Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyaev Shavkat Miromonovich: biography, activities and interesting facts

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyaev Shavkat Miromonovich: biography, activities and interesting facts
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyaev Shavkat Miromonovich: biography, activities and interesting facts

In governing the republic, Mirziyaev Shavkat has always relied on his indisputable authority as a business executive and the support of President Karimov. He remained a minister for over 12 years.

Childhood of the minister

Mirziyaev comes from a respected medical family. His mother worked as a nurse, and his father was a doctor in a provincial tuberculosis dispensary. The young doctor and the girl created a strong family, in which Shavkat and his two sisters were born. Mirziyoev Shavkat, born in 1957, will pass the way to the top of power in the republic without failures and falls.

But a long marriage was not destined to take place, the future Prime Minister of Uzbekistan matured and tempered his character already in his childhood after the death of his mother. While caring for the sick, she contracted tuberculosis and soon died. The boy grew up already with his stepmother in a large family of 5 children: Shavkat Mirziyoyev, his stepmother's daughter, as well as a half-brother and two sisters served as a support for each other.

Mirziyoev Shavkat
Mirziyoev Shavkat

From the student bench

Following the example of his father, the boy decided to get an education and a profession respected in society. But he devoted his life not to medicine, but toagricultural business. At the age of 24, the guy graduated from the university with a degree in land reclamation engineer.

In fact, it is difficult to say which speci alty was more prestigious at that time in Uzbekistan: a doctor or an agrarian? The country increased the volume of cotton production at an accelerated pace on vast sown areas. Ameliorators were sharper than the well-being of the republic.

The man who decided the fate of vast territories of the earth at that time simply could not do without the attention of the party. So Mirziyaev Shavkat joined politics. Much later, in the new millennium, his political experience will be useful in creating his own party in Uzbekistan.

The career of a young specialist was recognized in the government for his creativity and competence in his field. Few people pay attention to this, but the current president and former minister was also a respectable figure in the world of science. The future politician wrote a scientific work on the topic “Model of the interaction of a pneumatic machine with soil in an irrigation furrow.”


In 1991, Shavkat was appointed to the post of head of the administration of the Mirzo-Ulugbek administration - one of the districts of Tashkent. Later, he will change several provinces until he falls under the direct leadership of President Karimov, who will fully appreciate his professionalism. From this moment on, Mirziyaev's career will steadily go up. And many of the politician's entourage could already predict his appointment to one of the highest posts in the republic.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev daughter
Shavkat Mirziyoyev daughter

Over time, these predictions were fully confirmed. Aged 46years Shavkat, by the decision of the Supreme Assembly of Uzbekistan, took the post of prime minister in the republic. The appointment was approved and even initiated by President Karimov himself. The next step was the creation of the Liberal Democratic Party in support of their ideas about the government of the republic.

Mirziyaev Shavkat is a prime minister who relies on the support of his team in his work. This political force was completely subordinate to Mirziyoyev. She wins the majority of seats in parliament and ensures the preservation of the prime minister's chair.

Karimov case

For the entire term in his post, the prime minister remained the curator of the agricultural sector with strict control over the pace of production in the republic. He was reappointed two more times to this position. For 12 years, the head of government has amassed an influential team of loyal associates. This served as a support for him already without the support of Karimov in the government.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev biography
Shavkat Mirziyoyev biography

When the president died in 2016, Shavkat Mirziyoev personally took care of organizing the funeral and received foreign delegates on this occasion. This finally cemented his reputation as a pupil of President Karimov in Uzbekistan. In the case of a minister like Shavkat Mirziyoev, the biography and track record of this person indicate devotion to the course of the outgoing president.

Mirziyoev Shavkat Prime Minister
Mirziyoev Shavkat Prime Minister

Personality of Mirziyoyev

According to friends and relatives, for people like Shavkat Mirziyaev, the family occupies a special place in life, but still not the first. closepeople have to share the head of the family with work. Even the creation of a family with Shavkat is woven into a career. His wife was the daughter of one of the Uzbek ministers. Since then, almost no episode in his personal life has become known to the curious public.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev family
Shavkat Mirziyoyev family

This is largely due to his image as a controlled minister in the patrimony of Karimov, the inhabitants mistakenly considered Shavkat a dependent official. Therefore, he was not perceived as an independent figure.

But a more detailed examination of the politician's career indicates the strong character of this person and, most importantly, the undeniable professionalism in his work. He belongs to the generation of officials who raised the economy in Uzbekistan. Now Mirziyoyev will already prove his independence in the presidency, in 2016 he was elected Karimov's successor in democratic elections with a score of 88.62%.

Firm hand

Already at the beginning of the presidential term, the government had to listen to a lot of complaints from the head of the republic. In each of the sectors of the economy, Mirziyoev put forward a number of demands to his subordinates. Among them, it is worth noting the main ones:

  • lack of initiative;
  • superficiality in assessing the situation;
  • insufficient work in the struggle for exports, etc.

The president associates any lags in economic indicators with specific reasons and openly names the culprits. People who know him have a conclusion that Mirziyoev has had a grudge against the work of his government for more than a year. But onlythe presidency gave him a free hand in solving the main problems of his team. Less than a year passed before the first dismissals, reprimands and arrests of high officials followed. In his work, the head of Uzbekistan demonstrates amazing awareness of the problems of the republic at all levels.

At one of the meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers, the politician even demanded to improve the equipment of medical institutions in villages and remote settlements.
