Viktor Smirnov: biography, personal life, interesting facts

Viktor Smirnov: biography, personal life, interesting facts
Viktor Smirnov: biography, personal life, interesting facts

Viktor Smirnov - theater and film actor. He has more than thirty roles in such films as Dream, Don't Think About White Monkeys, I'm Fine, Passionate Boulevard, Cops. Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “War”, “Master and Margarita”, etc. You can learn more about the biography of Viktor Smirnov from this publication.


Our hero was born in the maternity hospital of the city of Klin (Moscow region) on August 4, 1945. There is practically no information about the parents of Viktor Smirnov. It is only known that these people had nothing to do with art and culture.

Beginning of adult life

After school, Smirnov studied glass blowing. Further, the future actor was waiting for the factory and work by profession. In parallel with work, our hero attended an amateur creative circle. This lesson played a huge role in the biography of Viktor Smirnov. After all, it was there that the actor realized that he wanted to devote his whole life to art. In the late 60s, our hero quits his job and goes to enter the Gorky Theaterschool.


Smirnov on the stage of the theater
Smirnov on the stage of the theater

After school, Viktor Smirnov was invited to work at the Penza Drama Theater named after A. V. Lunacharsky. Within the walls of this institution, our hero will stay for ten whole years. During all this time, he will play many interesting characters, including Klavdy Goretsky ("Wolves and Sheep"), Othello ("Othello"), Melikhov ("Quiet Flows the Don"), "The Cause You Serve" and others.

In 1983, creative changes took place in the biography of Viktor Smirnov: the actor left Penza and went to St. Petersburg, where he was accepted into the troupe of the Alexandrinsky Theater. The debut in this theater was the role of Emelyan Pugachev ("The Captain's Daughter"). Our hero coped with his role so well that he immediately became a favorite of the public.

In addition to The Captain's Daughter, the actor will take part in other equally popular productions of the Alexandrinsky Theater: The Power of Darkness, Sorry, Boris Godunov, Platonov, Woe from Wit, etc.


Smirnov and his acting career
Smirnov and his acting career

In the biography of Viktor Smirnov there was a place for cinema. His first film work was the picture of Alexander Ivanov and Evgeny Schiffers "The First Russians" (1967). The film tells about the workers of the Narva outpost of Petrograd, who at the beginning of the 20th century came to Altai to build an agricultural commune.

It should also be noted that, along with our hero, other notorious actors took part in the film "The First Russians": Vladimir Chestnokov, Nikolai Muravyov, Ivan Krasko and others.

KUnfortunately, the film by Alexander Ivanov and Evgeny Schiffers "The First Russians" did not give Viktor Smirnov overwhelming popularity. Moreover, the actor will completely stop acting right up to 1975. But after the filmography of our hero is replenished with the second film, his acting career will rapidly go up. By the way, the second work of Viktor Smirnov in the cinema was the film by Veniamin Dorman "The Lost Expedition".

Throughout his acting career, our hero managed to star in several dozen films, among them:

  • "Liquidation";
  • "Mole";
  • "Hope";
  • "Cool";
  • "National Security Agent 2";
  • "Made in USSR";
  • "Leningrad";
  • "Cruel Time";
  • "Olga and Konstantin";
  • "Everyday life and holidays of Serafima Glukina";
  • "Genius";
  • Alphonse and others


Smirnov theater and film actor
Smirnov theater and film actor

Personal life in the biography of actor Viktor Smirnov is very mysterious. And that's why. There is information that our today's hero was married twice: to Lydia Kvasnikova and Tamara Smirnova. However, what is most interesting, some sources refute this information, believing that these women have nothing to do with the actor. This refutation is explained by the fact that due to the fact that the artist has fairly common initials, there was confusion and the actor was credited with the wives of his full namesakes.

Interesting facts

We talked about the biography and personal life of Viktor Smirnov. Now the time has comeinteresting facts:

  1. For his services to culture and art, the actor was awarded several high awards, including "Honored Artist of the RSFSR", "People's Artist of the Russian Federation", etc.
  2. The last few years of his life, the actor struggled with cancer, but despite this, he continued to work in the theater.
  3. The biography of Viktor Smirnov and such a thing as "voicing" did not pass by. The artist's voice can be heard in the films High Security Comedy, Con Air, and others.

And finally

Viktor Smirnov - actor
Viktor Smirnov - actor

Our today's hero was a very good-natured person. This can be seen even in his photo. There were many difficulties in the biography of actor Viktor Smirnov, but because of this, he did not become embittered and cruel, which is not surprising in the modern world.

The life of this artist ended not so long ago - August 14, 2017. He, like many revered people, was buried at the Seraphim cemetery (St. Petersburg).

Throughout his acting career, Viktor Smirnov tried on dozens of roles. He could play both positive characters and negative ones, and he coped with such acting "scatter" equally well.

I want to believe that Viktor Smirnov will be remembered for many, many years to come. After all, you must admit, he rightfully deserved it.
