selection parameters.

best 12 gauge ammo
best 12 gauge ammo


The above describes the various features of different types of ammunition. The answer to the question “how to choose 12-gauge cartridges” is possible only after the hunter has decided on the terrain, weather, distance and type of game that he will shoot at. It is simply impossible to buy a certain cartridge in advance that will be suitable for all conditions. In addition, we should not forget that if an optical sight is used, it must first be sighted in or, which is easier, cheaper and faster, use a 12-gauge cold sighting cartridge.
